Had lunch with an old friend today. At one point in our lives if you saw
one of us you saw the other. We have texted back and forth over the
past 5 or 6 years but never sat down and had a conversation. We’ve been
through a lot together. Conversation picked up like we never stopped.
(Guess I did a lot of the talking ...imagine that ) When we were young
, riding around town and staying all night at each other houses being
50 seemed like it was as foreign as walking on Mars.
I sat and watched
him drive off and thought about all of the times he’s helped me out. I
thought about the days we laughed until it hurt and the days that
were so painful the tears fell and all we could do was try to hold on.
Being young we are all full of “one days” and “gonna be’s”. Then life
happens. Slowly every day makes us more aware that things rise up we
don’t expect. Fulfilling responsibilities comes first and while the
dreams and aspirations may not be exactly as we thought they would
be.....life is still good.
Realizing that relationships are much more
important than things accumulated or possessions. Friendship is a gift.
I think I forget that sometime. I remember one night laying on the
deck at his parents, looking at the sky and laughing and talking. One
of those “everything is right with the world kind of nights.” We had
been out with all of our friends and summer was going on forever. Senior
year....discussing how everything was about to change. That night has
always stood out to me. Things did change. But those old friendships
remain. Call up an old friend today. Go to lunch. You won’t regret it.
Have a good one!
Welcome to Elkmont, Alabama. A blog dedicated to the sleepy little Southern town of Elkmont, Alabama and its people. We invite all those with good news, something worth braggin' about or announcements to submit their article to share with the Elkmont community. Pictures are welcome. Please visit often and see what is happening in Elkmont.
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Once again, The Limestone County Board of Education has "pink slipped"certified teachers and staff members at the end of the school year. The school board members voted to terminate 44 employees — 28 teachers, an information technology facilitator and 15 classified employees last week because the BOE isn't able to balance its bank account. The Central office hasn't lost any positions as of May 25 but the lead nurse did retire. The system determined it had to cut teacher units to make ends meet in the coming school year.
When the school board has cut first-year and non-tenured teachers, it often rehires them before the next school year begins. This may or may not happen this year. Some of those terminated will be rehired, Superintendent Tom Sisk said. “We don’t know which ones yet,” he said.“The cuts being made are only locally funded positions,” Sisk said. “We have not terminated any state-(funded) positions. The personnel action will save the school system about $1.7 million a year,according to Sisk. He said personnel and other cuts will “give us more flexibility,” as school officials try to reach a general fund balance that’s equal to one month’s operating expenses, or about $5.8 million for the county school system. We’re at about $2.4 million now, about halfway there,” Sisk said. “Our goal is to get there in three to five years.”He said the cuts won’t lead to classrooms with 30 students, though some may end up with 27 or 28 students. “That’s more than we’re accustomed to” in classroom size, he said.
Several years ago, Elkmont lost it's head football coach, David Wilson to the "pink slip". His comments about the situation apply just as much today as it did then.
“I hope that I am speaking for every 1st year teacher in Limestone County that received a letter of notification of non-renewal of contract on the day before school was out for the summer. The process of this notification is wrong. I know that you will say that it is law or policy or something that you have no control over, but it is still wrong. How can Limestone County attract the smartest and brightest young people that want to teach when they are paid so little and have no job security or at least ample notice so they can find other teaching opportunities? Why not let these people at least know in time to make other arrangements? I heard the comment that if you tell them early then they won't do their job effectively if they have another lined up. Does that sound right to any of you on the school board?"
Who was on the chopping block this year in Elkmont/Piney Chapel? Hopefully, these will be rehired; it will be a shame to lose such talented people from our community.
Laura Dougherty, math
Penny Vincent, kindergarten
Gretta McDaniel, science
Jacob Ryan, history
Resignations: Looks like a rebuilding year for the varsity basketball programs may be in the works.
Dennis Black, head boys basketball coach
Steve Bates, head girls basketball coach.
Kandace Maddox, fifth grade
Jacqueline Phillips, instructional assistant
Eryn Mitchell, second grade
Whitney Reece, wife of head Elkmont baseball coach
Newspaper Article Links:
Decatur Daily
Athens News Courier
Eryn Mitchell, second grade
Whitney Reece, wife of head Elkmont baseball coach
Newspaper Article Links:
Decatur Daily
Athens News Courier
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
The typical American has no idea that the politics we see is not reality. True politics operates behind the scenes and is carried out in smoky rooms by the unseen adepts who are the descendants of those who have ruled the world for thousands of years.
The politics we see is a charade designed to keep us distracted and befuddled and at each other's throats. It's sleight of hand as deft as any David Copperfield illusion.
This is true of national politics, but it is especially true of international politics. It's a grand design to coerce people into giving up their wealth and freedom willingly.
