Welcome to Elkmont, Alabama. A blog dedicated to the sleepy little Southern town of Elkmont, Alabama and its people. We invite all those with good news, something worth braggin' about or announcements to submit their article to share with the Elkmont community. Pictures are welcome. Please visit often and see what is happening in Elkmont.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Mr. Rodney Allen Webster, 41 of Elkmont, Alabama passed away Sunday, July 29, 2012 in Elkmont AL. Funeral service will be Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 2PM at Spry Funeral Home Chapel with Mike Webster officiating. Burial in the Antioch Cemetery. Visitation will be 12 noon on Tuesday at Spry Funeral Home. Born August 2, 1970 in Limestone County, AL
Dwight A. Webster and wife Janie - Athens, AL
Dwight A. Webster and wife Janie - Athens, AL
Carolyn Lane and husband Jimmy - Elkmont, AL
Carolyn Lane and husband Jimmy - Elkmont, AL
Lisa Saxon and husband Shane - Athens, AL
Lisa Saxon and husband Shane - Athens, AL
Lori Campbell and husband Bradley - Elkmont, AL
Nancy Russ - Clements Community
Lori Campbell and husband Bradley - Elkmont, AL
Nancy Russ - Clements Community
Jarrod Flanagan - Pulaski, TN
Josh Webster - Athens, AL
Jarrod Flanagan - Pulaski, TN
Josh Webster - Athens, AL
Nieces & Nephews:
Hannah, Colton Lane, Kristine, April, Dakota, Breanna, Alexis, Allyssa
Hannah, Colton Lane, Kristine, April, Dakota, Breanna, Alexis, Allyssa
Jarrod Flanagan, Josh Webster, Shane Saxon, Michael Hardy, Leslie Bailey, Robert Ferguson
Jarrod Flanagan, Josh Webster, Shane Saxon, Michael Hardy, Leslie Bailey, Robert Ferguson
Monday, July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012
In this MegaVote for Alabama's 5th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes
Upcoming Congressional Bills
| |
Recent Senate Votes | |
Tax Cut Extension – Republican Substitute - Vote Rejected (45-54, 1 Not Voting) Following President Obama's call January 9 to let the Bush tax cuts lapse on personal income above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples, the Senate put itself on record last week by voting on the president's proposal and a Republican alternative. The Republican substitute amendment, offered by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., would have extended current rates for all income levels for one year. It also would have allowed a business property tax deduction up to $500,000, extended current estate tax levels for one year and a created "patch" for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) covering both 2012 and 2013. Tax Cut Extension – Passage - Vote Passed (51-48, 1 Not Voting) Following defeat of the substitute amendment, the Senate passed the president's preferred version of the bill. In addition to the income tax provisions, the bill would allow rates on capital gains and dividends to rise from 15 to 20 percent; allow business property deductions up to $250,000; extend the college tuition tax credit and child tax credit; and patch the AMT for 2012. The roll calls for both tax bills were noteworthy in that they took place under simple majority rules, an increasingly rare occurrence in the Senate. The House is scheduled to consider a bill (HR 8) more along the lines of the Senate Republican alternative, though Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, stated that he would allow a vote on the president's proposal as well. Cybersecurity – Cloture - Vote Agreed to (84-11, 5 Not Voting) After agreement was reached on allowing amendments, the Senate voted last week to invoke cloture on a compromise cybersecurity bill. Democrats' preferred bill (S. 2105), introduced in February by Homeland Security Committee chair Joe Lieberman, I-Ct., would have established a definition for "critical infrastructure" and mandated that private entities who own or oversee such infrastructure establish minimum security standards. This provision drew intense opposition from business interests, leading Republicans to introduce an alternative proposal, which has since been revamped (S. 3342). The bill under consideration would forego mandating action and instead create incentives for businesses to meet security standards. S. 3342 is still expected to be offered on the floor as a substitute amendment, and the underlying bill’s prospects for passage remain uncertain. The House passed a bill (H.R. 3523) in April that did not address the critical infrastructure issue in a substantial way, instead focusing on information-sharing between government and industry. The Senate bills address the latter issue as well, though each bill takes a different approach. President Obama has endorsed the Senate compromise and threatened to veto the House-passed bill. | |
Recent House Votes | |
