Welcome to Elkmont, Alabama. A blog dedicated to the sleepy little Southern town of Elkmont, Alabama and its people. We invite all those with good news, something worth braggin' about or announcements to submit their article to share with the Elkmont community. Pictures are welcome. Please visit often and see what is happening in Elkmont.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Doris June Weece, age 85 of Ardmore, AL died Saturday, August 25, 2018 at her home. She was born on Friday, June 30, 1933 in Prospect, TN, to the late Aaron Weece and Essie Wallace Weece. Ms. Weece was a life long resident of the Ardmore area, and a member of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents; three sisters, Kathryn Weece Anderson, Ruby Weece Roland, and Odell Weece Smith; three brothers, Jim Weece, Woodrow Weece, and Billy Weece; and one nephew, Kenneth Roland.
Ms.Weece is survived by her nieces, Cathy Worsham, Elkmont, AL, Vicky Jones, Pleasant Hill, TN, Sherry Davis, Elkmont, AL, Christy Hall, Ardmore, and Amy Heflin, Harkers Island, NC; great nieces and nephews; and great-great nieces and nephews.
A graveside service will be held on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 1:00 PM. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Prospect, TN.
Monday, August 27, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
The greatest tool at the disposal of globalists is the use of false paradigms to manipulate public perception and thus public action. The masses are led to believe that at the highest levels of geopolitical and financial power there is such a thing as "sides." This is utter nonsense when we examine the facts at hand.
We are told the-powers-that-be are divided by "Left" and "Right" politics, yet both sides actually support the same exact policy actions when it comes to the most important issues of the day and only seem to differ in terms of rhetoric, which is meaningless and cosmetic anyway. It is nothing but Kabuki theater.
We are told that corporate power must be balanced by government power and that government power must be balanced by "free markets," when in reality corporations are chartered and protected by governments and free markets simply do not exist in today's economy. In the case of social media "censorship," we are told that the solution is to use government power instead of simply launching our own alternative platforms. Yet, social media corporations exist in the form of monopolies exactly because of government power and intervention in business. The abuses of one "side" are being used to push us into the arms of the other side, which is just as abusive.
In terms of geopolitics, we are told that national powers stand
"at cross-purposes;" that they have different interests and different
goals, which has led to things like "trade wars" and sometimes shooting
wars. Yet, when we look at the people actually pulling the strings in
most of these countries, we find the same names and institutions.
Whether you are in America, Russia China, the EU, etc., globalist think
tanks and international banks are everywhere, and the leaders in all of
these countries call for more power for such institutions, not less.
The wars, no matter what form they take, are a circus for the public. They are engineered to create controlled chaos and manageable fear. They are a means to influence us towards a particular end, and that end, in most cases, is more power in the hands of a select few. In each instance, people are being convinced to believe that the world is being divided when it is actually being centralized. The key to any magic show is to get the audience to participate in the lie; to get them to focus on the distracting hand, to assume that what they are seeing is actually what is really happening, to suspend their skepticism.
Make no mistake, what we are seeing in geopolitics today is indeed a magic show. The false East/West paradigm is as powerful if not more powerful than the false Left/Right paradigm. For some reason, the human mind is more comfortable with the idea of divisions and chaos, and it recoils indignantly at the notion of "conspiracy." But conspiracies and conspirators can be demonstrated as a fact of history. Organization among elitists is common regardless of their national point of origin.
Globalists themselves are drawn together by an ideology. They have no common nation, they have no common political orientation, they have no common cultural background or religion, they herald from the East just as they herald from the West. They have no true loyalty to any mainstream cause or region of the planet.
What do they have in common? They seem to exhibit many of the traits of high level narcissistic sociopaths, who make up a very small percentage of the human population. These people are predators, or to be more specific, they are parasites. They see themselves as naturally superior to others, but they often work together if there is the promise of mutual benefit.
The closest thing I can relate narcissistic sociopaths (and thus globalists) to in mythology would be vampires. I have often wondered if the concept of "vampires" was created as a way for common people of the dark ages to explain the soulless and monstrous behavior of the elites of their time. The notion that any person is capable of that kind if evil is hard for people to accept to this day. Vampires are usually depicted as elites, hiding in plain site as leaders of communities in the upper echelons of society. They seek out a village, insert themselves as upstanding patrons and aristocrats, then feed until that village is destroyed. Afterward, they move on to the next village. This is what they are. This is what they do, and they do it in organized fashion to make the process more efficient.
It takes a village to feed a vampire, or a narcissistic sociopath.
I relate this metaphor because I think it's important for common people to understand what we are really dealing with here. When some of us recoil at the notion of a cabal at the highest levels of finance and politics working towards nefarious purposes, they should know that this is easily explained not only in terms of historic myths and archetypes, but in well documented psychological study.
Analysts and activists within the liberty movement have proven impressively immune to many of the narratives and lies of conspiratorial globalists, which is why they are now the main target of multiple propaganda campaigns. Globalists don't feel comfortable climbing into their coffins to sleep during the day while so many Van Helsings are lurking about exposing their activities.
The latest propaganda effort I have seen is the idea of a "multipolar world" developing in the wake of what the IMF refers to as the "global economic reset." In fact, the term "multipolar world" is being used in alternative media circles a lot these days, and this is once again a ploy designed to con us into believing that centralization is no longer a threat and that the divisions we see are real rather than fabricated.
Under the multipolar narrative, we are told that the shift away from the U.S. dollar as the world reserve is now happening and that this is being led by Eastern political powers seeking alternatives. This is true, to a point.
The lies surrounding this development are many, though. We are told that Eastern political powers are at odds with globalists and globalism — this is false. We are told that BRICS nations are seeking a decentralized system to replace dollar hegemony — this is false. We are told that Eastern leaders like Putin and Xi are countering the globalist power grab and are being targeted by the powers-that-be as if they are "rebelling" against the empire — this is also false. We are told that the trade war is a means for Donald Trump to disrupt globalization and throw a monkey wrench into the globalists plans — this is fantasy.
Liberty activists and analysts are particularly susceptible to the idea because it plays on our desire to see the longstanding dollar-based empire of the Federal Reserve fall into the oblivion it deserves. The problem is that the narrative is based on the fraudulent assumption that the globalist empire is rooted in the "American empire."
Here are the facts:
Globalist influences are hyper-present in eastern nations. For example, Vladimir Putin, who is often depicted as some kind of anti-globalist hero in liberty movement discussions, is not anti-globalist at all. Putin was "discovered" by vocal new world order proponent Henry Kissinger decades ago in the early 1990s before he took on the role as acting president of Russia. Putin relates the meeting with Kissinger and their longstanding friendship in the book First Person, his autobiographical account of his early career.
Contrary to popular belief in the liberty movement, Putin did not kick out international banks or remove their power structures during his presidential rise. In fact, Rothschild banks still operate in Russia to this day, while Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan continue to act as the largest investment banks in the country.
The globalist presence in Russia is perhaps why the nation developed such a close relationship with the IMF after the fall of the Soviet Union, why they continue their ties to the IMF an the Bank for International Settlements to this day and why the Kremlin has in the past called for a new global currency system controlled by the IMF.
China has also called for the same new monetary system, not decentralized, but completely centralized under the IMF. China also continues its ties to the BIS and Goldman Sachs is heavily involved in Chinese government activities and business arrangements. Only last year, Goldman established a $5 billion deal with an arm of the Chinese government to make it easier to purchase companies and assets within the United States. Donald Trump praised the deal as beneficial to the U.S., which is not surprising considering the number of Goldman Sachs alumni Trump has involved in his cabinet.
Trump has also had extensive dealings with Rothschild connected banking elites for the past 25 years. Wilber Ross, an investment banker working for the Rothschilds, was the primary agent that bailed Trump out of his considerable debts surrounding his Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. After Trump's rise to the White House, he made Wilber Ross commerce secretary.
Clearly, there is no "division" between the world's political leaders when it comes to who they are allied with. Globalists and international banks are involved with all of them. But what about the rest of the world in general? Isn't the trade war causing division and decentralization among nations and economies? Not really.
Consider Russia's oil pipeline deal with Germany, or Russia's latest deal to allow China to farm over 2.5 million acres of Russian land, helping directly combat U.S. sanctions. Or what about the Caspian Sea deal between Russia, Iran and multiple other countries to end the dispute over the region? And how about China's defiance of sanctions on Iranian oil?
These are just some of the latest examples of the rest of the world melding into a larger conglomerate in the wake of the trade war. The trade war is bringing all these supposedly disparate countries together in a way that is rather convenient for globalists. If we take into account the reality of globalist influence in all major economies, then we have to also take into account the possibility that the "global economic reset" is not about a "multipolar world," but an even more centralized unipolar world. A world which sacrifices the U.S. model along with the dollar as world reserve and replaces it with something even worse.
In the meantime, liberty activists are being told that they should rally around the death of dollar and the global reset as if it is the end of globalism. In other words, we are supposed to stupidly believe that the shift to the new world order is "decentralization" simply because they call it "multipolar." Just because the U.S. is no longer the face of the beast does not mean the beast is gone.