Governments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception.
As Adolf Hitler said, "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
Human freedom is impossible until the people understand that politics under any label in the welfare state and the warfare state is the art of political persuasion to get the people to believe, to act and to live against their best interests.
And so we turn to American policy in the Middle East in general, and toward Israel in particular. This has been a hot topic of discussion of late, due in large part to Donald Trump's decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem.
American conservatives — and most especially evangelical Christians — cheered Trump's move and seemed to view it as some sort of fulfillment of prophesy. My recent writings criticizing American policy toward Israel and Iran have brought out all the heavy artillery. It seems I can say anything at all criticizing America's government and leaders and rarely get any feedback. But when I write something negative about America's policy toward Israel, all hell breaks loose.
There are two reasons for this. First is the control the Israel lobby holds over American media, American politics and American politicians. The second, and most egregious, is because of erroneous — or false — Christian teaching on Israel.
According to Merriam-Webster, apocalypticism is a doctrine concerning an imminent end of the world and an ensuing general resurrection and final judgment. The old American Heritage Dictionary I have kept at my desk for dozens of years defines it as a general belief in the imminent destruction of the world.
Christian eschatology (prophetic interpretation concerning the last days) is associated with the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation and the apocalypse have come to have a synonymous meaning. Almost all Christians today believe that the "fulfillment" of the Book of Revelation is in the future, with emphasis on the near future, and the second coming of Christ. Most people, especially Americans, have over the entirety of our nation's history been saturated with apocalyptic writings mostly based on biblical prophecies with futurist interpretations.
Fundamentalist Christians expecting the rise of an antichrist, the rapture and 1,000 years of Christ rule are looking at the Middle East and wondering whether the rise of this dragon is imminent.
An apocalyptic conversation can turn ugly in few seconds. Somehow, people by nature are attracted to end time apocalypticism. They seem to love tragedy and horror and to be obsessed with predictions of the future.
Most all apocalyptic teaching is presented in biblical language as if it were the direct teaching of the Bible. In fact, there are religious cults that base their entire teaching on apocalypticism. Such false teaching has on numerous occasions prompted people by the hundreds to sell their possessions, don white robes, climb to a mountaintop and await Christ's coming based on varying interpretations of symbolic Scripture, which sadly ignores a very obvious proclamation in I Thessalonians 5:1-3:
Apocalypticism is a type of fatalism that neutralizes human action and resistance to tyranny. It is a syndrome of inevitability which prompts us to think that there is nothing that we can do about anything.
Governments, along with organized religion, have seized upon apocalypticism to promote wars, encourage false patriotism and regiment populations because of the "divine nature" of the crisis.
Hardly a week goes by that I don't get apocalyptic letters, books or other media from readers. Apocalypticism is ingrained so deeply that it is sacrosanct. No one dares question futuristic interpretation of the prophecies. Fundamentalist Christianity is based on it. Any profession of disbelief is tantamount to heresy, as is any notion that the U.S. doesn't owe blind allegiance to the modern nation of Israel.
Apocalypticism supports and justifies political action and long-range planning. Most professing Christians today believe that the establishment of national Israel in modern history is the continuing fulfillment of prophecy. Whatever the U.S. government does in support of the national goals of Israel is never questioned by the American people because they believe that it is according to "divine will." This is how organized religion came to support Zionism without suspicion on the part of the people. (Remember that I have told you in the past that modern Zionism has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism. Therefore, criticism of Zionism is not anti-Semitism, though Zionists have long used the claim of anti-Semitism to quell all criticism. There are Jews who are not Zionists, and there are Zionists who are not Jews.)
In Genesis 12:1-3, God gave a blessing to Abram (Abraham) saying, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (ESV)
Upon this rests the Christian's belief that the modern-day physical nation of Israel is somehow special.
God gave Abraham three promises: a great nation, the land of Canaan and through his offspring (seed), all nations would be blessed. But the promise to Abraham and his descendants was conditional on obedience. He made the Israelites (Abraham's descendants) a great nation, but they forfeited it through their disobedience. God scattered them to winds. He gave them the land of Canaan, but they forfeited it with disobedience (See Nehemiah 1:7-8, Hosea 8). Their lack of obedience to God caused them to lose the land forever, as Christ told them would happen when they rejected him (Matthew 21:33ff) and fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. And the seed promise was fulfilled through Christ (See Isaiah 42:1, 6-7; 43:5-7, 44:1-5; 49:6, Galatians 3, 6:13-16).
So who are Abraham's offspring and heirs to the promise? It is those who are of Christ — God's true Israel, not some modern-day Israel nation created by the United Nations by rooting out the area's occupants in 1948. Nor is it some future apocalyptic physical Israel kingdom of God.
