Millions live and die and never know that their lives are regulated by unseen authority. Every detail of our lives is prescribed. Doctors, lawyers, Indians or chiefs, we are regimented into the system. What is the system? It is the totality of laws, regulations, social pressures and morality which regulate our lives, including our very thoughts. It is hammered into our consciousness for 13 years of public school, four years (or more) of college, and by the propaganda media which saturates our daily lives. Some call the system democracy. Some call the system Americanism. Most believe that we are free and that our freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Few people know that the words peace, freedom, and democracy are hammered away at our psyches to actually cause us to give up peace and freedom by sacrificing our individuality and private assets to the manipulated crowd and, of course, their global masters. Hypocrisy among the social elite is "public policy." It is no different anywhere in the world. You can track 'em like the vapor trail of a jet. Their words and phrases are a dead giveaway to their socialist vent. Adolf Hitler forced Field Marshall Erwin Rommel to commit suicide and eulogized him with a state funeral and as a national hero in the Nazi press. It was a masterpiece of cynicism and hypocrisy. Rommel, a brilliant military strategist, totally failed to recognize his place in the global strategy. He was not a politician and he didn't know the right words and phrases and he was sacrificed like common cattle.
Meanwhile back here in American democracy we have Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, Representatives Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, to name a few, who know the party lines and never tire of uttering the code words and phrases of those who pull their strings. Will we ever learn that the interest of invisible internationalists and their politicians is diametrically opposite to ours? Of course, they don't tell us this. They instead manipulate our minds with high sounding, patriotic words and phrases that subtly channel us against our best private interest. The propaganda is so successful that the politicians are motivated to unashamedly clamor for more and more government, less and less freedom under some ludicrous pretense. Instead of being recognized as traitors, they are re-elected.
The much overworked term, "human rights," is the granddaddy of all hypocrisy. What does "human rights" in America really mean when spouted by the politicians? As in all political speak it means exactly the opposite of how it sounds. Here is what it means: A nation steadily moving toward the total sacrifice of human freedom. It means a nation of people being forced into mass medication, inoculation and fluoride and chlorine in the drinking water. It means the commercialization of food and "health" care that promotes degenerative disease and prohibits medical freedom. It means the constant bombardment of propaganda to maintain establishment thought and establishment morality over individual self-determination. It means the constant transfer of your production to the nonproducing elite and their politicians. Finally, "human rights" means all that can be imagined to turn the individual into the faceless masses.
What is in the mind of a politician that his politics are treason? The word is depravity that comes out of his own belief of his own lies which are imparted to him by the system.
Our lives are an expression of the confluence (the blending of influences) of the establishment. We do not feel or see the regimentation and the bridled force that programs our lives to produce for the system which George Orwell called "Big Brother." We unconsciously give our minds and bodies to the system. We literally give our labor for numbers on pieces of paper that some influence told us was money. Through force and regulation these numbers imply confidence that we can exchange for bread. The illusion is compounded when we are forced to return some of the numbers to government as "taxes." Yes, we live and die with abstract numbers which the system has taught us is money. But the system has not taught us or revealed to us that the system created these numbers. They cost the system nothing. These numbers that we sell our bodies and souls for is the heartbeat of the system. No one dares inquire into the source of these numbers. The fraud and deceit is too big to discuss, too powerful to challenge and too incredible to imagine. The system has omitted any challenge to itself.
Then there is you, the Bob Livingston Alerts reader, as part of that very small number who have become aware of the force that disciplines our lives. Your inquiry has filtered through the layers of manipulation and misinformation. You have actually seen a great loss of liberty. You are able to see what millions cannot, that wealth and production flows to the corporate state.
You are the few who have awareness and mental freedom. You have escaped the illusion of the system. Awareness by itself is the foundation of freedom. But for the grace of God you, too, would be in the unconscious crowd.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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