To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
The greatest tool at the disposal of globalists is the use of false paradigms to manipulate public perception and thus public action. The masses are led to believe that at the highest levels of geopolitical and financial power there is such a thing as "sides." This is utter nonsense when we examine the facts at hand.
We are told the-powers-that-be are divided by "Left" and "Right" politics, yet both sides actually support the same exact policy actions when it comes to the most important issues of the day and only seem to differ in terms of rhetoric, which is meaningless and cosmetic anyway. It is nothing but Kabuki theater.
We are told that corporate power must be balanced by government power and that government power must be balanced by "free markets," when in reality corporations are chartered and protected by governments and free markets simply do not exist in today's economy. In the case of social media "censorship," we are told that the solution is to use government power instead of simply launching our own alternative platforms. Yet, social media corporations exist in the form of monopolies exactly because of government power and intervention in business. The abuses of one "side" are being used to push us into the arms of the other side, which is just as abusive.
The wars, no matter what form they take, are a circus for the public. They are engineered to create controlled chaos and manageable fear. They are a means to influence us towards a particular end, and that end, in most cases, is more power in the hands of a select few. In each instance, people are being convinced to believe that the world is being divided when it is actually being centralized. The key to any magic show is to get the audience to participate in the lie; to get them to focus on the distracting hand, to assume that what they are seeing is actually what is really happening, to suspend their skepticism.
Make no mistake, what we are seeing in geopolitics today is indeed a magic show. The false East/West paradigm is as powerful if not more powerful than the false Left/Right paradigm. For some reason, the human mind is more comfortable with the idea of divisions and chaos, and it recoils indignantly at the notion of "conspiracy." But conspiracies and conspirators can be demonstrated as a fact of history. Organization among elitists is common regardless of their national point of origin.
Globalists themselves are drawn together by an ideology. They have no common nation, they have no common political orientation, they have no common cultural background or religion, they herald from the East just as they herald from the West. They have no true loyalty to any mainstream cause or region of the planet.
What do they have in common? They seem to exhibit many of the traits of high level narcissistic sociopaths, who make up a very small percentage of the human population. These people are predators, or to be more specific, they are parasites. They see themselves as naturally superior to others, but they often work together if there is the promise of mutual benefit.
The closest thing I can relate narcissistic sociopaths (and thus globalists) to in mythology would be vampires. I have often wondered if the concept of "vampires" was created as a way for common people of the dark ages to explain the soulless and monstrous behavior of the elites of their time. The notion that any person is capable of that kind if evil is hard for people to accept to this day. Vampires are usually depicted as elites, hiding in plain site as leaders of communities in the upper echelons of society. They seek out a village, insert themselves as upstanding patrons and aristocrats, then feed until that village is destroyed. Afterward, they move on to the next village. This is what they are. This is what they do, and they do it in organized fashion to make the process more efficient.
It takes a village to feed a vampire, or a narcissistic sociopath.
I relate this metaphor because I think it's important for common people to understand what we are really dealing with here. When some of us recoil at the notion of a cabal at the highest levels of finance and politics working towards nefarious purposes, they should know that this is easily explained not only in terms of historic myths and archetypes, but in well documented psychological study.
Analysts and activists within the liberty movement have proven impressively immune to many of the narratives and lies of conspiratorial globalists, which is why they are now the main target of multiple propaganda campaigns. Globalists don't feel comfortable climbing into their coffins to sleep during the day while so many Van Helsings are lurking about exposing their activities.
The latest propaganda effort I have seen is the idea of a "multipolar world" developing in the wake of what the IMF refers to as the "global economic reset." In fact, the term "multipolar world" is being used in alternative media circles a lot these days, and this is once again a ploy designed to con us into believing that centralization is no longer a threat and that the divisions we see are real rather than fabricated.
Under the multipolar narrative, we are told that the shift away from the U.S. dollar as the world reserve is now happening and that this is being led by Eastern political powers seeking alternatives. This is true, to a point.
The lies surrounding this development are many, though. We are told that Eastern political powers are at odds with globalists and globalism — this is false. We are told that BRICS nations are seeking a decentralized system to replace dollar hegemony — this is false. We are told that Eastern leaders like Putin and Xi are countering the globalist power grab and are being targeted by the powers-that-be as if they are "rebelling" against the empire — this is also false. We are told that the trade war is a means for Donald Trump to disrupt globalization and throw a monkey wrench into the globalists plans — this is fantasy.
Liberty activists and analysts are particularly susceptible to the idea because it plays on our desire to see the longstanding dollar-based empire of the Federal Reserve fall into the oblivion it deserves. The problem is that the narrative is based on the fraudulent assumption that the globalist empire is rooted in the "American empire."
Here are the facts:
Globalist influences are hyper-present in eastern nations. For example, Vladimir Putin, who is often depicted as some kind of anti-globalist hero in liberty movement discussions, is not anti-globalist at all. Putin was "discovered" by vocal new world order proponent Henry Kissinger decades ago in the early 1990s before he took on the role as acting president of Russia. Putin relates the meeting with Kissinger and their longstanding friendship in the book First Person, his autobiographical account of his early career.
Contrary to popular belief in the liberty movement, Putin did not kick out international banks or remove their power structures during his presidential rise. In fact, Rothschild banks still operate in Russia to this day, while Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan continue to act as the largest investment banks in the country.
The globalist presence in Russia is perhaps why the nation developed such a close relationship with the IMF after the fall of the Soviet Union, why they continue their ties to the IMF an the Bank for International Settlements to this day and why the Kremlin has in the past called for a new global currency system controlled by the IMF.
China has also called for the same new monetary system, not decentralized, but completely centralized under the IMF. China also continues its ties to the BIS and Goldman Sachs is heavily involved in Chinese government activities and business arrangements. Only last year, Goldman established a $5 billion deal with an arm of the Chinese government to make it easier to purchase companies and assets within the United States. Donald Trump praised the deal as beneficial to the U.S., which is not surprising considering the number of Goldman Sachs alumni Trump has involved in his cabinet.
Trump has also had extensive dealings with Rothschild connected banking elites for the past 25 years. Wilber Ross, an investment banker working for the Rothschilds, was the primary agent that bailed Trump out of his considerable debts surrounding his Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. After Trump's rise to the White House, he made Wilber Ross commerce secretary.
Clearly, there is no "division" between the world's political leaders when it comes to who they are allied with. Globalists and international banks are involved with all of them. But what about the rest of the world in general? Isn't the trade war causing division and decentralization among nations and economies? Not really.
Consider Russia's oil pipeline deal with Germany, or Russia's latest deal to allow China to farm over 2.5 million acres of Russian land, helping directly combat U.S. sanctions. Or what about the Caspian Sea deal between Russia, Iran and multiple other countries to end the dispute over the region? And how about China's defiance of sanctions on Iranian oil?
These are just some of the latest examples of the rest of the world melding into a larger conglomerate in the wake of the trade war. The trade war is bringing all these supposedly disparate countries together in a way that is rather convenient for globalists. If we take into account the reality of globalist influence in all major economies, then we have to also take into account the possibility that the "global economic reset" is not about a "multipolar world," but an even more centralized unipolar world. A world which sacrifices the U.S. model along with the dollar as world reserve and replaces it with something even worse.
In the meantime, liberty activists are being told that they should rally around the death of dollar and the global reset as if it is the end of globalism. In other words, we are supposed to stupidly believe that the shift to the new world order is "decentralization" simply because they call it "multipolar." Just because the U.S. is no longer the face of the beast does not mean the beast is gone.
To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Filled in as principal today; had to take care of some minor incidences.
Little lady in kindergarten squirted soap in the floor and proceeded
to do an Irish dance in it, according to some reliable sources who can
trace the letter “A”
😉.... She had soap from head to toe when she came in the office. I said “What
happened?” She looked at me through soap covered glasses and replied
Well, my Mr. Principal side came out and I let her know she doesn’t put soap in the floor and she should never talk to an adult like she did. After speaking to her, she walked out and to class. The teacher said when she walked in she said, “How was he the coach one day and the principal the next?” These kids....these kids...
Have a good one !

Well, my Mr. Principal side came out and I let her know she doesn’t put soap in the floor and she should never talk to an adult like she did. After speaking to her, she walked out and to class. The teacher said when she walked in she said, “How was he the coach one day and the principal the next?” These kids....these kids...
Have a good one !
Monday, August 20, 2018
The Elkmont High School Band's 8th Annual Elkmont Car Show is this Saturday, August 25. This is one of many fundraisers to help the band with their yearly expenses.
Registration will start at 8:00am. The gates will open at 10:00am and will end with awards at 2:00pm. Entries will be accepted till 1:30pm.
The entry fee to enter the day of event will be $20.00 per vehicle with $5.00 admissions at the gate for spectators and 10 and under will be admitted free.
You might win $100.00; money will be given away every hour starting at 10:30am. Door prizes will be drawn all day for car participants only. A 50/50 drawing will be given away which will include both car participates and spectators. Tickets will be sold all day for the 50/50.