The very first reference to "Israel" in the New Testament is applied to Jesus. It is Jesus who would be the "shepherd of my people Israel" (Matthew 2:6, quoting Micah 5:2). It would be through Jesus on the cross that God would "give help to Israel his servant" (Luke 1:54; see also 1:68-79). Simeon, who was looking for the "consolation of Israel," would find it in Jesus Christ. Jesus would save the Gentiles and "your people Israel" (Luke 2:25, 32, 34).
There are three main views of Christian eschatology and the book of Revelation: premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism. Post- (after) and pre- (before) refer to the time around a 1,000-year rule that Christ will appear to establish and rule over his earthly kingdom. Amillenialism is the view that God's kingdom is spiritual, not physical, and that at the end of the church age (which began on the Day of Pentecost as described in Acts 2) Christ will return in final judgment and establish a permanent reign in a new Heaven and new Earth. (I am a Christian who believes the amillennialism view is the correct one.)
Premillenialism was the commonly held view in the pre-Augustinian church. In the late 1600s, premillennialism gained popularity among the American Puritans. But the 18th century American theologian Jonathan Edwards was a postmillennialist, and his view attracted many followers into the mid-19th century, until it fell from vogue and was replaced among most fundamentalists by premillenialism, which is still the most popular view among Christians today.
Two of those views premillenialism and postmellenialism — deny or pervert Scripture. God's kingdom is spiritual, and it is the Church. Paul referred to the Church as the household of God in I Timothy 3:15. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16 that the Church would be built on the profession of faith, and that he (Peter) would receive the keys to the kingdom. Jesus told his disciples that some of them would not taste death until they saw "the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."
Neither Peter nor the other disciples are still alive awaiting the kingdom. That prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2 when the kingdom was established on the Day of Pentecost. If the kingdom has not yet been established, then Christ is a liar.
As for the rise of a single antichrist to battle Christ and persecute Christians, that term is found in only four verses — and none of them is in Revelation. The antichrist or antichrists is/are those who deny Christ, deny He came in the flesh and deny God, according to I John 2:18-19, I John 2:22-23, I John 4:2-3 and II John 1:7. John writes in I John 2:18 that "many antichrists have arisen." If there is one antichrist and he is yet to come, then John is a liar.
Neither ISIS/ISIL, nor Russia, nor any other entity that has been or will be named by premillenialists can rise and be the antichrist, as premellenialism proponents claim, and still be Scripturally correct. Antichrists are everywhere because anyone opposing Christ is one.
The point is that most people hold futurist beliefs about the Book of Revelation and about modern physical Israel without ever questioning the source of their beliefs. And if one dares raise questions, he or she is quickly shouted down with charges of anti-Semitism or worse.
Apocolypticism dominates conventional wisdom. Apocolypticism and Zionism dominate American foreign policy, forcing all U.S. presidential hopefuls and most prominent politicians to don a yarmulke and genuflect before Israel's prime minister and the Jerusalem Wall if they have any desire to be considered relevant on the national political scene.
For most of the past 70 years, America's foreign policy has been predicated on what is in Israel's best interests. As Joe Biden said in 2007, "Imagine our circumstance in the world were there no Israel. How many battleships would there be? How many troops would be stationed?"
Imagine indeed.
It's high time for that to change and America's interests put first, before Israel's, before Saudi Arabia's and before any other nation's, but apocalypticism keeps us rooted in the status quo, and therefore involved in perpetual war.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
The typical American has no idea that the politics we see is not reality. True politics operates behind the scenes and is carried out in smoky rooms by the unseen adepts who are the descendants of those who have ruled the world for thousands of years.
The politics we see is a charade designed to keep us distracted and befuddled and at each other's throats. It's sleight of hand as deft as any David Copperfield illusion.
This is true of national politics, but it is especially true of international politics. It's a grand design to coerce people into giving up their wealth and freedom willingly.
Governments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception.
As Adolf Hitler said, "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
Human freedom is impossible until the people understand that politics under any label in the welfare state and the warfare state is the art of political persuasion to get the people to believe, to act and to live against their best interests.
And so we turn to American policy in the Middle East in general, and toward Israel in particular. This has been a hot topic of discussion of late, due in large part to Donald Trump's decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem.
American conservatives — and most especially evangelical Christians — cheered Trump's move and seemed to view it as some sort of fulfillment of prophesy. My recent writings criticizing American policy toward Israel and Iran have brought out all the heavy artillery. It seems I can say anything at all criticizing America's government and leaders and rarely get any feedback. But when I write something negative about America's policy toward Israel, all hell breaks loose.
There are two reasons for this. First is the control the Israel lobby holds over American media, American politics and American politicians. The second, and most egregious, is because of erroneous — or false — Christian teaching on Israel.
