It's late and I race in Florence in the morning and of course can't get to sleep. XC banquet was last night. It is one of the highlights of the year when we come together to celebrate the team and their accomplishments for the year. It is a fun night with a lot of laughs and some tears for the seniors.
We are a family and it is great to get together. I was at a workshop on Wednesday and the presenter was speaking on the role of coaches. The data was told that 97% of Alabama high school athletes play their last game and never compete again when they are seniors.

I get to run and compete tomorrow at age 49. Running is a true lifetime sport that one can engage in as long as you can get up and move. It is a community of friends that can last a lifetime.

I love to celebrate my kids and their miles and miles of accomplishments in a season. I hope they continue through out their life to apply the lessons learned in training and racing and if they choose, I hope they continue to compete. Even if it is competing with themselves.
I hope they continue to grow in all they do. High School is tough. Life can be too. Find your gift. Find a way to challenge yourself daily to be better. Not the best necessarily, but better. This life with all of the ups and downs, highs and lows is controlled totally by action and reaction.
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