We will have a selection of food vendors including shaved ice that will be available all day and lots of merchandise and craft vendors will also be set up. Entertainment will be provided so bring those lawn chairs and join us on the hilltop. The weather is going to be beautiful with a high in the mid 80s.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
What makes this system work is that it gives temporary relief, so these suppressive drugs must be taken again and again. Repeat business builds the drug culture. Do you suppose the people in the inner sanctums of the drug cartel don't know how their drugs create repeat business over and over? Just look at their commercials. You will be living the good life in no time if you would only take this or that drug for the rest of your life. The control by the 1 percent of the 99 percent can be summed up in two words: "Psychological warfare." Fascism is the union of government and big business. You might call this corporatism. In this system, the people are pawns. Government, Big Pharma and their partners in crime like ADM (Archer Daniels Midland), Dow and Bayer are engaged in a fascist system in which an unwitting populace is kept fat and stupid and without choices.
When you become ill, corporate medicine including doctors, pharmaceuticals, hospitals and insurance companies band together to offer you "wellness." What a lie. Even those who understand and recognize the system for what it is are allowed fewer opportunities to opt out. Public health policies which are supposed to prevent illness? Dear reader, here is public health, presented to you by those in power: institute mass vaccination from birth to control the population, mass fluoridation and processed foods to make them dumber and exceedingly sickly, then a "gentle death" by massive morphine overdose to send them on their way when they are no longer productive.
The Japanese have possibly the healthiest and long-lived citizenry on Earth, and their government has banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States. Neonnettle reports, "Citizens are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma. The people of Japan, therefore, ruled that no profit was large enough to compensate for the adverse health effects suffered by their children."
Back in America, while we're alive and for however long we last we have the people who earn money and produce goods and services being bilked out of any profits they might make for "insurance" premiums which then pay for socialized medicine for both the insured and those who do not have insurance (because corporate caregivers don't refuse to treat), and those same people — the only ones who pay taxes — are then bilked again for socialized medicine known as Medicare.
Food vs. modern medicine
To stay out of this cycle of death offered to us by today's corporatist medical system, we don't need "health care" and drugs. We first need diet education and diet reversal. As it turns out, it can't be verified that Hippocrates ever said "Let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." However, there is a Hippocratic-era work called On Aliment that states: "In food excellent medication, in food bad medication, bad and good relatively." I believe in this wholeheartedly, and have recommend to you many times, and to anyone who will listen, the Nutritarian Diet created by Dr. Joel Furhman.
However since we were talking about Japan, let's take a lesson from the longest-lived people on Earth, those who live on the island of Okinawa in Japan. A large percentage of Okinawans live healthily and to well over 100 with almost no heart disease, and without ever having to visit a doctor. One reason is something I have also written to you about many times: They have the lowest levels of homocysteine ever measured on Earth.
Homocysteine being linked to heart disease was discovered in 1968, but here's something new: Knowing your homocysteine level is even more useful than anyone thought because it can predict other diseases and conditions. Homocysteine can cause blood clots, stroke and gangrene. Homocysteine is intimately involved in diseases of aging such as Alzheimer's and arthritis and can signal the start or presence of other diseases like psoriasis, kidney disease and cancer.
The good news is that you can keep your homocysteine level low naturally and without pharmaceutical intervention. The famous Okinawa Centenarian Study found that Okinawans keep their levels low because they eat foods high in B-vitamins like folate, B6 and B12. If you supplement your B-vitamins, use the methylcobalamin form of B12, and not cyanocobalamin. Be aware that antacids or ulcer drugs will lower stomach acid secretion and decrease the ability to absorb vitamin B12.
Poor diet, the likes of that which is recommended by standard medicine, causes poor methylation. A lack of B-vitamins in particular causes an excess of homocysteine to spill out of our cells into the bloodstream where it damages the arteries, setting the stage for disease. Therefore, you need methyl donors in supplementation. If your homocysteine is over 7, taking Dimethylglycine (DMG) will protect your blood vessels by virtue of being a methyl donor, which lowers homocysteine and protects the body — and the heart — from damaging inflammation.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Friday, August 17, 2018
The community of Elkmont had a great time with this contest last year. Almost all of our candidates won the weekly Applebee Athlete of the Week. This contest been renewed for another school year so get those electronic machines warmed up. Cast your vote below for the Applebee's Neighborhood Athlete of the Week! The winner will be announced on Saturday's Tailgate Talk and picks up a gift card from Applebee's! Last day to vote is August 17 @ 5 pm.
Link for voting: DAVIS HOBBS
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think
The political philosophy of democratic socialism is ascendant in the Democrat Party. From party bigwigs to grumpy old uncle Bernie Sanders to the new darling of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats are finally openly embracing what they long denied — that they desire a collectivist, property-free socialist society with all power channeled to government. Like all statists, democratic socialists want to grow government to solve a problem created by government, and to do so under cover of mob rule (the vote).
Socialism is a philosophy of envy. When one sees something another has and decides he wants it, rather than earn it on his own merits he wants the power of government to take it and either give it to him or redistribute it to the masses. Often the socialist doesn't want that something for himself as much as he doesn't want someone else to have it.
Socialism is also a philosophy of racism, weakness, ineptitude and collectivism in that it assumes one gained what he has by way of special privilege not afforded everyone if they are of a different race or creed or social standing (a minority); and that one cannot obtain a thing or advance economically without the assistance of government or the collective.
When American politicians talk about "rights" and "liberty," they certainly are not talking about our personal and individual liberty. For them, "rights" and "liberty" are code words for groupism (the crowd). Politicians and bureaucrats never remotely consider personal or individual liberty. Government under any name or label is all about making and passing laws that strengthen and grow government. Where there are many laws, there is no individual freedom. Where there is no individual freedom, there is no freedom at all. Politicians and bureaucrats have so skillfully imposed the word "democracy" into the lexicon that the crowd confuses groupism with individual liberty. Democracy by all definitions is mob rule, or groupism. It is anathema to individual liberty.
Democracy does not equal human liberty. Democracy precisely means the manipulated mob. Mobs are rarely if ever spontaneous. They are usually manipulated events like the Arab Spring events of a few of years ago or the Antifa riots of late and coming to a city near you.
As always, the spokesmen for the "movements" talk about creating or reinstalling democracy and liberty as their motivation. Politicians and their useful idiots must do this in order to confirm and reaffirm their political identity to the eyes and ears of the system bosses. Lawyers love socialism except for themselves. Why? It's because they created it and they parasite off it. Have you noticed that the Bar Association in every country always supports government? Lawyers write the laws that channel all power, authority and wealth to the government. They create confusion so the people can't understand the law and can't understand esoteric (hidden) political and "legal" manipulation of the public. So lawyers create socialism and label it democracy. Socialism is a disguised system of stealing the wealth and production of the producers of wealth with spurious laws. Stealing or taking from producers and transferring it to nonproducers make for very sophisticated and concealed class warfare. In other words, it is a parasite system with the parasites ruling and fleecing their host through deception.
It is obvious that government parasites have to have "friends" and allies. They are not at all confused about who their natural allies are. Politicians and bureaucrats achieve balance of power (deceptive rule by consent) by subtly playing economic class, cultural and racial minorities against the producers.
Producers are softened and neutered into passiveness by a constant campaign of altruistic propaganda. It works! Producers and creators actually become persuaded that they should support the system of unequal equality. Now the politicians have a double lock on the public mind. It is their ultimate goal that guarantees their safety and security and preparation for the New World Order — already in existence. The more complete the deception, the more complete the power.
There is yet another element that guarantees the survival and credibility of "democracy." It is the covert and implied sanction of organized religion — not Christianity, but a very well concealed Oriental mysticism that pervades organized religion. It is an esoteric force for world unity. Manipulating minorities who are naturally drawn to socialism is a basic political strategy to justify government politics and plunder. Who are minorities? They are, of course, the racial minorities. But there are a whole lot more than that. There are homosexual minorities, feminine minorities, so-called "civil rights" minorities, cultural minorities and all the minorities that make up the "diversity" of the nation.
Public policy is molded on these manipulated minority influences, all contributing to the power and collectivism of government. This is all an invisible charade, an organism, with a totally different and opposite orientation to individual liberty. It is in reality New Age slavery, a benevolent totalitarianism, an illusion of freedom.
One can always identify minority special interests simply because they welcome government intervention and intrusion (socialism) as a net for perceived social inequality, poverty and underachievement. Guilt manipulation and all manner of charades are used to force social and economic equality where none is earned. Organized religion does not recognize human diversity and natural inequality. All are deserving of the blessings of God and the equal benefits of the community. Nothing is ever mentioned about earning social and economic benefits through personal achievement.
Manipulating minorities who are naturally drawn to socialism is a basic political strategy to justify government politics and plunder.
The principle of government is that political power is maximized by forcibly leveling every individual to the same status of conformity, collectivism, ecumenicalism and serfdom. The truth goes deeper. Because of perceived social, cultural, racial and psychic inferiority, minorities desire to parasite on government force and socialism to subvert those they envy and wish to imitate.
It would never succeed except for the very sophisticated propaganda of altruism. Altruism has a double meaning. To the unsuspecting public, it appears good. But it is hypocrisy with a hidden agenda to cover evil. It is the philosophical basis of democracy and benevolent totalitarianism.