According to Merriam-Webster, apocalypticism is a doctrine concerning an imminent end of the world and an ensuing general resurrection and final judgment. The old American Heritage Dictionary I have kept at my desk for dozens of years defines it as a general belief in the imminent destruction of the world.
Christian eschatology (prophetic interpretation concerning the last days) is associated with the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation and the apocalypse have come to have a synonymous meaning. Almost all Christians today believe that the "fulfillment" of the Book of Revelation is in the future, with emphasis on the near future, and the second coming of Christ. Most people, especially Americans, have over the entirety of our nation's history been saturated with apocalyptic writings mostly based on biblical prophecies with futurist interpretations.
Fundamentalist Christians expecting the rise of an antichrist, the rapture and 1,000 years of Christ rule are looking at the Middle East and wondering whether the rise of this dragon is imminent.
An apocalyptic conversation can turn ugly in few seconds. Somehow, people by nature are attracted to end time apocalypticism. They seem to love tragedy and horror and to be obsessed with predictions of the future.
Most all apocalyptic teaching is presented in biblical language as if it were the direct teaching of the Bible. In fact, there are religious cults that base their entire teaching on apocalypticism. Such false teaching has on numerous occasions prompted people by the hundreds to sell their possessions, don white robes, climb to a mountaintop and await Christ's coming based on varying interpretations of symbolic Scripture, which sadly ignores a very obvious proclamation in I Thessalonians 5:1-3:
"Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,' then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (ESV)In other words, only the Father knows the day and time, and anyone telling you anything else is a false prophet.
Apocalypticism is a type of fatalism that neutralizes human action and resistance to tyranny. It is a syndrome of inevitability which prompts us to think that there is nothing that we can do about anything.
Governments, along with organized religion, have seized upon apocalypticism to promote wars, encourage false patriotism and regiment populations because of the "divine nature" of the crisis.
Hardly a week goes by that I don't get apocalyptic letters, books or other media from readers. Apocalypticism is ingrained so deeply that it is sacrosanct. No one dares question futuristic interpretation of the prophecies. Fundamentalist Christianity is based on it. Any profession of disbelief is tantamount to heresy, as is any notion that the U.S. doesn't owe blind allegiance to the modern nation of Israel.
Apocalypticism supports and justifies political action and long-range planning. Most professing Christians today believe that the establishment of national Israel in modern history is the continuing fulfillment of prophecy. Whatever the U.S. government does in support of the national goals of Israel is never questioned by the American people because they believe that it is according to "divine will." This is how organized religion came to support Zionism without suspicion on the part of the people. (Remember that I have told you in the past that modern Zionism has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism. Therefore, criticism of Zionism is not anti-Semitism, though Zionists have long used the claim of anti-Semitism to quell all criticism. There are Jews who are not Zionists, and there are Zionists who are not Jews.)
In Genesis 12:1-3, God gave a blessing to Abram (Abraham) saying, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (ESV)
Upon this rests the Christian's belief that the modern-day physical nation of Israel is somehow special.
God gave Abraham three promises: a great nation, the land of Canaan and through his offspring (seed), all nations would be blessed. But the promise to Abraham and his descendants was conditional on obedience. He made the Israelites (Abraham's descendants) a great nation, but they forfeited it through their disobedience. God scattered them to winds. He gave them the land of Canaan, but they forfeited it with disobedience (See Nehemiah 1:7-8, Hosea 8). Their lack of obedience to God caused them to lose the land forever, as Christ told them would happen when they rejected him (Matthew 21:33ff) and fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. And the seed promise was fulfilled through Christ (See Isaiah 42:1, 6-7; 43:5-7, 44:1-5; 49:6, Galatians 3, 6:13-16).
So who are Abraham's offspring and heirs to the promise? It is those who are of Christ — God's true Israel, not some modern-day Israel nation created by the United Nations by rooting out the area's occupants in 1948. Nor is it some future apocalyptic physical Israel kingdom of God.
The very first reference to "Israel" in the New Testament is applied to Jesus. It is Jesus who would be the "shepherd of my people Israel" (Matthew 2:6, quoting Micah 5:2). It would be through Jesus on the cross that God would "give help to Israel his servant" (Luke 1:54; see also 1:68-79). Simeon, who was looking for the "consolation of Israel," would find it in Jesus Christ. Jesus would save the Gentiles and "your people Israel" (Luke 2:25, 32, 34).
There are three main views of Christian eschatology and the book of Revelation: premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism. Post- (after) and pre- (before) refer to the time around a 1,000-year rule that Christ will appear to establish and rule over his earthly kingdom. Amillenialism is the view that God's kingdom is spiritual, not physical, and that at the end of the church age (which began on the Day of Pentecost as described in Acts 2) Christ will return in final judgment and establish a permanent reign in a new Heaven and new Earth. (I am a Christian who believes the amillennialism view is the correct one.)
