Turned the papers in today. As of February 1st, I will be retired. I was at Reid Elementary in the late 80’s as a PE aide and worked 1/2 day at Reid and 1/2 day at Elkmont my first year of teaching. I spent the rest of my career at Elkmont High and now Elkmont Elementary School. So much has happened since that first day. I’ve seen the whole campus change, the administration change many times, and many improvements and demolitions over the years. I’ve seen many teachers and staff come and go and many stay who have become sisters and brothers to me. We’ve had our kids, watch them grow up and graduate and many of us have said good bye to parents during my time at EHS.
“Life “ has happened while I have been a part of EHS. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching and coaching many of you reading this and watching you grow into adults and marry and have children of your own. Many of those children I have not only met but get to interact with daily. It’s not many times I am in town or any where and I don’t hear a “Hey, Coach Pugh!” Playground, gym and car line have been a part of my life for a long time. Not going to act like moving on is easy. It can be scary. But it’s time. Been told over and over a teacher knows when it’s time to pass the gavel and this is my time.

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