Altruism cleverly hides the depravity of human nature. It makes evil appear good and good appear evil. See no evil, hear no evil, do no evil permeates the propaganda. It conceals the political agenda, promotes ignorance of public health, creates a state of mind of dependence on government and the medical establishment and quashes every form of individualism, independence and creative thinking.
The people must be controlled without being aware. Non-awareness is the key.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
The political philosophy of democratic socialism is ascendant in the Democrat Party. From party bigwigs to grumpy old uncle Bernie Sanders to the new darling of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats are finally openly embracing what they long denied — that they desire a collectivist, property-free socialist society with all power channeled to government. Like all statists, democratic socialists want to grow government to solve a problem created by government, and to do so under cover of mob rule (the vote).
Socialism is a philosophy of envy. When one sees something another has and decides he wants it, rather than earn it on his own merits he wants the power of government to take it and either give it to him or redistribute it to the masses. Often the socialist doesn't want that something for himself as much as he doesn't want someone else to have it.
Socialism is also a philosophy of racism, weakness, ineptitude and collectivism in that it assumes one gained what he has by way of special privilege not afforded everyone if they are of a different race or creed or social standing (a minority); and that one cannot obtain a thing or advance economically without the assistance of government or the collective.
When American politicians talk about "rights" and "liberty," they certainly are not talking about our personal and individual liberty. For them, "rights" and "liberty" are code words for groupism (the crowd). Politicians and bureaucrats never remotely consider personal or individual liberty. Government under any name or label is all about making and passing laws that strengthen and grow government. Where there are many laws, there is no individual freedom. Where there is no individual freedom, there is no freedom at all. Politicians and bureaucrats have so skillfully imposed the word "democracy" into the lexicon that the crowd confuses groupism with individual liberty. Democracy by all definitions is mob rule, or groupism. It is anathema to individual liberty.
Democracy does not equal human liberty. Democracy precisely means the manipulated mob. Mobs are rarely if ever spontaneous. They are usually manipulated events like the Arab Spring events of a few of years ago or the Antifa riots of late and coming to a city near you.
As always, the spokesmen for the "movements" talk about creating or reinstalling democracy and liberty as their motivation. Politicians and their useful idiots must do this in order to confirm and reaffirm their political identity to the eyes and ears of the system bosses. Lawyers love socialism except for themselves. Why? It's because they created it and they parasite off it. Have you noticed that the Bar Association in every country always supports government? Lawyers write the laws that channel all power, authority and wealth to the government. They create confusion so the people can't understand the law and can't understand esoteric (hidden) political and "legal" manipulation of the public. So lawyers create socialism and label it democracy. Socialism is a disguised system of stealing the wealth and production of the producers of wealth with spurious laws. Stealing or taking from producers and transferring it to nonproducers make for very sophisticated and concealed class warfare. In other words, it is a parasite system with the parasites ruling and fleecing their host through deception.
It is obvious that government parasites have to have "friends" and allies. They are not at all confused about who their natural allies are. Politicians and bureaucrats achieve balance of power (deceptive rule by consent) by subtly playing economic class, cultural and racial minorities against the producers.
Producers are softened and neutered into passiveness by a constant campaign of altruistic propaganda. It works! Producers and creators actually become persuaded that they should support the system of unequal equality. Now the politicians have a double lock on the public mind. It is their ultimate goal that guarantees their safety and security and preparation for the New World Order — already in existence. The more complete the deception, the more complete the power.
There is yet another element that guarantees the survival and credibility of "democracy." It is the covert and implied sanction of organized religion — not Christianity, but a very well concealed Oriental mysticism that pervades organized religion. It is an esoteric force for world unity. Manipulating minorities who are naturally drawn to socialism is a basic political strategy to justify government politics and plunder. Who are minorities? They are, of course, the racial minorities. But there are a whole lot more than that. There are homosexual minorities, feminine minorities, so-called "civil rights" minorities, cultural minorities and all the minorities that make up the "diversity" of the nation.
Public policy is molded on these manipulated minority influences, all contributing to the power and collectivism of government. This is all an invisible charade, an organism, with a totally different and opposite orientation to individual liberty. It is in reality New Age slavery, a benevolent totalitarianism, an illusion of freedom.
One can always identify minority special interests simply because they welcome government intervention and intrusion (socialism) as a net for perceived social inequality, poverty and underachievement. Guilt manipulation and all manner of charades are used to force social and economic equality where none is earned. Organized religion does not recognize human diversity and natural inequality. All are deserving of the blessings of God and the equal benefits of the community. Nothing is ever mentioned about earning social and economic benefits through personal achievement.
Manipulating minorities who are naturally drawn to socialism is a basic political strategy to justify government politics and plunder.
The principle of government is that political power is maximized by forcibly leveling every individual to the same status of conformity, collectivism, ecumenicalism and serfdom. The truth goes deeper. Because of perceived social, cultural, racial and psychic inferiority, minorities desire to parasite on government force and socialism to subvert those they envy and wish to imitate.
It would never succeed except for the very sophisticated propaganda of altruism. Altruism has a double meaning. To the unsuspecting public, it appears good. But it is hypocrisy with a hidden agenda to cover evil. It is the philosophical basis of democracy and benevolent totalitarianism.
Altruism cleverly hides the depravity of human nature. It makes evil appear good and good appear evil. See no evil, hear no evil, do no evil permeates the propaganda. It conceals the political agenda, promotes ignorance of public health, creates a state of mind of dependence on government and the medical establishment and quashes every form of individualism, independence and creative thinking.
The people must be controlled without being aware. Non-awareness is the key.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Mr. Jerry Wayne Blackwell, age 73 of Huntsville, AL passed away on
Saturday, August 11, 2018 at his residence. Mr. Blackwell was born on
July 20, 1945 in Limestone County to Albert and Mary King Blackwell. He was a Vietnam Veteran and 100 percent disabled from Agent Orange. He was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Barbara Neal.
Mr. Blackwell is survived by his three daughters, Maryann Blackwell of Huntsville, AL, Susie Holmes (Cory) of Athens, AL and Monica Myrick (Mark) of Athens, AL; five grandchildren, Sheldon and Laine Holmes, Seth and Skylar Myrick and Jaden Wayne Blackwell; one brother, Sydney Blackwell (Pat) of Athens, AL; two sisters, Mary C. Parrott (Edward) of Oak Ridge, TN and Deborah Lonsway of Elkmont, AL.
There will be a memorial service held at a later date for Mr. Blackwell.
Mr. Blackwell is survived by his three daughters, Maryann Blackwell of Huntsville, AL, Susie Holmes (Cory) of Athens, AL and Monica Myrick (Mark) of Athens, AL; five grandchildren, Sheldon and Laine Holmes, Seth and Skylar Myrick and Jaden Wayne Blackwell; one brother, Sydney Blackwell (Pat) of Athens, AL; two sisters, Mary C. Parrott (Edward) of Oak Ridge, TN and Deborah Lonsway of Elkmont, AL.
There will be a memorial service held at a later date for Mr. Blackwell.
This is on a door in the hallway at Elkmont Elementary. I took a picture of it today because I really like the message it conveys. Tonight, we ran 5.5 miles with a 239ft elevation gain. At mile 3, we ran up what the kids over the years have come to refer to as “the beast”, a Big Hill with a rapid ascent. We then continued the 3% grade back into town. It’s a challenge; a challenge met by most of the team.
These kids work hard. I know it’s hard because I try to do it with them ! These kids get it! Hard work will make you better! There are no easy ways to achieve success. Hard work is the key. I’m afraid there are a lot who aren’t willing to put in the hard work. Not my team! Not their coach either! A team work ethic is only as good as their leader. Kids watch us; kids learn from us. Can’t fool them. Be willing. Be willing as a teacher, coach , parent to do what others won’t. The kids need it as much as air!! Have a good one !
Monday, August 13, 2018
I saw a picture earlier in a friends post of an old A&P grocery store. I remember well the one that was in the old shopping center where Dub's is located. My grandmother worked at Graber's which was where the Goodwill store is now located. The picture brought back many memories but one that made me pause was a pretty bad one...worm medicine. Were we the only kids who were "wormed" on a regular basis? I can still see exactly where it sat on the store shelf. It was up high and right beside the Mercurochrome and the carbolated Vaseline. It was purple and spit right from the mouth of Satan himself.
I remember shuddering and starting to feel the urge to throw up as soon as mama would reach for it. I can hear her now saying "you have to take it!" "You play in the dirt all day and those worms will be in places you don't want them". And Heaven forbid you were ever caught scratching an itch uh....back there , because grandmother would run to mama and say " I think Barry has pinworms". I found places to hide to take care of that

Funny how that picture brought back that memory. I never see worm medicine anymore (thank goodness)! It tasted like I imagine an aluminum can would taste if you melted it down and drank it. It was awful! I never had worms (to my knowledge). May have just been a colossal joke! Have a good one!