Premillenialism was the commonly held view in the pre-Augustinian church. In the late 1600s, premillennialism gained popularity among the American Puritans. But the 18th century American theologian Jonathan Edwards was a postmillennialist, and his view attracted many followers into the mid-19th century, until it fell from vogue and was replaced among most fundamentalists by premillenialism, which is still the most popular view among Christians today.
Two of those views premillenialism and postmellenialism — deny or pervert Scripture. God's kingdom is spiritual, and it is the Church. Paul referred to the Church as the household of God in I Timothy 3:15. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16 that the Church would be built on the profession of faith, and that he (Peter) would receive the keys to the kingdom. Jesus told his disciples that some of them would not taste death until they saw "the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."
Neither Peter nor the other disciples are still alive awaiting the kingdom. That prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2 when the kingdom was established on the Day of Pentecost. If the kingdom has not yet been established, then Christ is a liar.
As for the rise of a single antichrist to battle Christ and persecute Christians, that term is found in only four verses — and none of them is in Revelation. The antichrist or antichrists is/are those who deny Christ, deny He came in the flesh and deny God, according to I John 2:18-19, I John 2:22-23, I John 4:2-3 and II John 1:7. John writes in I John 2:18 that "many antichrists have arisen." If there is one antichrist and he is yet to come, then John is a liar.
Neither ISIS/ISIL, nor Russia, nor any other entity that has been or will be named by premillenialists can rise and be the antichrist, as premellenialism proponents claim, and still be Scripturally correct. Antichrists are everywhere because anyone opposing Christ is one.
The point is that most people hold futurist beliefs about the Book of Revelation and about modern physical Israel without ever questioning the source of their beliefs. And if one dares raise questions, he or she is quickly shouted down with charges of anti-Semitism or worse.
Apocolypticism dominates conventional wisdom. Apocolypticism and Zionism dominate American foreign policy, forcing all U.S. presidential hopefuls and most prominent politicians to don a yarmulke and genuflect before Israel's prime minister and the Jerusalem Wall if they have any desire to be considered relevant on the national political scene.
For most of the past 70 years, America's foreign policy has been predicated on what is in Israel's best interests. As Joe Biden said in 2007, "Imagine our circumstance in the world were there no Israel. How many battleships would there be? How many troops would be stationed?"
Imagine indeed.
It's high time for that to change and America's interests put first, before Israel's, before Saudi Arabia's and before any other nation's, but apocalypticism keeps us rooted in the status quo, and therefore involved in perpetual war.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Cliffie Gibson Whitt, age 71 of
Athens, passed away Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at her residence. Mrs. Whitt
was born September 23, 1946 in Flora, IL to Ernest Ward Gibson and
Thelma Avalene Vice Gibson. Mrs. Whitt was a retired counselor at East Limestone High School and enjoyed painting and crafts.
Graveside services were Thursday, May 24, 2018 1:00 p.m., at Athens City Cemetery with Doug Fields officiating. Visitation was Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home.
Preceded in death by her parents; husband, Clyde Clayton Whitt, Jr.
Survived by two daughters, Amy Whitt of Athens and Wendi Whitt Cook and husband, Ross of Elkmont; one grandson, Chase Cook; one brother, Buddy Gibson and wife, Ann; several nieces and nephews.
Graveside services were Thursday, May 24, 2018 1:00 p.m., at Athens City Cemetery with Doug Fields officiating. Visitation was Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home.
Preceded in death by her parents; husband, Clyde Clayton Whitt, Jr.
Survived by two daughters, Amy Whitt of Athens and Wendi Whitt Cook and husband, Ross of Elkmont; one grandson, Chase Cook; one brother, Buddy Gibson and wife, Ann; several nieces and nephews.
Linda Nell Holt, age 77 of Athens, passed away Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at
her residence. Mrs. Holt was born November 16, 1940 in Jefferson
County, AL to Oren Clines and Dora Rogers Clines.
Services was Friday, May 25, 2018 2:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Tim Keenum officiating. Visitation was Friday, from 12:30 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. prior to the service. Burial was in Limestone Memorial Gardens.
Preceded in death by her parents; husband, Harold Holt, sister, Betty Tapscott and brother, Jerry Clines.
Survived by three daughters, Carol Romine and husband, John, Teresa Holt and Anita Bates and husband, Stan; five grandchildren, Ashley Smith, John Romine, Jr., Ben Romine, Jacob Bates and Will Bates; five great-grandchildren, Ayden Perkins, Cooper Smith, Ellie Smith, Tenley Romine and Hudson Romine; three brothers, Leonard Clines, Eddie Clines and Lee Clines.
