Thursday, November 10, 2016


November and December are the best months of the year to stock up on frozen turkeys and baking supplies.
Butter has gone up a lot this year but you can take advantage of the holiday sales to cut grocery costs next year.  What are you going to do with all that butter?  Your fridge probably doesn't have enough storage room for 12 boxes of butter or more but you might try the method below.  This is from the penny pinchers pantry. The author grew up in the Kentucky mountains and knows lots of things to make a dollar really stretch and how to store food even if the electricity goes out.

Canning Butter

After doing a LOT of research, I believe there is a SAFE way to can butter for long term use. There is much information on the internet about canning butter in your oven. DO NOT buy into it as it will only keep for about 6 months and it is not safe. Various home canners have reported to me that they have tried that method and within 6 months, a thin layer of black mold begins to grow on the butter. Others have tried a BOILING WATER BATH with only a slight improvement in the product.

Interested?  Read the whole article:  CANNING BUTTER

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