what being prepared is. There are those of us who have just now reached the point where they think it might be a good idea to be a little more ready for those unexpected trials. For those who are interested, the blog has a being prepared or provident living label to the right side. These are older posts.
Here is another podcast by Jack Spirko who does a great job explaining how to start being more responsible for yourself and family in hard times without looking to others to fix your problems.
Jack's Description of Podcast:
Took a question on “economic collapse” and tried to explain that no that isn’t going to happen, not the way many think about it anyway. That the collapse is here, it is on going and it will have both chronic and acute symptoms. In short instead of
prepping for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) many should be prepping for TEOYWAYKI (the end of your world as you know it)As usual when you try to explain this some people feel that means, well, “it isn’t so bad” so do we even need to prep beyond say basic readiness.
Also after doing this for so long it is easy to forget that many of the core concepts of modern survivalism might be foreign to even people who have listed (especially selectively) for say two years or even more. That the ground work laid in the formative years may never have been heard by many listeners, at all.

Humans by and large are binary creatures with an internal binary code of ones and zeros, this is why the political dichotomy is so effective. We literally think in two dimensions. Safety and danger, democrat or republican, Pepsi or Coke, rich or poor, sick or healthy, alive or dead, etc. The absolutes are indeed black and white but life is a million shades of gray, today my goal is to bring you out into the spectrum and let you see some of those shades.
Join Jack Today as He Discusses…
- The disaster probability factor
- The disaster impact scale
- The inverse relationship of impact scale and probability
- How the circles of influence and concern fit into this
- The six primary needs and a new way to think about them
- Food
- Water
- Shelter
- Energy
- Health and Sanitation
- Security
- What exactly is a
- Recession
- Depression
- Economic Collapse
- Currency Default
- What I consider BASIC common sense preparedness
- Food for 30-60 days with out complete boredom
- Ability to deal with initial power loss in 5-10 minutes
- Power for 14 days with basic needs and comfort
- Ability to deal with wastes for 30 days if you have to
- Ability to treat basic injuries and illnesses
- Ability to keep your home sound in any damage that isn’t catastrophic
- Water for at least 30 days for all needs, drinking, cooking, bathing, etc.
- Money to pay all expenses for 90 days with no income. (without raiding retirement accounts)
- Security for your home and person’s (ETPP)
- Equipment
- Training
- Procedures
- Protocols
- The ability to help neighbors
- The ability to communicate and get information
- The ability to move out, survive away from home and get back home
- A full info and documentation kit
- Situational Awareness and a Positive Mental Conditioning
- Basic phyical fitness and reasonable activity
- A network of friends and contacts you can count on
- Do that and you are ahead of most of the Doomsday People
- Don’t think everything is swell just because everything isn’t burning
*skip to about 10:06 to get to main topic
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