Pallbearers will be Stan Bates, Jacob Bates, Will Bates, John Romine Sr., John Romine, Jr., and Ben Romine.
Services was Friday, May 25, 2018 2:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Tim Keenum officiating. Visitation was Friday, from 12:30 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. prior to the service. Burial was in Limestone Memorial Gardens.
Preceded in death by her parents; husband, Harold Holt, sister, Betty Tapscott and brother, Jerry Clines.
Survived by three daughters, Carol Romine and husband, John, Teresa Holt and Anita Bates and husband, Stan; five grandchildren, Ashley Smith, John Romine, Jr., Ben Romine, Jacob Bates and Will Bates; five great-grandchildren, Ayden Perkins, Cooper Smith, Ellie Smith, Tenley Romine and Hudson Romine; three brothers, Leonard Clines, Eddie Clines and Lee Clines.
Pallbearers will be Stan Bates, Jacob Bates, Will Bates, John Romine Sr., John Romine, Jr., and Ben Romine.
Walter "Doug" Sides, age 52 of Athens, passed away Monday, May 28, 2018 at his residence. Mr. Sides was born July 4, 1965 in Limestone County, AL to James Sides and Joann Adams Sides. Mr. Sides was a member of Church of the Living God. Services will be Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Doug Colwell and Terry Siniard officiating. Visitation will be Wednesday, May 30, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in Reunion Cemetery.
Preceded in death by his son, Nick King; father, James Sides.
Survived by his wife, Michelle Sides of Athens; Mother, Joann Sides of Athens; children, Marie Spence (C.J.) of Elkmont, Zack Bright (Bailey) of Athens and Brianna Bright of Harvest; grandchildren, Emily Spence, Tylor Spence and Hunter Spence; step-grandchildren, Lakelynn Bolin and Payton Bolin; siblings, Glen Sides (Connie) of Madison, Patricia Wense (Randy) of Lester, Danny Sides (Angie) Teresa Bolin (Jerry), David Sides (Susie) all of Madison, Gary Sides (Teresa) of Summerdale, AL, Benny Sides (Angie) of Toney and Brandon Sides of Lester; sister-in-law, Amanda Dempsey; brother-in-law, Davey Fowler; several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Corey Bolin, Cody Bolin, Caleb Sides, Casyn Sides, Josh Sides, Jordan Sides, Jacob Williamson, Matthew Sides, Justin Tucker, Mark Martinez and Colton Sides.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
*local governments, area agencies, attractions, restaurants and shops may be closed or have modified hours of operation in observance of this holiday. Please call ahead to confirm availability and hours.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Phillip McCain has been selected to represent Elkmont High School as the student
delegate to Boys State. The 2018 Alabama Boys State will be held at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, May 27 to June 2.
About AL Boys State
Alabama Boys
State is one of the highest honors granted to Alabama students. Students
from across the state are chosen based on their demonstration of
leadership, hard work, strong morals, and motivation in school and
community activities. Boys State week is a full and active week held on
the campus of The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
At Boys State, student delegates will find the opportunity to build new friendships, participate in a mock government, and hear from and meet a diverse array of Alabama leaders such as Congressmen, state elected officials, business leaders, civic leaders, and others. Delegates will have the opportunity to join interest groups that focus on their individual areas of interest such as law school, fire college, law enforcement academy, aerospace academy, lobbyists, city government, county government, constitutional convention, engineer/computer academy, and environmental interest group. Delegates will also have activity time during which they can participate in recreational activities such as basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, academic bowl, etc.
The American Legion believes there is no better way to assure the survival of our republic than to train our young people in the ideals and objectives of American government. By teaching youth to understand and appreciate the basic principles involved in the successful management of a democratic society, we can keep America strong and ensure freedom for future generations. These are the distinguished, long-standing objectives of American Legion Boys States.
They are accomplished through a unique summertime program, one that emphasizes not classroom lectures or textbook learning, but participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with its governing bodies and elected officials.
Boys State was founded and its courses of instruction were designed to supplement the information taught in high school civic classes. Boys State teaches that our form of government is good but that its preservation depends on intelligent, informed, and loyal citizens in combination with an honest and impartial administration of government activities.
Young men chosen to be Boys State participants can look forward to a wonderful and challenging experience. All who attend can acquire a better understanding and regard for two of our nation’s benefits: freedom and democracy.
At Boys State, student delegates will find the opportunity to build new friendships, participate in a mock government, and hear from and meet a diverse array of Alabama leaders such as Congressmen, state elected officials, business leaders, civic leaders, and others. Delegates will have the opportunity to join interest groups that focus on their individual areas of interest such as law school, fire college, law enforcement academy, aerospace academy, lobbyists, city government, county government, constitutional convention, engineer/computer academy, and environmental interest group. Delegates will also have activity time during which they can participate in recreational activities such as basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, academic bowl, etc.
