Monday, November 12, 2018


Stood in the school car line the other day. It was raining sideways and the umbrella wasn’t doing its job very well. I was miserable; the wind was cold and my whole body was chilled. I watched as parents let their children and out and then drove  by. They were all warm and dry, lol! Couldn’t help but wonder, "Do they know how miserable we are out here? Do they know we are out here, feet wet, hair dripping so the kids can get in safely?" I mean it was at least twenty-five minutes of miserable... 😳.  

Twenty five minutes is nothing and it made me ashamed when I think about what many have done for me! Many of us do not know true sacrifice. I was thinking as I was running yesterday that I have never truly been in a position where my life was in danger. Where I couldn’t find a comfortable bed, or have dry clothes and shoes, or call my loved ones and see them any time I want. I’ve never truly sacrificed my comforts. 

Every veteran who has ever served has. They have done it for you and me. They have done it so that we can continue in our comfortable homes, clothes, and those warm cars (man they loook great this time of year as they drive by 😂). They have sacrificed for each of our freedoms. Thank you for your service! Today and everyday!!!

( In no way am I comparing the car line to combat....although a tank may be helpful most days)

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