Modern warfare arrives with two dimensions. One is still the old war machine and the prizes and prestige still go to the one that has the biggest and most guns.
Just days ago we saw this exemplified. You dare threaten to slow the old war machine and pull out of Syria? They'll present to the world a chemical attack. You want peace in the Middle East? They'll create ISIS. And so forth ad infinitum throughout the world.
The old war machine is both visible — with tanks and troops — and deception and feint. You want to get to Moscow? The road goes through Syria, and Iran.
The second dimension of modern warfare is seductively esoteric. I will describe it. It goes directly to the psychic:
- It is almost totally invisible to the natural eye.
- It is almost totally invisible to the human spirit.
- It cannot be measured and calculated by the human I.Q. because it operates above the threshold of intelligence.
- At the same time, it suppresses the human intellect.
- It is not a phenomenon that the natural mind can confront and deal with.
- But it can be discerned by those prolific readers with background information.
Within the world ruling elite is a death cult. These are simply humanoids who do not reproduce themselves and they worship death. They love warfare and killing. They want to spill blood. "Some men love death more than they love life because their deeds are evil." John 3:19.
They have survived through the ages and they are modern-day throw backs of Old Testament animal sacrifices. They love death more than they love life.
But the second type of warfare can only be described as above. Let's expand: The modern-day political and economic arena is a stage and a front for socialism. It is called many things such as democracy, representative government, and a few diehards occasionally refer to modern America as a Republic.
These names (democracy, etc.,) are foolish and child-like frivolity. They are fog, not substance. Their purpose is to cloud the mind and reality. The wide use of the word "democracy" is proof that people can no longer tell freedom from a gallon of milk. The word "democracy" neutralizes and disarms the mind to the reality of authoritarianism and the danger to personal freedom.
There are many serious and honest economists and analysts who are very astute at reading the circus of American politics and economics. Many of them, like Marc Faber, see very clearly that the so-called financial and economic "solutions" to the current credit crisis (really a dollar crisis) are made to fail. In fact the bailout "solutions" indeed moved the system further toward collapse by releasing massive quantities of fiat money on the world, and driving it deeper into debt.
A thought here on psychological warfare: Since the American system poses as an "open society" with a "free press," there is the pretension to allow open debate, but only on spurious issues. The effect is that as long as the issues are not real or are spurious they are welcomed and promoted as open debate and commentary. The people do not have a clue that all public commentary is a sham.
The strategy for authoritarianism throughout the ages is to divide and conquer. All "public forums" are presented as opposing sides, or opposing politics or opposing theology or opposing morality.
What few of us ever discern is that the good guys and the bad guys are the same guys. The good politicians and the bad politicians are the same politicians. The good religion and the bad religion is the same religion.
What then is the issue that even very savvy commentators fail to understand or even mention?
The problem is that all of them are trying to see and understand the American system as free enterprise. In fact it has been socialist for a hundred years, operating under the umbrella of an increasingly totalitarian and coercive system that brooks no dissent from its doctrine of promoting ever more degenerate behavior.
This is a most sensational testimony of the power of naming government systems something that they are not and imposing it on the public mind and psyche by a long process of "public education" and highly sophisticated and organized propaganda on a worldwide basis.
There has never been an equal and even at this moment it is more powerful than ever, deceiving more people than ever, and at a younger age than ever before. Pushing students out into the streets to beg the government to take away their God-given liberties? This can only be accomplished by mass deception and propagandizing. Few are those who will speak to their children and allow them to escape this system.
Socialism in America today is seen as desirable, especially by these younger people, because people blame "capitalism" for their problems, never realizing that the former capitalist free market economy of the United States has been operating under national socialism for a century now. Oh no, it's never described as such. There are only code words used to deceive. Things may not be nice just because they have a pretty face.
Hitler indeed made an attempt to call Nazi Germany "the great democracy." Through his effort to put a pretty face on an ugly national socialist system, he certainly must have understood the propaganda significance of the sensational power of people persuasion with names, fronts, and high-sounding human freedom terms.
For the record, I hope you historians will not see national socialism as any different from American democracy today or even at the time of World War II when the U.S. and Germany were locked into mortal combat.
In fact, except for their different names bestowed upon each by their hidden elite masters, they are more identical than identical twins. The bad guys versus the good guys propaganda was meaningless and ridiculous but served well to drive millions to their deaths on all sides as well as motivated parents to sacrifice their young in total ignorance of reality.
All is a disgrace before God, as my mother used to say that the human race will allow itself generation after generation to be twisted and perverted like animals to the slaughter and precious few ever question "why?" about anything.
In fact the more learned and "educated," the less capacity to think outside the prescribed system.
Few ever conclude that the system that they grew up in is neither legal nor illegal as taught by the system itself. It is manipulated fraud in which the owners of the system do not live within their own law but above the law. The law is for you not them!
The War on Drugs, the War on Crime and the War on Terror... people think these are the government fighting the good fight against bad things. In reality, each of these is a furthering of the government's war on us.
Will anyone deliver us now from this nightmare? Will we deliver ourselves?
It will be interesting to see. The outcome might not become apparent for another 50 years, but I think it will be sooner rather than later. Yet what seems like a hopeless situation in America does not have to be to those people who are willing to search, read, and stay current on what the political powers are doing. However, most people will never have a clue.
Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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