Tribal Land Leases – Suspension - Vote Failed (222-160, 49 Not Voting) Last week the House failed to suspend the rules and adopt a bill that would have allowed up to six Native American tribes or tribal consortia to participate in a demonstration project that would have allowed for the leasing of tribal land to private entities from Turkey and other WTO countries without prior approval from the Interior Department. In order to suspend the rules, a two-thirds majority must support passage of a bill. Levee Construction – Suspension - Vote Failed (126-254, 51 Not Voting) Another suspension bill that failed to gain the necessary two-thirds was this Senate-passed measure. The bill would have allowed certain communities in North Dakota to construct levees on land otherwise set aside as flood plains. Oil and Gas Drilling – Passage - Vote Passed (253-170, 8 Not Voting) House Republicans, along with some crossover support from pro-drilling Democrats, passed a bill last week that would replace the Obama administrations 2012-2017 Outer Continental Shelf drilling plan with a more expansive proposal. The House alternative would nearly double the number of drilling leases, from 15 to 29 and it would include drilling off the coasts of California, Virginia, and South Carolina. In an effort to expedite leasing, the bill would also instruct the Interior Department to prepare a single environmental impact statement for all of the covered leases, rather than separate statements for each lease. President Obama has threatened to veto the proposal. Federal Reserve Audit – Suspension - Vote Passed (327-98, 6 Not Voting) This bill to audit the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the federal reserve banks easily cleared the two-thirds hurdle. The measure, long championed by Texas Republican Ron Paul, instructs the Comptroller General of the United States to complete the audit before year’s end and report his findings to Congress. The bill is unlikely to be taken up in the Senate. Regulatory Overhaul - Vote Passed (245-172, 14 Not Voting) Republicans passed a bill containing a suite of changes to current regulatory rules. The biggest change would place a moratorium on so-called "significant regulatory actions" - defined as rules that would cost the economy more than $50 million – until the national unemployment rate is six percent or lower. The bill would also ban the promulgation of "midnight rules" introduced by outgoing administrations after electoral defeat. The agency practice of settling with litigants in order to reach a compromise rule – labeled "sue-settle" by detractors – would be limited. Environmental permitting would be streamlined. Nearly two dozen amendments were offered, mostly by Democrats seeking to carve out exemptions for certain types of rules concerning matters such as workplace safety or drinking water standards. The bill is unlikely to be taken up in the Senate. | |
Upcoming Votes | |
Cybersecurity Act of 2012 - S.3414 Floor debate is likely to begin on the cybersecurity bill. Draft Farm bill - The House is scheduled to take up a one-year farm bill extension and offer disaster assistance to livestock and crop producers affected by the drought. Disaster aid would total $621 million and would be offset by a $261 million reduction in direct payments to certain farmers and $759 million in cuts to various conservations programs. Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 - H.R.8 This is the House Republican plan on the Bush tax cuts. It would extend current rates on income, capital gains and dividends for one year and patch the AMT for two years. Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 - H.R.6169 This bill would provide for expedited consideration of a tax reform bill introduced by the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee before April 30, 2013. |
Mo Brooks,
Senator Sessions,
Senator Shelby
This week I started with the laundry. I have been using white vinegar
instead of fabric softener. I just put the vinegar in my softener ball.
My clothes are nice and soft and none of them smell like vinegar. Now, a
gallon of white vinegar costs $3.29 while a gallon of fabric softener cost $15.99. If I use four gallons a year that is a savings of $50.80
per year, a start. Next step is making laundry detergent and putting up a
wash line in the backyard. Laundry detergent is currently costing me
$12.99 a gallon. Homemade will cost me $.50 per gallon. Since I use
about 6 gallons a year that is a savings of $74.94 per year. Last year
when our power went out I hung out the wash. It took me just a few
minutes and by the time I got the last few things hung up the first were
almost dry. I love fluffy towels so I am planning to dry the towels on
the line and then put them into the dryer on air for a few minutes to
fluff them up. I should see a savings of $202.80 for the year. To
calculate your savings go to http://www.dryertips.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-run-my-dryer.htmlFor the complete article, click on the link. TOTALLY READY BLOG
Hillspirit's Thoughts:
Remember to visit the Penny Pincher Pantry for a homemade laundry soap recipe. It is to the right under the other websites. I increased the borax and washing soda to 2 cups per bar of soap, seems to do a better job getting out real dirt. The less strong recipe on the "Pantry" site does get the stink out. I just wanted a bit more cleaning power. Since prices are going up and up due to the drought as well as other things, I'm going to stock up on crackers. We like soups when it gets cold and my hubby has to have crackers with his soup. I personally love homemade bread with mine but to each his own. I think the canning crackers idea on the "Pantry" might be worth trying.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Kayla Rachelle Allen left this world and moved to the next, July 24. She was a member of Elkmont's 2013 class. Kayla was quick to smile, loved being with others, enjoyed life and found humor in the smallest of things. Her warm outgoing personality will be missed.
