Friday, May 9, 2014


In my years of finding deals on plants and trees at box stores here is what I have learned.
  1. Once the peak of the season for something passes it gets abused and ignored and watered only when lucky.  Stuff starts to decline fast!
  2. Once the decline starts the mark downs come, they get 50% or more marked off.
  3. Once it is marked down it only gets watered if the water guy drops the hose in it by accident, no one cares at that point.
  4. From that point stuff starts dying, you get 4-5 days before it is all dead.
  5. Most of these box stores run similar inventory management, they all tend to do this about the same time, within a few weeks of each other.
  6. Once it starts hit the stores up FAST.  If you wait till the weekend others grab the good stuff, or it is dead by then. 
Check  Lowes and Home Depot  If you drive by one of these on the way home it MIGHT be worth a quick stop by to check.  Again might, no promises just a heads up that it is that time of year again.

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