The American Legion believes there is no better way to assure the survival of our republic than to train our young people in the ideals and objectives of American government. By teaching youth to understand and appreciate the basic principles involved in the successful management of a democratic society, we can keep America strong and ensure freedom for future generations. These are the distinguished, long-standing objectives of American Legion Boys States.
They are accomplished through a unique summertime program, one that emphasizes not classroom lectures or textbook learning, but participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with its governing bodies and elected officials.
Boys State was founded and its courses of instruction were designed to supplement the information taught in high school civic classes. Boys State teaches that our form of government is good but that its preservation depends on intelligent, informed, and loyal citizens in combination with an honest and impartial administration of government activities.
Young men chosen to be Boys State participants can look forward to a wonderful and challenging experience. All who attend can acquire a better understanding and regard for two of our nation’s benefits: freedom and democracy.
Limestone County Boys State delegates for
2018 are from front row, from left:
Sam Matthews, Athens Bible School; Joe
Neal Douthit, Ardmore High School; Cade Hatfield, Athens High School;
Austin Harm, Madison High School; Alex D’Aunoy, Athens High School;
Palmer Smith, Lindsay Lane Christian Academy; Luke Campbell, Elkmont
High School; Phillip McCain, Athens High School; Timothy Hagler, Ardmore
High School; Andrew Hall, Athens Bible School; and Samuel Britnell,
Athens Bible School. Second row from left, Henderson May, Athens Bible
School; Hayden Pierce, Athens Bible School; Sawyer Graham, West
Limestone High School; Gage Abernathy, East Limestone High School; John
David Mathews, Athens High School; Johnathan Birmingham, Ardmore High
School; Austin Lewis, Ardmore High School; Kody Knight, Lindsay Lane
Christian Academy; Alex McMahon, Ardmore High School; Saul Rodriquez,
Ardmore High School; John Witherrow, Ardmore High School; David Strouss,
Athens Bible School. Not pictured are Issac Evans, Clements High
School; Lucian Terry, East Limestone High School; and Connor Stenske,
Athens High School.

Drive alert and prepare for increased traffic
– For the safety of the traveling public, construction industry workers
and maintenance crews, the Alabama Department of Transportation will
limit temporary lane closures on interstates after noon, Friday, May 25,
through midnight, Monday, May 28.
Birmingham, I-59/20 northbound at milepost 124 will be closed Friday,
May 25 and Saturday, May 26 from 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. Detour routes will be
marked for motorists to follow. No other temporary lane closures are
planned around the state.
most ALDOT construction will halt during the holiday, driving within
the speed limit and watching out for shifting lanes and other changes in
the roadway is still important in a construction zone,” said Allison
Green, Drive Safe Alabama coordinator, ALDOT. “Before getting on the
road, drivers can find out if there are construction zones along their
route or traffic congestion by checking ALGOTraffic.com or the ALGO
Traffic app.”
Holiday Driving Tips
increased traffic expected on roads around the state, ALDOT is asking
travelers to allow extra time to reach their destination. ALDOT offers
the following reminders for the Memorial Day holiday weekend:
- Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
People are seven times more likely to die
in a crash when the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
as shown in ALDOT crash reports. Designating a sober driver before
drinking is key to preventing these deadly crashes.
- Wear your seat belt, in both front and rear seats.
Surviving a crash is much more likely when wearing a seat belt. Latest stats from Drive Safe Alabama show that almost 60 percent of people dying in crashes on Alabama highways are not wearing a seat belt.
More safe driving tips are available on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook page.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still...
The summer season is often about renewed hope and revelry in comfort, and this goes for economic comfort as much as anything else. In the old tale of The Ant And The Grasshopper, we are all tempted to act like the grasshopper, forget about the trials and tribulations of the world and take a vacation from awareness.
I am seeing a quit a lot of this in the past month as mounting global tensions appear to have subsided. But but appearances can be deceiving...
I am reminded of the summer of 2008 when those of us in alternative economic analysis were warning of the overwhelming evidence of a debt based deflationary disaster. There seemed to be widespread complacency back then as well. September finally struck and reality began to sink in, and the rest is a history we are still dealing with to this day. Right now, economic optimism is desperately clinging to news headlines rather than data fundamentals, but this can just as easily sink markets as it can keep them artificially afloat. Consider the numerous powder keg events coming our way over the next few months and what they will mean for economic sentiment if they go the wrong way.