Some of the kind thoughts written about her on facebook.
- I'm glad I got to know you while I had the chance. You will be missed and Elkmont won't be the same with out you.
- Kayla has been so heavy on my mind. It still doesn't seem real. This can't be real. My heart & self is just torn to pieces. Please keep Kayla's family & friends, also the Elkmont Class of 2013 in your prayers as we all go through this hard time of losin' such an amazing young soul. The good die young. Love & miss you pretty girl.
- Heaven gained a sweet & funny angel. Kayla, you'll be missed
- The world needs to gain more people like her, not lose them.
- I will miss you and our arguments in math class
Kayla Rachelle Allen-Maynard Dates: Birth date: March 23, 1995 Death date: July 24, 2012 Obituary:
Kayla Rachelle Maynard age 17 of Elkmont, passed away Tuesday, July 24, 2012. Kayla was born March 23, 1995 in Paris, TN to Stanley David Allen III and Christina Kay Brown.
Memorial service will be Saturday, July 28, 2012 2:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home. Visitation will be Saturday from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the funeral home prior to the Memorial service. Survived by her mother, Christina Kay Brown of Elkmont; dad, Marty Glenn Maynard of Hazel Green, AL; father, Stanley David Allen III of Meridanville, AL; sister, Rheygan Mae Maynard of Elkmont; brother, Marty (Clint) Maynard of Hazel Green, AL, Lance Corporal Raymond Matthew Tribble of Hazel Green, AL, brother, Rickey Allen Tribble, Jr. of New Market, AZ; sister, Specialist Kayla Mariann Maynard of Hazel Green, AL; brother, Anthony David Gurganus of NC; grandparents, Helen Ameen of Henry, IL; Bobby and Ruth Maynard of New Market, AL and Stanley David Allen II and Connie Allen of Gurley, AL. |
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Here is some important information for the Elkmont Red Devil Fan:
Event: Elkmont Football Fans: Ad sales are winding down. If possible, please have ad turned in by the end of the week. All players, cheerleaders, band members should have a form. If you need one let me know. If you would like a picture to be in your ad that is taken on Media Day (Aug. 11), just let me know. Football season is nearly here!!!! |
Contact Pam Moss with questions, 256.777.9459.
Reserved Seats are available. If you would like to renew your seats or are need of purchasing new seats please contact Heather Heather Harrison Hobbs either via email: hhobbs@ardmore.net, cell 256-777-7127 or facebook message. Cost is same as last year; $30 each seat and $15 per family for dues. You must be member of quarterback club to purchase reserved seats. |
Event: ELKMONT vs ARDMORE T-Shirts on Sale!! |
![]() Let's show our support for the 2012 Football Season by wearing our t-shirts on Friday, August 31, when ELKMONT takes on ARDMORE at Ardmore's Cooper Field! Contact Elkmont High School Band. Order forms will be available on the school website the first week of August. |
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The DaReDeViLs have been very successful for many years but this year has been the best. The Dare Devils proved themselves by being pre-season champs. Later in the season they all traveled to Birmingham to participate in the Birmingham state tournament. They played well and showed that they are one of the best teams in the state by being state champion runner-ups. The DareDevils placed 2nd in the Limestone County league. They also took 3rd in the Limestone County tournament for an end to their amazing season 2012.
The Dare Devils have a community page on facebook. To keep up with their travels, please visit at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elkmont-DaReDeViLs/331414033609985
The Dare Devils have a community page on facebook. To keep up with their travels, please visit at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elkmont-DaReDeViLs/331414033609985

The funeral for Barbara Ann Davidson, 75, of Athens will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Sry Funeral Home with Sammy Brister officiating.
Burial will be in Germantown Cemetery.
Visitation will be from noon-2 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
Mrs. Davidson died Monday, July 23, 2012, at home. She was born Jan. 27, 1937, in Giles County, Tenn.