Thanks to all that came out to the Elkmont Fire Department fish fry yesterday. It met our goals. Thanks to all the sponsors that supported us. We have a dedicated group that makes our community a safer place to live. Thanks to those firefighters and medics that are here for us. And a big thanks to all that helped yesterday by giving your time to prepare such an awesome meal.
Jan Adams
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Billy "Bill" Wayne Thomas, age 73 of Elkmont, Alabama died on Sunday, August 12, 2018, at his home in Elkmont, Alabama. Born Tuesday, March 6, 1945 he was the son of the late Porter Ark Thomas and Katherine Dugger Thomas. He was also preceded in death by brother:Charles "Doobie" Thomas. He resided in this area for most of his life and was a member of Elkmont Church of Christ.
Surviving are wife, Gail Thomas of Elkmont, AL, son, Jeffery (Leigh) Thomas of Elkmont, AL, daughter, Melissa Thomas Carter of Elkmont, AL. sister, Martha Thornton of Athens, AL; four grandchildren, Josh (Ciera) Carter, Jessica Carter, Cody Thomas, Jacob Thomas, and four great- grandchildren, Reese, Marley, Maverick, and Braylon.
The family will receive friends from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Monday, August 13, 2018, at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home. A funeral service will be at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, August 14, 2008 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home with Bro. Steve Ferguson officiating. Burial will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Pallbearers will be his brother-in-laws.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Maurice Glenn Brackeen, age 87 of Elkmont, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018, at Limestone Health Facility.
Mr. Brackeen was born April 17, 1931, in Limestone County, Alabama, to Carlous Brackeen and Etta Lynn Brackeen. He was preceded in death by his parents; three sisters,
Yu-Vawn Blakely, Joan Lovell and Elna Toone; and one brother, Bud
Funeral will be noon Saturday, Aug. 11, at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 10 - 11:45 a.m. Saturday prior to the service. Burial will be in Athens Memory Gardens.
Mr. Brackeen is survived by his wife, Betty Brackeen of Elkmont; four
children, Connie Shannon and husband Wade, Ronnie Brackeen and wife
Teresa, both of Athens, Sherry Lannom and husband Jim of Toney, and John
Brackeen of Nashville, Tennessee; six grandchildren; 14
great-grandchildren; three brothers, Keith Brackeen, Phillip Brackeen
and Nathan Brackeen; and two sisters, Cletis Brooks and Cornelia Pepper.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Nelson Wade Rogers, formerly of Athens, Alabama, passed away peacefully
on Friday, August 3, 2018, surrounded by his family and friends. Visitation will take place at McConnell Funeral Home in Athens from
6-8PM on Monday, August 6, 2018, and the funeral service will take place
at McConnell Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 7 at 11 AM, with the
burial/committal service to be held immediately thereafter in Roselawn
Cemetery at McConnell. Donnie Rogers will officiate the service, and
both Donnie Rogers and son Troy Rogers will eulogize Wade.
Wade is preceded in death by his wife, Wanda Sue Stanley Rogers,
formerly of Roan Mountain, Tennessee; his parents, Willie and Nellie
Rogers, of Tanner; a brother, Cecil Rogers, of Huntsville; and a sister,
Hazel Brooks, of Athens.
He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Troy and Dr. Tamsie-Coker Rogers, of Killen; a brother, Donnie Rogers, of Elkmont, and a host of nieces and nephews. Beloved family members Tony King, Mike Smith, Jerry Smith, Steve Rogers, Jimmy Rogers, Donnie Rogers and Troy Rogers will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, please make any donations to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which funds Parkinson’s research. Donation Processing The Michael J. Fox Foundation P.O. Box 5014 Hagerstown, MD 21741-5014
Wade was born on September 8, 1942, to parents Willie and Nellie Rogers, and he grew up in the Reid community, graduating from Tanner High School in 1961, where he was a standout in both varsity football and baseball. He was also as able-bodied a farmhand as he was an athlete, often helping his father, Willie Rogers, in the snow white cotton fields of Tanner after school. Wade attended the Sunny Hill Church of Christ with his family.
After high school, Wade enlisted in the United States Army, completing basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and then serving his enlistment stateside, ultimately being honorably discharged. Wade’s military training came in handy a short time later, as he graduated from the Alabama Police Academy and joined the Madison Police Department as a patrolman in 1966. That same year, Wade met the love of his life, the former Wanda Sue Stanley of Roan Mountain, Tennessee, at the Monrovia Restaurant in Madison, when he sat down at a table in her waitress section. They quickly grew to fancy each other, falling in love and marrying in November 1966.
Two short years later, in 1968, Wade was named both the Madison City Police Officer of the Year and Outstanding Peace Officer for the 8th District of Alabama. During this time, Wade also became the first Madison City Officer to train and maintain a full time K-9 unit, his German Shepherd partner Heiko. In January 1969, Wade and Sue would welcome their only child, a son, Troy Nelson Rogers. In 1973, Wade accepted a position as Security Officer at Engelhard, and was quickly promoted to Officer in Charge of Security. He excelled at his job, and was offered an opportunity by Engelhard to attend truck driving school and become one of the Huntsville branch’s inaugural silver nitrate drivers, a position he thoroughly enjoyed until his retirement in 1998.
Wade also realized early in his Engelhard career that he missed military life, so he enlisted with the Alabama National Guard, and he retired as an E6 Staff Sergeant, serving his entire career with the 1343rd Engineering Battalion, Headquarters Company. Being the consummate family provider and hard worker, Wade also worked part time on weekends for many years as a car salesman for Jack Yarber Ford of Athens.
Wade was a Christian husband, father, brother and friend, and he was actively involved with the Midway Baptist Church congregation for many years, attending with Sue until she succumbed to cancer in 1998, then for a period of time afterward until moving to Killen to be closer to his son Troy and daughter-in-law, Dr. Tamsie Coker-Rogers. In later years, Wade was a member of the Lee Heights Baptist Church congregation in Florence.
Wade will be greatly missed, and his daughter-in-law Tamsie and “grandpuppy” Clementine were the apples of his eye. He lived his last 17 months bravely fighting Parkinson’s with dementia at Glenwood Rehabilitation Facility in Florence, where he enjoyed daily, extended visits with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his brother Donnie, as well as other family members and friends. The Glenwood staff became family members to the entire Rogers family during Wade’s stay as a resident, as the love, care and compassion shown to him by the staff was second to none.
He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Troy and Dr. Tamsie-Coker Rogers, of Killen; a brother, Donnie Rogers, of Elkmont, and a host of nieces and nephews. Beloved family members Tony King, Mike Smith, Jerry Smith, Steve Rogers, Jimmy Rogers, Donnie Rogers and Troy Rogers will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, please make any donations to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which funds Parkinson’s research. Donation Processing The Michael J. Fox Foundation P.O. Box 5014 Hagerstown, MD 21741-5014
Wade was born on September 8, 1942, to parents Willie and Nellie Rogers, and he grew up in the Reid community, graduating from Tanner High School in 1961, where he was a standout in both varsity football and baseball. He was also as able-bodied a farmhand as he was an athlete, often helping his father, Willie Rogers, in the snow white cotton fields of Tanner after school. Wade attended the Sunny Hill Church of Christ with his family.
After high school, Wade enlisted in the United States Army, completing basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and then serving his enlistment stateside, ultimately being honorably discharged. Wade’s military training came in handy a short time later, as he graduated from the Alabama Police Academy and joined the Madison Police Department as a patrolman in 1966. That same year, Wade met the love of his life, the former Wanda Sue Stanley of Roan Mountain, Tennessee, at the Monrovia Restaurant in Madison, when he sat down at a table in her waitress section. They quickly grew to fancy each other, falling in love and marrying in November 1966.
Two short years later, in 1968, Wade was named both the Madison City Police Officer of the Year and Outstanding Peace Officer for the 8th District of Alabama. During this time, Wade also became the first Madison City Officer to train and maintain a full time K-9 unit, his German Shepherd partner Heiko. In January 1969, Wade and Sue would welcome their only child, a son, Troy Nelson Rogers. In 1973, Wade accepted a position as Security Officer at Engelhard, and was quickly promoted to Officer in Charge of Security. He excelled at his job, and was offered an opportunity by Engelhard to attend truck driving school and become one of the Huntsville branch’s inaugural silver nitrate drivers, a position he thoroughly enjoyed until his retirement in 1998.
Wade also realized early in his Engelhard career that he missed military life, so he enlisted with the Alabama National Guard, and he retired as an E6 Staff Sergeant, serving his entire career with the 1343rd Engineering Battalion, Headquarters Company. Being the consummate family provider and hard worker, Wade also worked part time on weekends for many years as a car salesman for Jack Yarber Ford of Athens.
Wade was a Christian husband, father, brother and friend, and he was actively involved with the Midway Baptist Church congregation for many years, attending with Sue until she succumbed to cancer in 1998, then for a period of time afterward until moving to Killen to be closer to his son Troy and daughter-in-law, Dr. Tamsie Coker-Rogers. In later years, Wade was a member of the Lee Heights Baptist Church congregation in Florence.
