comes the fun If you want to help us by cooking a dish or two or three, we will be happy to pick it up, BUT we'd really like for you to come and help serve as well. We will be feeding many, many people. Yes, I said MANY!! So the more food and help we can get, the better. To make this work, this is what they need you to do. Private Message, Angie McElyea and let her know what you can cook and if you'll be coming to serve. If you can't cook, and just want to donate food for the cause, that will work as well. We will have people cooking donated food too. (Maybe you'd like to volunteer for that as well).
We thank each and everyone of you for helping.. If you can't cook or serve, we ask that you pray. Pray for our friends and that each and everyone can be fed. Remember, message Angie McElyea with what you will fix, and if you can serve. It may not be answered right away, but it will be answered.

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