Monday, November 7, 2016


America has a decision to make this November 8th on Election Say. Who will be President? Several candidates believe all things should flow from government while one believes limited government intervention is the best way to go and the others are somewhere in-between. Their characters range from "Oh, my" to "I can trust him or her". We have four candidates on our ballot.
Links to campaign sites:
Donald Trump (Republican)

Hillary Clinton (Democrat)

Jill Stein (Green)

Gary Johnson (Libertarian)

If you don't want to vote for any of those four, you can always write someone in such as Evan McMullin (Independent) or Darrell Castle (Constitution Party). This election is about much more than the Heathcare mess, the economy and ever growing government. People often forget that the judicial branch is one of the main reasons this election is important. It does matter what philosophies are sitting on the bench, most can be broken down into two groups:


The Constitution is a "living document" and should change with society's current ideas; federal government given ever increasing power; Constitution can be twisted and interpreted to make it fit laws, rather than laws fit the Constitution.

Government should be small not only in size but also in scope and in power. Powers not strictly given to the federal government by the Constitution are retained by the states or individuals. Laws must follow the Constitution as written.

The next president could appoint as many as 5 new Supreme Court Justices over the next four years. They decide if a law is ok under our Constitution, for good or for bad.
1. Justice Scalia's seat is open
2. Justices Kennedy, Stephens, Ginsburg are 80 or older
3. Justice Breyer is

The next president could appoint as many as 5 new Supreme Court Justices over the next four years. They decide if a law can exist by our Constitution, for good or bad for possibly decades.
Whomever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges and all will be making decisions about our lives for decades to come.

You may not have a perfect candidate but you do have a choice this November.  You just have to choose what you want.

Be sure you know what you are voting for before you go to the polls next week

The outcome of the election will ensure the people of the United States will get the government they deserve.

Make your choice. May the odds be ever in your favor.

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