Elkmont's newest park had been a dream since April 2013. Plans for the Bassham-Phillips Park began with the purchase of the Mr. Will Ed Phillips property on McWilliams Street. Until construction of the water tank/pump station project located west on McWilliams Street, work on the park was delayed. Once that was completed, construction started in earnest until finished in the fall of 2017.
The Bassham-Phillips Park dedication was held on November 6th. This is a welcome addition to the community of Elkmont. The park was named in honor of Mr. Robert Bassham who served on the Elkmont Town Council - Place 3 for 35 consecutive years - May 21, 1979 until his resignation due to health reasons on May 21, 2014. Mr. Bassham passed away on January 2016.
Mr. Willie Lawrence Moore attended council meetings on a regular basis after his retirement, and was appointed to fill the vacancy in the office of Elkmont Town Council – Place 3 on June 26, 2014 due to the resignation of Mr. Bassham earlier in the year. He was very involved in the planning and development of the park and served faithfully until his death in February 2015.
Bassham, Phillips or Moore didn't live long enough to see the lovely park they helped to create. However as their families and the community of Elkmont enjoy the legacy that remains, these men will be remembered.

*Mayor, Tracy Compton, and members of the City of Elkmont Town Council
*Mayor, Tracy Compton, and members of the City of Elkmont Town Council
*members of the Bassham, Phillips
and Moore families
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