Wade will be greatly missed, and his daughter-in-law Tamsie and “grandpuppy” Clementine were the apples of his eye. He lived his last 17 months bravely fighting Parkinson’s with dementia at Glenwood Rehabilitation Facility in Florence, where he enjoyed daily, extended visits with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his brother Donnie, as well as other family members and friends. The Glenwood staff became family members to the entire Rogers family during Wade’s stay as a resident, as the love, care and compassion shown to him by the staff was second to none.
Dwaine Clark, age 69 of Elkmont, AL died Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville, Alabama.
Born Wednesday, March 16, 1949 in Athens, AL, he was the son of Freda Ruf Putman and the late Calvin Clark.
He was preceded in death by his Father; Son, Dustin Clark; and Brother, Dwight Clark and one Grandson.
He is survived by:
Mother, Freda Putman, Elkmont, AL
Son, Herby (Tatum) Clark, Mount Juliet, TN
Daughter, Daco (Josh) Clifton, Lawrenceburg, TN
Brother, Dennis (Monica) Clark, Athens, AL
Five Granddaughters, One Grandson
Niece, Kayce Clark McCawley, Lawrenceburg, TN
Nephews, Dylan and Gage Clark, Elkmont, AL, and Cal Clark, Pulaski, TN.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
A Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at 11 AM at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, with Bro. Jack Bailey officiating. Burial will be in Germantown Cemetery, Athens, AL.
Born Wednesday, March 16, 1949 in Athens, AL, he was the son of Freda Ruf Putman and the late Calvin Clark.
He was preceded in death by his Father; Son, Dustin Clark; and Brother, Dwight Clark and one Grandson.
He is survived by:
Mother, Freda Putman, Elkmont, AL
Son, Herby (Tatum) Clark, Mount Juliet, TN
Daughter, Daco (Josh) Clifton, Lawrenceburg, TN
Brother, Dennis (Monica) Clark, Athens, AL
Five Granddaughters, One Grandson
Niece, Kayce Clark McCawley, Lawrenceburg, TN
Nephews, Dylan and Gage Clark, Elkmont, AL, and Cal Clark, Pulaski, TN.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
A Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at 11 AM at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, with Bro. Jack Bailey officiating. Burial will be in Germantown Cemetery, Athens, AL.
Born Monday, February 23, 1948 in Pulaski, TN, she was the daughter of the late Billy Gene Townsend and Emma Jean AlsupTownsend. She lived in the Ardmore area most all her life and loved her wiener dogs.
She was preceded in death by her Parents; Brothers, Larry Dean and Aubrey Wayne Townsend; Infant Sister, Peggy Jean Townsend, and Son, James Townsend,
She is survived by her husband of 24 years, Dennis Hodges, Elkmont, AL; Daughter, Debbie Davis, Florence, AL, Brother, Billy Wilson Townsend, Anthony Hill, TN; Sisters, Debbie Wise, Anderson, AL, Judy Bassham, Anderson, AL,and Nancy Hayes, Anthony Hills, TN: 3 Grandchildren and 5 Great-Grandchildren.
A Celebration Of Life Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, Ardmore, AL, from 4 to 6 PM.
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
Millions live and die and never know that their lives are regulated by unseen authority. Every detail of our lives is prescribed. Doctors, lawyers, Indians or chiefs, we are regimented into the system. What is the system? It is the totality of laws, regulations, social pressures and morality which regulate our lives, including our very thoughts. It is hammered into our consciousness for 13 years of public school, four years (or more) of college, and by the propaganda media which saturates our daily lives. Some call the system democracy. Some call the system Americanism. Most believe that we are free and that our freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Few people know that the words peace, freedom, and democracy are hammered away at our psyches to actually cause us to give up peace and freedom by sacrificing our individuality and private assets to the manipulated crowd and, of course, their global masters. Hypocrisy among the social elite is "public policy." It is no different anywhere in the world. You can track 'em like the vapor trail of a jet. Their words and phrases are a dead giveaway to their socialist vent. Adolf Hitler forced Field Marshall Erwin Rommel to commit suicide and eulogized him with a state funeral and as a national hero in the Nazi press. It was a masterpiece of cynicism and hypocrisy. Rommel, a brilliant military strategist, totally failed to recognize his place in the global strategy. He was not a politician and he didn't know the right words and phrases and he was sacrificed like common cattle.
Meanwhile back here in American democracy we have Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, Representatives Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, to name a few, who know the party lines and never tire of uttering the code words and phrases of those who pull their strings. Will we ever learn that the interest of invisible internationalists and their politicians is diametrically opposite to ours? Of course, they don't tell us this. They instead manipulate our minds with high sounding, patriotic words and phrases that subtly channel us against our best private interest. The propaganda is so successful that the politicians are motivated to unashamedly clamor for more and more government, less and less freedom under some ludicrous pretense. Instead of being recognized as traitors, they are re-elected.
The much overworked term, "human rights," is the granddaddy of all hypocrisy. What does "human rights" in America really mean when spouted by the politicians? As in all political speak it means exactly the opposite of how it sounds. Here is what it means: A nation steadily moving toward the total sacrifice of human freedom. It means a nation of people being forced into mass medication, inoculation and fluoride and chlorine in the drinking water. It means the commercialization of food and "health" care that promotes degenerative disease and prohibits medical freedom. It means the constant bombardment of propaganda to maintain establishment thought and establishment morality over individual self-determination. It means the constant transfer of your production to the nonproducing elite and their politicians. Finally, "human rights" means all that can be imagined to turn the individual into the faceless masses.
What is in the mind of a politician that his politics are treason? The word is depravity that comes out of his own belief of his own lies which are imparted to him by the system.
Our lives are an expression of the confluence (the blending of influences) of the establishment. We do not feel or see the regimentation and the bridled force that programs our lives to produce for the system which George Orwell called "Big Brother." We unconsciously give our minds and bodies to the system. We literally give our labor for numbers on pieces of paper that some influence told us was money. Through force and regulation these numbers imply confidence that we can exchange for bread. The illusion is compounded when we are forced to return some of the numbers to government as "taxes." Yes, we live and die with abstract numbers which the system has taught us is money. But the system has not taught us or revealed to us that the system created these numbers. They cost the system nothing. These numbers that we sell our bodies and souls for is the heartbeat of the system. No one dares inquire into the source of these numbers. The fraud and deceit is too big to discuss, too powerful to challenge and too incredible to imagine. The system has omitted any challenge to itself.
Then there is you, the Bob Livingston Alerts reader, as part of that very small number who have become aware of the force that disciplines our lives. Your inquiry has filtered through the layers of manipulation and misinformation. You have actually seen a great loss of liberty. You are able to see what millions cannot, that wealth and production flows to the corporate state.
You are the few who have awareness and mental freedom. You have escaped the illusion of the system. Awareness by itself is the foundation of freedom. But for the grace of God you, too, would be in the unconscious crowd.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Millions live and die and never know that their lives are regulated by unseen authority. Every detail of our lives is prescribed. Doctors, lawyers, Indians or chiefs, we are regimented into the system. What is the system? It is the totality of laws, regulations, social pressures and morality which regulate our lives, including our very thoughts. It is hammered into our consciousness for 13 years of public school, four years (or more) of college, and by the propaganda media which saturates our daily lives. Some call the system democracy. Some call the system Americanism. Most believe that we are free and that our freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Few people know that the words peace, freedom, and democracy are hammered away at our psyches to actually cause us to give up peace and freedom by sacrificing our individuality and private assets to the manipulated crowd and, of course, their global masters. Hypocrisy among the social elite is "public policy." It is no different anywhere in the world. You can track 'em like the vapor trail of a jet. Their words and phrases are a dead giveaway to their socialist vent. Adolf Hitler forced Field Marshall Erwin Rommel to commit suicide and eulogized him with a state funeral and as a national hero in the Nazi press. It was a masterpiece of cynicism and hypocrisy. Rommel, a brilliant military strategist, totally failed to recognize his place in the global strategy. He was not a politician and he didn't know the right words and phrases and he was sacrificed like common cattle.
Meanwhile back here in American democracy we have Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, Representatives Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, to name a few, who know the party lines and never tire of uttering the code words and phrases of those who pull their strings. Will we ever learn that the interest of invisible internationalists and their politicians is diametrically opposite to ours? Of course, they don't tell us this. They instead manipulate our minds with high sounding, patriotic words and phrases that subtly channel us against our best private interest. The propaganda is so successful that the politicians are motivated to unashamedly clamor for more and more government, less and less freedom under some ludicrous pretense. Instead of being recognized as traitors, they are re-elected.
The much overworked term, "human rights," is the granddaddy of all hypocrisy. What does "human rights" in America really mean when spouted by the politicians? As in all political speak it means exactly the opposite of how it sounds. Here is what it means: A nation steadily moving toward the total sacrifice of human freedom. It means a nation of people being forced into mass medication, inoculation and fluoride and chlorine in the drinking water. It means the commercialization of food and "health" care that promotes degenerative disease and prohibits medical freedom. It means the constant bombardment of propaganda to maintain establishment thought and establishment morality over individual self-determination. It means the constant transfer of your production to the nonproducing elite and their politicians. Finally, "human rights" means all that can be imagined to turn the individual into the faceless masses.