She is survived by three sons, Charles Lynn Davidson of Elkmont, Time Davidson of Athens and Keith Davidson of Ardmore; two daughters, Barbara Toone and husband Bubba of Ardmore, Tenn., and Cindy Barnes and husband Tracy of Stella, Tenn.; two brothers, Charles Tyler of Illinois and Julian Tyler of Athens; one sister, Betty Jane Dollar of Athens; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012 |
Event: Band Camp Week 1 begins today! |
*****Band Camp*****
Week 1: July 30 - August 3Week 2: August 6 - 10
*****Daily Schedule*****
Morning Session: 9 am - 12 pmEvening Session: 5 pm- 9 pm Members will need to wear cool, loose fitting clothing and bring drinks, snacks, and sunscreen. Water and Gatorade will be provided. Members need a flip folder and lyre on Day 1. Be sure to have these items when you arrive. Marching Band Fees due by Friday, August 10. Picture Day: Friday, August 10. Band camp will be different this year! 7th Grade will participate in the marching program! Direct all questions to Mr. McChristian, 256.206.2498 |
Below is contact information for the 2012 - 2013 Band Booster Officers. Please feel free to contact them with any issues, questions or suggestions you may have to help grow and improve the EHS Band program.
President - Mike Ikard phone - 256-431-0542 email - mikeikard@gmail.com
Vice President - Dana Newport
Secretary - Cathy McChristian phone - 256-431-8448 email - cathymc49@yahoo.com
Treasurer - Shawn Birdwell phone - 256-665-3505 email - shawn.birdwell@athens.edu
Assistant Treasurer - Regina Hargrove phone - 256-431-1371 email - drhargrove@ardmore.net
Parliamentarian - Serena Ikard phone - 256-423-3957
Friday, July 20, 2012
Hey everyone, Steve Warner is one of the best entertainers in the music business. A Dear Friend, Matt Dame will be opening for Steve. Matt has performed at THE RED CABOOSE and is well on his way to stardom. This show you don't want to miss.
Gary Compton
“An Intimate Evening With…Steve Wariner”
Friday, July 20th,2012
Von Braun Center - Mark C. Smith Concert Hall
700 Monroe Street
Huntsville, Al 35801
Show Time: 8:00 pm
Tickets: $30 General Admission & $50 VIP (Orchestra Pit)
During his career, Steve Wariner has charted 14 #1 hits including songs like "Some Fools Never Learn," "Small Town Girl," "The Weekend," and "I Should Be With You." His four GRAMMY Awards include Best Country Collaboration with Vocals in 1992; and in 2000 and 2009 for Best Country Instrumental Performance. His Chet Atkins tribute earned him the Country Instrumental GRAMMY in 2010. In 1998 he won the Country Music Association’s Single and Song of the Year awards for his #1 hit, “Holes in the Floor of Heaven,” which was also the Academy of Country Music’s Song of the Year in 1999.
In addition to his 16 BMI Country Awards he has earned 15 Million-Air Awards for songs receiving over one million on-air plays. With 15 Million-Air Awards, Steve has reached a rare plateau achieved by only a fraction of BMI writer/artists including Chuck Berry, Stevie Nicks, Randy Owen, Hank Williams, Jr., Mike Love of the Beach Boys and Steve Winwood. In 2002 Steve started his own record label, SelecTone Records. He was inducted into the Music City Walk of Fame in 2008 and was inducted into the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame in April of last year. He joined the Grand Ole Opry in 1996.
Tip Link: http://www.householdmagicdailytips.com
Thursday, July 19, 2012
A graveside service for Lester “Leck” Anderson, 91, of Elkmont, will be at 11:45 a.m. today at Pleasant Hill Cemetery with Tim Anderson officiating.
Visitation will be from 10 to 11 a.m. at McConnell Funeral Home.
Mr. Anderson died at home Tuesday, July 17, 2012.
He was born Dec. 1, 1920, in Limestone County to John Anderson and Ella Mae Putman Anderson. He served in World War II. He was a farmer and painter. His favorite job was being a caretaker at Antioch Cemetery. He was a member of the Church of Christ faith. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, James Anderson, Raymond Anderson and J.L. Anderson; and two sisters, Margaret Martin and Lorene Norman.
