If you would like to make a financial contribution to the snack cabinet, please send the donation to Haley James.
Checks should be made payable to Elkmont Elementary. If you are
considering a monetary donation, please check with your employer (or
spouse's employer) to see if they will match your donation to the
school. Please make a note on the check that indicates it is for the snack fund.

Based on teacher feedback, Elkmont Elementary has about 80-90 students each day who do not have a snack. We do have left over breakfast items that are being used as snacks, and we will continue saving the extras for this purpose. The refrigerator will allow us to also save the fruit, milk and juice too!
This link below is a document of "healthy snacks" that we must follow at school to be compliant with state and federal regulations. While these guidelines may be frustrating, it is the reality of the situation and we have to comply since the snacks are served during the school day. Here are some examples:
Individually wrapped is best. Baked chips, trail mix, crackers, goldfish, popcorn, and pudding cups. We can have some yogurt but be careful of expiration We frequently get applesauce and fruit cups with our breakfast program, so these are items we usually have plenty of on hand.
The kids seem to love the string cheese and muffins when they are offered as extras from breakfast. These items usually go fast and there is never enough to go around for extras. I hope all of this information helps! We are so appreciative of the help on getting this started!! Thank you all for contributing!
Haley James, Principal
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