Population control lies at the heart and soul of the New World Order. It is not a goal. It is a blueprint of action. Why does population control have such an urgent priority? The answer is quite simple. The U.S. government corporation is a business enterprise run by an "establishment." It is a unique corporation in that it has the power vested in the national bank (the Federal Reserve) to create "money" (credit). Although the creation of money is a monopoly power of the government, it has to be strictly regulated if the "monetary" system is to work, as well as to survive. It is in the regulation process that population control becomes necessary. As long as the authorities can balance production with consumption, there is a continuous flow of wealth to the government.
It is when consumption (and this is the key word) becomes greater than production that real resources (wealth) begin to reverse back to the nonproductive consumers. This drain (loss of profits) is threatened by a top-heavy and growing retired and aging population as well as all the other nonproducing consumers. It cannot and will not be allowed. Nonproductive consumers are defined as all retired people, all terminally ill, all unborn children — which through "prenatal diagnostic techniques" can be shown to have fatal metabolic disorders — and all who have been in accidents leaving them nonproductive consuming dependents. These nonproducers must be eliminated by whatever means necessary or the system will collapse.
For their part, democracies kill covertly and benevolently. They carry out mass murder in many ways. For example, democracy creates war under the pretense of patriotism. Millions of people die and never rebel. It's repeated over and over. Yet the people never catch on. It's amazing.
For the purpose of this discussion, we look at how the medical establishment in American democracy kills millions of people.
Founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush argued before the American Continental Congress:
Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship... to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are un-American and despotic, and have no place in a Republic... The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom.Unfortunately, the right to medical freedom was not added to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution; and now we have the government, medical and pharmaceutical groups working together to limit our health choices. In short, we have a monstrous medical monopoly enforced by the increasingly compromised and corrupt Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which routinely censors truthful health claims.
Additionally, the U.S. Government promotes and protects the organized crime of the FDA by protecting their pals at Big Pharma with the new pre-emption policy that bans private lawsuits against drug companies in State courts once a drug and its label have been approved by the FDA. This looks like a protection racket for their financiers at big Pharma. This is simply outrageous!
For a greater understanding of medical organized crime, read the book The Medical Mafia by Ghislaine Lanctôt.
It seems that the protected criminality goes on and on. But the reality is that even criminal organizations always self-destruct. Their satanic greed consumes them. The medical mafia is now in a state of collapse. It is so evil that it cannot sustain life support. We see Obamacare as the great finality. The medical mafia commits many overt crimes with the complicity and blind obedience of doctors. A big example is mass vaccination and immunizations. These billions of poison toxins certainly are big factors in population control. The evils of vaccinations and immunizations have delayed manifestations, except for some immediate deaths and disabilities. The point is that the years between vaccinations and immunizations blurs cause and effect so that the public never sees the deadly harm of these medical mafia inoculations. It is a crime evolving imperceptibly and subclinically.
"Heart disease" is the big, big crime of the medical mafia that not one in 10 million people suspects. If there has ever been worldwide murder incorporated, this is it. There is such a labyrinth of lies spun around the mystique of heart disease that it has been bound up for ages in "the No. 1 cause of death." The phenomenon of heart disease is concealed under sub-rosa and subclinical. This means that modern medical science cannot detach cause and effect of heart disease. The medical mafia has built a huge financial empire out of and on fictions like cholesterol and open-heart surgery. The only success they have achieved is in the favor of a multibillion-dollar medical monopoly. The cause of heart disease goes back to the milling industry and their milling of refined, bleached white flour that was devoid of nutrition.
Why was this a terrible turn for Americans' health? Because leptin and ghrelin, the hunger hormones, tell you whether you're full or empty. The signal that you're full is sent when leptin notifies your brain that you have eaten something containing nutrients (usually transported by fat). When you eat foods based on bleached flour, the brain never gets the full signal, you keep eating, and those carbs turn into blood sugar which in turn causes heart disease. The medical advice that eggs for breakfast and steak and vegetables for dinner will kill you because of cholesterol was and is hokum. The government-directed switch to cereal for breakfast and massive portions of pasta and breads for lunch and dinner — to benefit Big Agra, which is the government's mandate — has caused our current disease state.
Harvey Wiley, the first U.S. head of the FDA, outlawed the
bleaching of flour. He knew that bleached flour was devoid of nutrition. This was challenged all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that flour could not be bleached or adulterated in any way. But this was never enforced. Wiley fought Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson and President Theodore Roosevelt over food policy and regulation. Wiley believed that adulterated foods posed a greater harm to Americans than adulterated or misbranded drugs. When Wiley finally quit the FDA out of frustration in 1912, he was replaced by Dr. Elmer Nelson, who claimed: "It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a poorly fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove that dietary deficiencies make one susceptible to disease." The proliferation of FDA-approved processed and genetically modified foods indicates this philosophy lives on at the FDA. That's why the United States is suffering from full-belly starvation and an obesity epidemic and an epidemic of disease. It is the covert method of population control.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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