He is survived by his loving wife of 69 years, Kathryn Weece Anderson; two daughters, Sherry Davis of Elkmont, and Cathy Worsham and husband Glen of Pulaski, Tenn.; one brother, Alvin Anderson of Tanner; two sisters, Gladys Miller of Elkmont; Louise Black of Elkmont; four grandchildren; Renea Davis Clem, Scott Davis, Scarlet Hardy and Heidi Lovelady; and four great-grandchildren, Davis Carter Clem, Jack Thomas Hardy, Lillie Hardy and Landon Lovelady.
Pallbearers will be John Witt, Richard Christensen, Tommy Hardy, Dennis Black, Mike Adams and Scott Davis.
Honorary pallbearers will be Scarlett Hardy, Renea Davis Clem and Heidi Loveday.
Visitation will be from 10 to 11 a.m. at McConnell Funeral Home.
Mr. Anderson died at home Tuesday, July 17, 2012.
He was born Dec. 1, 1920, in Limestone County to John Anderson and Ella Mae Putman Anderson. He served in World War II. He was a farmer and painter. His favorite job was being a caretaker at Antioch Cemetery. He was a member of the Church of Christ faith. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, James Anderson, Raymond Anderson and J.L. Anderson; and two sisters, Margaret Martin and Lorene Norman.
He is survived by his loving wife of 69 years, Kathryn Weece Anderson; two daughters, Sherry Davis of Elkmont, and Cathy Worsham and husband Glen of Pulaski, Tenn.; one brother, Alvin Anderson of Tanner; two sisters, Gladys Miller of Elkmont; Louise Black of Elkmont; four grandchildren; Renea Davis Clem, Scott Davis, Scarlet Hardy and Heidi Lovelady; and four great-grandchildren, Davis Carter Clem, Jack Thomas Hardy, Lillie Hardy and Landon Lovelady.
Pallbearers will be John Witt, Richard Christensen, Tommy Hardy, Dennis Black, Mike Adams and Scott Davis.
Honorary pallbearers will be Scarlett Hardy, Renea Davis Clem and Heidi Loveday.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
That “someone else” is China.
As Obama and the Federal Reserve cut the American economy to pieces with taxes, regulations, and crush it into oblivion with ungodly debt, China is setting up bilateral currency trading areas in Africa, Asia, and now, in Latin America.
And of course, there is not one happy or unhappy story from the president to Americans about this.
Why not?
This is a very big deal…
Is it because the president thinks that “no one country” should dominate the world, as he said in a speech to the United Nations in 2009?
Is it because he wants to see the US dollar go the way of his US birth certificate and the American economy, into the realm of fables and non-existence?
Like so many policies of this administration, one can only speculate on the reasons why an American president would work so diligently to deconstruct the greatest economy and greatest nation in the history of mankind…
To read the rest of the article, click on link:


In this MegaVote for Alabama's 5th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes
Upcoming Congressional Bills
| |
Recent Senate Votes | |
Small Business Tax Cut – Motion to Table - Vote Agreed to (73-24, 3 Not Voting) Taxes moved to the center of Washington political debate on July 9, when President Obama announced his support for extending the Bush tax cuts on the first $250,000 of household income for one additional year. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R.-Ky. sparred over the question of voting on the president’s proposal and on a one-year extension of the tax cuts for all income, which is Republicans’ preference. Ultimately no such votes were held. Instead the Senate proceeded to consideration of a small business tax cut bill, holding three votes in all. The first vote was a motion to table an amendment introduced by Reid. The amendment contained the text of a House-passed bill (H.R. 9, Roll Call 177) introduced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., which would allow a 20 percent deduction on taxable income for businesses with fewer than 500 employees. Max Baucus, D-Mont. moved to table (set aside) the amendment, and the motion was agreed to. Small Business Tax Cut –Cloture - Vote Rejected (57-41, 2 Not Voting) The next vote in this series was a cloture motion on a substitute amendment offered by Mary Landrieu, D-La. The Landrieu amendment would extend a number of tax benefits, including 100 percent expensing for equipment purchases, higher deductions for start-up costs, and elimination of capital gains taxes for certain small business stock. The motion fell three votes short, as 60 votes are needed to invoke cloture. Small Business Tax Cut – Cloture - Vote Rejected (53-44, 3 Not Voting) The final vote was another cloture motion, this time on the underlying bill. The bill would give employers a tax deduction of 10 percent on payroll increases from 2011 to 2012, up to $5 million. It would also extend 100 percent expensing for equipment purchases for one year. The President expressed support for the measure, but it is unlikely to be taken up in the House. | |
Recent House Votes | |