What is in the mind of a politician that his politics are treason? The word is depravity that comes out of his own belief of his own lies which are imparted to him by the system.
Our lives are an expression of the confluence (the blending of influences) of the establishment. We do not feel or see the regimentation and the bridled force that programs our lives to produce for the system which George Orwell called "Big Brother." We unconsciously give our minds and bodies to the system. We literally give our labor for numbers on pieces of paper that some influence told us was money. Through force and regulation these numbers imply confidence that we can exchange for bread. The illusion is compounded when we are forced to return some of the numbers to government as "taxes." Yes, we live and die with abstract numbers which the system has taught us is money. But the system has not taught us or revealed to us that the system created these numbers. They cost the system nothing. These numbers that we sell our bodies and souls for is the heartbeat of the system. No one dares inquire into the source of these numbers. The fraud and deceit is too big to discuss, too powerful to challenge and too incredible to imagine. The system has omitted any challenge to itself.
Then there is you, the Bob Livingston Alerts reader, as part of that very small number who have become aware of the force that disciplines our lives. Your inquiry has filtered through the layers of manipulation and misinformation. You have actually seen a great loss of liberty. You are able to see what millions cannot, that wealth and production flows to the corporate state.
You are the few who have awareness and mental freedom. You have escaped the illusion of the system. Awareness by itself is the foundation of freedom. But for the grace of God you, too, would be in the unconscious crowd.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
The Elkmont Cross Country team had their annual "before school" team training camp in the
beautiful hills of Tennessee in July. Lots of fun, team bonding and running up
and down hills, help these dedicated runners get ready for the upcoming cross country season this fall. Coach Pugh's thoughts about camp can be found below.
This is what makes my heart glad. We’ll have a devotional at 6 and then a 6 mile run before supper. The work begins again at 7 am in the morning. This bonding is a big reason for bringing these kids to camp. The faces have changed over the the years but the laughter and the friendships forged during this week remain the same !! Can’t wait to get started. XC camp 2018!!
3 mile tempo trail run always ends in the creek. Great work and great times!!
Only sad thing about camp...it’s the last for some! Seniors with their old coach after the mid day trail run! 29 miles since Sunday night! Everyone is doing great!
35 miles and few more runs to go! Can’t say enough about the kids from Elkmont and Ardmore and the hard work they have put in. Headed out for a 6 mile in a few! A little cooler!
9 miler completed.! Last day! 50 miles total!! Great run with great kids! Great kids who care about each other and our team! "I wouldn't trade this time with them for anything."
The EHS XC is looking good for 2018 season. Coach Barry Pugh, their fearless leader, brings lots of infectious enthusiasm to camp as he pushes them along. Special thanks goes to the parents and other adults that helped the cross country team have a great time.
Cross Country Mom Thoughts:
I wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Barry L Pugh and the other ladies and gentlemen that helped at Davy Crockett Cross Country Camp this year. It was Preston 1st year and everyone made him feel right at home. He loved it and when he came home last night He was talking about running today. He absolutely loves it. Mr. Pugh is a wonderful coach and person I feel confident with my son being with him. He always inspires and always has something nice to say to and about everyone. I am proud for us to be part of the ELKMONT CROSS COUNTRY TEAM FOR 2018. Preston got a award with STRENGTH. Thank u again for all your hard work with the Running Red Devils.
It’s 12 am, the first day of school. Of course, I can’t get to sleep. So many years of these “first day’s” sleepless nights. Always thinking of things I haven’t done and going through a million scenarios of “what if’s”. So many kids have walked thorough my gym...my life. Rarely do I go somewhere that I do not run into one of them. Always a smile comes to my face when a 6’2” bearded man becomes the kindergartner who ran on the playground not so long ago. I guess as we age we get more sentimental...more retrospective...more appreciative.
Few have the privilege of sharing lives of so many. Few have the memories of watching scared little girls and boys becoming athletes and artists, friends and leaders, and mothers and fathers. Some have become co-workers of mine. I’ve got to watch it all. Keep the kids and teachers, including myself, close in your thoughts today. We all need the encouragement. Today is a new beginning. The last first day for some of “my” kids as well as the the first “first” day for some of mine. New school years always bring a new hope for good things. Different this year; I’ll be teaching alone for the first time in a while; Gonna miss my friend. But all things change.....adapting is what teachers do best. Better get some sleep,,,gonna be “herding” kittens in the morning! Have a good one!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
Before I jump into this subject matter, I should probably address a common misconception among people who are new to liberty movement activism. The first time people hear about the concept of the "false left/right paradigm," they wrongly assume that there is "no left or right ideology," that it is all made up to divide the masses. This is false. The false left/right paradigm pertains to the elitists at the top of the political and financial pyramid. These people do not have any loyalty to any one political party or to the beliefs of one side or the other. They are happy to exploit leftists or conservatives in order to create a social outcome that elevates the elitist's own goals, but that is all. Meaning, these people are globalists and have their own agenda separate from the political left or right, but will pretend to stand on one side or the other in order to control the narrative. Hence, the "falseness" of their particular left/right theater.
The common citizen, however, does indeed legitimately rest his or her ideals on a spectrum from left to right, from progressive to conservative. And lately, the separation between these two sides has been growing ever wider. So, it is not playing into the hands of the globalists to point out the differences in the two sides. The two sides are concrete, they are a natural extension of human thought processes, and they would exist even if the globalists did not exist.
Where things go horribly wrong is when one side or the other is pushed artificially towards zealotry. This is where the globalists create chaos, by influencing the left or the right into subverting their own principles and abandoning diplomacy in the name of destroying the other side. This is when disagreements become war and the political process becomes a blood feud.
Globalists sometimes attempt to conjure such violent conditions when they want to wipe the slate clean and introduce a new social system. Generally, their goal is even more centralization and control. In some cases, being avid eugenicists, their goal is to aggressively reduce the population. In the past few years I have been critical of both sides of the political spectrum, and sometimes even more critical of liberty activists when I see the movement being led astray by disinformation. The reality is that both leftists and conservatives sense severe imbalances in the way our society and our government functions. Where we differ greatly is in how each side places blame for our problems and how they plan to solve those imbalances. In order to understand why the left and the right are so close to outright war, we have to step outside the political bubble and look at our differences in a more objective way. First, let's start with an examination of the leftist mindset.
Obviously, this is a brand of totalitarianism posing as humanitarian rationality. Who decides what is the "greater good?" Well, our inherent conscience does that, but conscience is an individual trait. When mobs get together and engage in mob thinking, conscience tends to go out the window.
This is why it is impossible to institute such a thing as "social justice;" arbitrarily homogenizing an entire group based on their skin color, sexual orientation, financial status, etc. and then deciding how they should be rewarded (or punished) erases the individual accomplishments and crimes of the people within that group you just created. It is true that some behaviors tend to be cultural, and in that case, the most we can do morally is point out those behaviors and applaud or criticize. In the case of globalists, you have an actual example of organized criminality within a definable group of people. This can indeed be judged on a broad scale but still must be punished based on individual actions.
We can judge an individual for his behavior, but no one on Earth is devoid of bias, and no one on Earth has the omnipotent wisdom required to dole out punishment or prizes to an entire subculture of people en masse.
Leftists with good intentions desire a world without suffering. This is perhaps a noble thing. Unfortunately, that world does not exist and never will. There will always be inequality of outcome, because not all people are equal in ability or willpower. I realize that leftists have been brainwashed into thinking that all people are equally capable, if not completely the same in every imaginable way. But believing this does not make it fact. The best we can hope for is the freedom to pursue prosperity as individuals, but in their pursuit of total equality, leftists are encouraging the erasure of individual freedom and opportunity. They believe that what is best for the individual is for him to sacrifice his individualism for the sake of the mob. When one understands that the mob is morally relative, that it has no soul or conscience, this suggestion sounds like madness. And frankly, it is madness. Needless to say, the collectivist thinking of leftists makes them easy prey for sociopathic global elites. That said, conservatives are also targeted for manipulation exactly because they present the most viable threat to the success of globalism as construct.
The left sees the world as a Gordian Knot that must be chopped in half to be untangled. Conservatives see society's problems as much simpler. Each individual's problems are his own. Each individual must work hard to elevate himself and to solve his problems without taking from other people in the process. Each person is an island, and while we might ally with each other at times, we are not permanently tied to each other in some kind of endless symbiotic relationship. As the Non-Aggression Principle outlines, you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone, and as long as no one is attempting to steal from me or murder me I will remain quiet and peaceful. The conservative dynamic goes wrong, though, when conservatives abandon their own principles for the sake of winning a fight against an imminent threat.
As leftists worship the mob and government power, conservatives tend to worship heroes, some of them false prophets. Conservatives are always desperately searching for the man on the white horse to lead them to the promise land. They are always looking for another messiah. And in this they make themselves weak. What they should be emulating are their principles and heritage alone. Only ideals and truths matter, because they are eternal, and they do not lie. But let the right showman or mascot come along reciting the correct rhetoric in a rousing way, and many conservatives become putty in the hands of the political elites.
