Sunday, July 13, 2014


Have you wondered why clothes these days don't seem to get as clean or stay as fresh for as long as they used to? Whey towels seem to persistently stink?  It's not your imagination. It is actually tougher these days to get laundry truely clean.  The reason is that the government has banned the most effective types of detergents, supposedly for the benefit for the environment.  

So what's the secret to getting clothes clean again? The secret to getting your clothes to actually  clean , with using bleach, is TSP (tri-sodium phosphate).  Just add it in powder form to your laundry (about 1/4 cup for a full load) along with your regular detergent, including homemade detergent.  Your detergent will actually work like it is supposed to! TSP is used mainly painters as a cleaning agent, so look for it at paint and hardware stores.  I find mine at Lowe's at the end of the paint aisle, close to the tile section. However, I wouldn't use this on delicate fabrics. It might be ok but I wouldn't want to chance it.

Source: Independent Living

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