Veterans Licensing – Suspension Vote - Vote Passed (369-0, 62 Not Voting) The first of three suspension bills passed by the House last week would instruct the heads of federal agencies to recognize relevant training and skills acquired by veterans during their terms of service as meeting the requirements for federal licenses. The bill passed the House without a single “nay” vote and was cleared under unanimous consent two days later by the Senate. It is expected to be signed into law by President Obama. (Under suspension of the rules, a bill must receive two-thirds majority support for passage.) ATM Fee Disclosure – Suspension Vote - Vote Passed (371-0, 60 Not Voting) The next suspension bill would lift a requirement that ATMs bear a physical display warning users that they may incur a fee if they are not account holders at the financial institution that owns the ATM. Current law allows class action suits against institutions whose ATMs do not bear a placard, which can lead to frivolous actions by individuals who tore off the signs and then sued. Hydropower Generation – Suspension Vote - Vote Passed (372-0, 59 Not Voting) Last week’s final suspension concerned the regulatory process for small hydropower facilities. The bill would exempt facilities that generate up to 10,000 kilowatts of electricity from permitting by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). It would mandate an expedited review of permit requests by FERC and would also allow FERC to extend preliminary permits for up to two years. A similar bill (S. 629) was introduced in the Senate by Lisa Murkowski, R- Alaska and reported out of the Energy and Natural Resources in May 2011. Health Care Overhaul Repeal - Vote Passed (244-185, 2 Not Voting) In light of the Supreme Court’s largely upholding President Obama’s signature health care overhaul, House Republican leaders had pledged to hold another vote to repeal it. Last week, they made good on that promise. This was the second vote in this Congress to repeal the law in its entirety (much was made during floor debate that H.R. 6079 represented the 33rd repeal vote, as there have been numerous bills to repeal individual sections of the bill). Five Democrats voted for repeal – Dan Boren of Oklahoma, Mike Ross of Arkansas, Jim Matheson of Utah, and Larry Kissell and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina. Boren, Ross and McIntyre voted for repeal the first time, while Matheson and Kissell did not. Democrats offered a motion to recommit that would make any Member who voted to repeal the bill ineligible to receive the congressional health care package (Roll Call Number 459). The motion was rejected, largely along party lines. President Obama threatened a veto of the bill, though it will not be brought up in the Senate. Mining Project Permitting and Review - Vote Passed (256-160, 15 Not Voting) Following health care, the House moved on to a bill that would expedite the federal permitting and review process for mining of “critical” minerals. The bill defines “strategic and critical minerals” and then classifies all operations to extract those minerals as “infrastructure projects” in order to utilize a March 2012 executive order streamlining the permitting process for projects so defined. The bill also defines the process by which governing federal agencies should proceed in reviewing covered projects. Judicial review of challenges to covered projects would be prohibited after 60 days. President Obama issued an official statement criticizing the measure as providing far too broad a definition of critical minerals and for prioritizing mineral extraction on public lands over other uses such as hunting and grazing, charges echoed by congressional Democrats. The bill’s preamble outlines the importance of mineral production to national security and the economy. | |
Upcoming Votes | |
Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2012 - S.3369 The Senate is expected to hold a cloture vote on the motion to proceed to a campaign finance bill known as the DISCLOSE Act, which would require disclosure of campaign spending by entities such as unions and corporations above $10,000. Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2013 - H.R.6018 This measure would set policy and authorize spending levels for the State Department and related agencies such as the Peace Corps and USAID. Haqqani Network Terrorist Designation Act of 2012 - S.1959 This bill would require the Secretary of State to report to Congress within 30 days whether the Haqqani network meets the criteria for designation as a terrorist group, and if not, why not. United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 - S.2165 This bill would extend certain measures regarding military assistance to Israel. Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012 - H.R.5872 This bill would require a report from the President regarding the spending cuts required by last year’s Budget Control Act, referred to in congressional parlance as “sequestration.” Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2013 - H.R.5856 Coming up under an open rule, this measure will set FY 2013 spending levels for the Pentagon. |
Mo Brooks,
Senator Sessions,
Senator Shelby
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