Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Did you know that some of the most common summer weeds and wild plants make great medicine?  Summer weeds soothe the itch of summer rashes, prevent the flu, relieve swelling, and more.  Some are simply packed with vitamins and minerals. Here is one of the best:

1. Plantain - The Soothing Plant
Plantain is a weed which is commonly found growing in lawns. They are rich in nutrients and very emollient. Use them to soothe skin irritations and promote healing inside and out.  Harvest the leaves of plantain. Both broad-leafed and narrow-leafed English plantain grow abundantly. Both kinds are useful, but the broad-leafed variety is often more abundant and contains more healing mucilage.

Plantain is a great plant to use for first aid. Simply crush it and apply the herb directly to abrasions, minor scratches and rashes. This crushed herb preparation is known as an herbal poultice. The poultice will draw heat from inflamed tissues, resulting in less discomfort. Swelling, itchiness and the risk of infection decreases when an herbal poultice is applied. You may secure the poultice to an injury with gauze or clean cloth if needed.
Plantain seeds may be eaten or made into a tea to relieve irritation within the digestive tract or to relieve constipation. Plantain improves liver and gall bladder function.

Plantain Oil
Plantain is best used fresh or prepared as oils, salves or tinctures. One of the best ways to prepare plantain is to make herbal oil. Pick the herbs. Let them wilt for an hour or so. Coarsely chop the herbs. Pack them tightly into a canning jar. Cover them with olive oil. The oil should cover the herbs by at least one inch. Run a knife through the blend to release any air bubbles. Cover the jar. Place it in a warm, sunny window for a couple of weeks. Shake the blend each day. After two weeks, carefully strain the oil from the herbs. Get rid of the used herbs. The remaining rich oil may be applied topically to promote healing of skin wounds, infections and irritation.


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