We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
What makes this system work is that it gives temporary relief, so these suppressive drugs must be taken again and again. Repeat business builds the drug culture. Do you suppose the people in the inner sanctums of the drug cartel don't know how their drugs create repeat business over and over? Just look at their commercials. You will be living the good life in no time if you would only take this or that drug for the rest of your life. The control by the 1 percent of the 99 percent can be summed up in two words: "Psychological warfare." Fascism is the union of government and big business. You might call this corporatism. In this system, the people are pawns. Government, Big Pharma and their partners in crime like ADM (Archer Daniels Midland), Dow and Bayer are engaged in a fascist system in which an unwitting populace is kept fat and stupid and without choices.
When you become ill, corporate medicine including doctors, pharmaceuticals, hospitals and insurance companies band together to offer you "wellness." What a lie. Even those who understand and recognize the system for what it is are allowed fewer opportunities to opt out. Public health policies which are supposed to prevent illness? Dear reader, here is public health, presented to you by those in power: institute mass vaccination from birth to control the population, mass fluoridation and processed foods to make them dumber and exceedingly sickly, then a "gentle death" by massive morphine overdose to send them on their way when they are no longer productive.
The Japanese have possibly the healthiest and long-lived citizenry on Earth, and their government has banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States. Neonnettle reports, "Citizens are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma. The people of Japan, therefore, ruled that no profit was large enough to compensate for the adverse health effects suffered by their children."
Back in America, while we're alive and for however long we last we have the people who earn money and produce goods and services being bilked out of any profits they might make for "insurance" premiums which then pay for socialized medicine for both the insured and those who do not have insurance (because corporate caregivers don't refuse to treat), and those same people — the only ones who pay taxes — are then bilked again for socialized medicine known as Medicare.
Food vs. modern medicine
To stay out of this cycle of death offered to us by today's corporatist medical system, we don't need "health care" and drugs. We first need diet education and diet reversal. As it turns out, it can't be verified that Hippocrates ever said "Let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." However, there is a Hippocratic-era work called On Aliment that states: "In food excellent medication, in food bad medication, bad and good relatively." I believe in this wholeheartedly, and have recommend to you many times, and to anyone who will listen, the Nutritarian Diet created by Dr. Joel Furhman.
However since we were talking about Japan, let's take a lesson from the longest-lived people on Earth, those who live on the island of Okinawa in Japan. A large percentage of Okinawans live healthily and to well over 100 with almost no heart disease, and without ever having to visit a doctor. One reason is something I have also written to you about many times: They have the lowest levels of homocysteine ever measured on Earth.
Homocysteine being linked to heart disease was discovered in 1968, but here's something new: Knowing your homocysteine level is even more useful than anyone thought because it can predict other diseases and conditions. Homocysteine can cause blood clots, stroke and gangrene. Homocysteine is intimately involved in diseases of aging such as Alzheimer's and arthritis and can signal the start or presence of other diseases like psoriasis, kidney disease and cancer.
The good news is that you can keep your homocysteine level low naturally and without pharmaceutical intervention. The famous Okinawa Centenarian Study found that Okinawans keep their levels low because they eat foods high in B-vitamins like folate, B6 and B12. If you supplement your B-vitamins, use the methylcobalamin form of B12, and not cyanocobalamin. Be aware that antacids or ulcer drugs will lower stomach acid secretion and decrease the ability to absorb vitamin B12.
Poor diet, the likes of that which is recommended by standard medicine, causes poor methylation. A lack of B-vitamins in particular causes an excess of homocysteine to spill out of our cells into the bloodstream where it damages the arteries, setting the stage for disease. Therefore, you need methyl donors in supplementation. If your homocysteine is over 7, taking Dimethylglycine (DMG) will protect your blood vessels by virtue of being a methyl donor, which lowers homocysteine and protects the body — and the heart — from damaging inflammation.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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