I believe this is owed to the problem of organization that conservatives suffer from. Individualists do not always agree on everything and normally abhor group think. The political right grows frustrated at how easy it is for leftists to congeal into an effective mob, and the tyranny of the majority is horrifying to the average conservative. So, in response conservatives seek out unifying leaders, people that appear to hold the same values and who conservatives can pour all their hopes and dreams for the future into. When this happens, group think can and does spread like a cancer through the political right.
When conservatives hyper-focus on leadership, they unwittingly centralize and become easily controlled. Globalists can either co-opt the leader or they can destroy the leader and thus the hopes of all the people that were invested in him. They can use the leader as a placebo, making conservatives sit idle waiting around for things to change when they should be taking action themselves.
Globalists can also tie all the perceived or real blunders of that leader around the necks of his political base; meaning, conservatives can be conned into rallying around a false prophet and then when he falls from grace, all conservative thought falls from grace as well.
When conservatives bottleneck all their efforts and energy into a single leader, they set themselves up for failure. Organization does not need to be pursued from the top down. It can be built from the ground up in a decentralized way. When conservatives ignore their own principles and start centralizing, some very ugly things can happen. Zealotry is not only a vice of leftists. I remember the insanity of the Iraq War, for example, and in that event I saw self-proclaimed conservatives acting like the very mob they used to despise. This happened because they were frightened by an imminent threat and sought out leadership in all the wrong places instead of thinking critically.
The two sides of the political spectrum are a fact of life, unless of course the globalists get their way and erase everything. One side is often used against the other to illicit a self-destructive response. Understanding where each side is coming from helps us to remain vigilant and to avoid exploitation by the powers that be.
To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
Before I jump into this subject matter, I should probably address a common misconception among people who are new to liberty movement activism. The first time people hear about the concept of the "false left/right paradigm," they wrongly assume that there is "no left or right ideology," that it is all made up to divide the masses. This is false. The false left/right paradigm pertains to the elitists at the top of the political and financial pyramid. These people do not have any loyalty to any one political party or to the beliefs of one side or the other. They are happy to exploit leftists or conservatives in order to create a social outcome that elevates the elitist's own goals, but that is all. Meaning, these people are globalists and have their own agenda separate from the political left or right, but will pretend to stand on one side or the other in order to control the narrative. Hence, the "falseness" of their particular left/right theater.
The common citizen, however, does indeed legitimately rest his or her ideals on a spectrum from left to right, from progressive to conservative. And lately, the separation between these two sides has been growing ever wider. So, it is not playing into the hands of the globalists to point out the differences in the two sides. The two sides are concrete, they are a natural extension of human thought processes, and they would exist even if the globalists did not exist.
Where things go horribly wrong is when one side or the other is pushed artificially towards zealotry. This is where the globalists create chaos, by influencing the left or the right into subverting their own principles and abandoning diplomacy in the name of destroying the other side. This is when disagreements become war and the political process becomes a blood feud.
Globalists sometimes attempt to conjure such violent conditions when they want to wipe the slate clean and introduce a new social system. Generally, their goal is even more centralization and control. In some cases, being avid eugenicists, their goal is to aggressively reduce the population. In the past few years I have been critical of both sides of the political spectrum, and sometimes even more critical of liberty activists when I see the movement being led astray by disinformation. The reality is that both leftists and conservatives sense severe imbalances in the way our society and our government functions. Where we differ greatly is in how each side places blame for our problems and how they plan to solve those imbalances. In order to understand why the left and the right are so close to outright war, we have to step outside the political bubble and look at our differences in a more objective way. First, let's start with an examination of the leftist mindset.
How leftists view the world
The key to understanding leftists resides in their inclination toward collectivism as a means of protection and power. To put it more bluntly, leftists love and embrace the mob mentality. This is why the political left seems to organize so much more effectively than conservatives in most cases. While conservatives engage in internal debates with each other over principles and practical solutions, leftists are far more single-minded in their pursuit of social influence. They seem to gravitate to each other like ants around a sugar cube, and in this they can be effective in removing obstacles. This could be considered a strength and a weakness, though.
The leftists ideal is one in which all people are in general agreement — they think all people are tied together in a great social chain, that every individual action has consequences for everyone else in that chain and, therefore, all individual actions no matter how small should be regulated in order to avoid one person adding to a potential disaster for the rest of humanity. Thus, the notion of "society" becomes a control mechanism for leftists. "We are all part of this society, whether we like it or not." They often say, "People have to accept the rules for the greater good of the greater number."Obviously, this is a brand of totalitarianism posing as humanitarian rationality. Who decides what is the "greater good?" Well, our inherent conscience does that, but conscience is an individual trait. When mobs get together and engage in mob thinking, conscience tends to go out the window.
This is why it is impossible to institute such a thing as "social justice;" arbitrarily homogenizing an entire group based on their skin color, sexual orientation, financial status, etc. and then deciding how they should be rewarded (or punished) erases the individual accomplishments and crimes of the people within that group you just created. It is true that some behaviors tend to be cultural, and in that case, the most we can do morally is point out those behaviors and applaud or criticize. In the case of globalists, you have an actual example of organized criminality within a definable group of people. This can indeed be judged on a broad scale but still must be punished based on individual actions.
We can judge an individual for his behavior, but no one on Earth is devoid of bias, and no one on Earth has the omnipotent wisdom required to dole out punishment or prizes to an entire subculture of people en masse.
Leftists with good intentions desire a world without suffering. This is perhaps a noble thing. Unfortunately, that world does not exist and never will. There will always be inequality of outcome, because not all people are equal in ability or willpower. I realize that leftists have been brainwashed into thinking that all people are equally capable, if not completely the same in every imaginable way. But believing this does not make it fact. The best we can hope for is the freedom to pursue prosperity as individuals, but in their pursuit of total equality, leftists are encouraging the erasure of individual freedom and opportunity. They believe that what is best for the individual is for him to sacrifice his individualism for the sake of the mob. When one understands that the mob is morally relative, that it has no soul or conscience, this suggestion sounds like madness. And frankly, it is madness. Needless to say, the collectivist thinking of leftists makes them easy prey for sociopathic global elites. That said, conservatives are also targeted for manipulation exactly because they present the most viable threat to the success of globalism as construct.
How conservatives view the world
While the political left is essentially going off the deep end into the errors of zealotry, conservatives are also not immune to ideological blindness. It is no secret that I view the conservative position as far superior to that of the left — I will summarize the strengths of this position as briefly as possible so that we can get to the more important issue of weaknesses.The left sees the world as a Gordian Knot that must be chopped in half to be untangled. Conservatives see society's problems as much simpler. Each individual's problems are his own. Each individual must work hard to elevate himself and to solve his problems without taking from other people in the process. Each person is an island, and while we might ally with each other at times, we are not permanently tied to each other in some kind of endless symbiotic relationship. As the Non-Aggression Principle outlines, you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone, and as long as no one is attempting to steal from me or murder me I will remain quiet and peaceful. The conservative dynamic goes wrong, though, when conservatives abandon their own principles for the sake of winning a fight against an imminent threat.
As leftists worship the mob and government power, conservatives tend to worship heroes, some of them false prophets. Conservatives are always desperately searching for the man on the white horse to lead them to the promise land. They are always looking for another messiah. And in this they make themselves weak. What they should be emulating are their principles and heritage alone. Only ideals and truths matter, because they are eternal, and they do not lie. But let the right showman or mascot come along reciting the correct rhetoric in a rousing way, and many conservatives become putty in the hands of the political elites.
I believe this is owed to the problem of organization that conservatives suffer from. Individualists do not always agree on everything and normally abhor group think. The political right grows frustrated at how easy it is for leftists to congeal into an effective mob, and the tyranny of the majority is horrifying to the average conservative. So, in response conservatives seek out unifying leaders, people that appear to hold the same values and who conservatives can pour all their hopes and dreams for the future into. When this happens, group think can and does spread like a cancer through the political right.
When conservatives hyper-focus on leadership, they unwittingly centralize and become easily controlled. Globalists can either co-opt the leader or they can destroy the leader and thus the hopes of all the people that were invested in him. They can use the leader as a placebo, making conservatives sit idle waiting around for things to change when they should be taking action themselves.
Globalists can also tie all the perceived or real blunders of that leader around the necks of his political base; meaning, conservatives can be conned into rallying around a false prophet and then when he falls from grace, all conservative thought falls from grace as well.
When conservatives bottleneck all their efforts and energy into a single leader, they set themselves up for failure. Organization does not need to be pursued from the top down. It can be built from the ground up in a decentralized way. When conservatives ignore their own principles and start centralizing, some very ugly things can happen. Zealotry is not only a vice of leftists. I remember the insanity of the Iraq War, for example, and in that event I saw self-proclaimed conservatives acting like the very mob they used to despise. This happened because they were frightened by an imminent threat and sought out leadership in all the wrong places instead of thinking critically.
The two sides of the political spectrum are a fact of life, unless of course the globalists get their way and erase everything. One side is often used against the other to illicit a self-destructive response. Understanding where each side is coming from helps us to remain vigilant and to avoid exploitation by the powers that be.
To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
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