The focus on the China/U.S. deficit also distracts from further strife in NAFTA trade dealings (of which Mnuchin has said there are "significant issues"), as well as trade with Europe. Ultimately, this is headed towards bilateral agreements between China and European nations further cutting out the dollar as world reserve. In fact, the Chinese state run media is suggesting just this strategy as a means to counter what they call 'U.S. trade unilateralism.' I do not expect the peace and love theater to last through the summer. The trade war will resume well before Fall.
The optimism building around the North Korean summit is rather bewildering to me. The idea that even in the liberty movement people are actually buying into this as viable while giddy over a possible Nobel Peace Price for Donald Trump is disconcerting, because shows a lack of awareness of the bigger picture.
What we have here, folks, is a carrot and stick approach for the American collective psyche. Tensions are ratcheted up around the world, economically and politically, and then we are given a short reprieve, a moment to take a breath. But, this generally does not last very long as these moments are usually based on false information and assumptions, and the tension is increased yet again. Eventually, something breaks.
Even if the North Korea summit actually takes place and concludes without incident (that's a BIG "if"), and even if the Trump administration declares "mission accomplished," there will be no follow through on the part of North Korea as far as disarmament. Count on it.
With the destabilization of Syria well on the way after western intelligence agencies funded, armed and trained insurgents who would later form ISIS and wreak havoc in the country, Iran's primary strategic partner is now on the verge of collapse. The direct targeting of the Assad regime is next as the war on ISIS con game has subsided. Russia is also conveniently pulling many of its troops out of Syria opening the door to invasion by other interests.
Any invasion of Syria with the intent to unseat Assad will likely cause an Iranian response, and perhaps this is the goal; to lure Iran into an aggressive posture thus justifying war.
The timing of growing conflict with Iran should not be overlooked. We have oil prices now rising despite a strong dollar index and continuing oversupply, which adds to the stress over stagflation concerns. We also have a potential geopolitical disaster which could provide perfect cover for central banks to continue their decoupling from stock markets without receiving any blame for the consequences. The Summer of 2018 continues to look like a staging period for considerable economic volatility to come, much like the summer of 2008 was 10 years ago.
To truth and knowledge,
The summer season is often about renewed hope and revelry in comfort, and this goes for economic comfort as much as anything else. In the old tale of The Ant And The Grasshopper, we are all tempted to act like the grasshopper, forget about the trials and tribulations of the world and take a vacation from awareness.
I am seeing a quit a lot of this in the past month as mounting global tensions appear to have subsided. But but appearances can be deceiving...
I am reminded of the summer of 2008 when those of us in alternative economic analysis were warning of the overwhelming evidence of a debt based deflationary disaster. There seemed to be widespread complacency back then as well. September finally struck and reality began to sink in, and the rest is a history we are still dealing with to this day. Right now, economic optimism is desperately clinging to news headlines rather than data fundamentals, but this can just as easily sink markets as it can keep them artificially afloat. Consider the numerous powder keg events coming our way over the next few months and what they will mean for economic sentiment if they go the wrong way.
Federal Reserve meeting June 12-13
The next week will be packed with public statements from various Fed officials which may hint at how aggressive the central bank will be for the rest of the year in its tightening program. However, I think I can guess rather easily what they will do. The Fed has been sticking to its policy of interest rate hikes and balance sheet cuts as I predicted they would for the past couple years. Nothing has changed under new Fed chairman Jerome Powell. I believe the June meeting will mark an important mid-year shift for the Fed into even more aggressive rhetoric on fiscal tightening. The mainstream media has been heavily pushing the idea that stagflation is now a true threat to the U.S. economy. This is a notion I actually agree with and have been warning about for quite some time. As I mentioned in my article Stagflationary crisis: Understanding the cause of America’s ongoing collapse, when the mainstream finally admits to a specific fiscal threat which has been gestating for years, we should be concerned, because this likely means a crisis is already upon us. The Fed will use talk of stagflation as a springboard for accelerated rate hikes, and more importantly, expanded balance sheet reductions. I have no doubt the Fed will raise interest rates again in June, which will disappoint the contingent of stock market traders who were hoping recent poor economic data would influence the central bank to back off. This is not going to happen. When new balance sheet data comes in at the end of June I expect reductions will be noticeably higher, triggering renewed instability in equities. The Fed, of course, will not make such a move in a vacuum, though. They will need some form of geopolitical distraction.International trade war will not be denied
Despite rhetoric coming from Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs alumni Steve Munchin, the ongoing trade war will not be "taking a break," at least not behind the scenes. On the surface, trade war escalation seems to have been averted, based on the promise that China will "purchase more U.S. goods" in order to reduce existing trade deficits. Of course, with the climbing dollar and simultaneous rising prices, purchasing more U.S. goods may be a problem for many countries, including China. The stagflationary crisis building in America does more than just give the Federal Reserve an excuse to pull the plug on its fiat support of stock markets. It will also be the perfect excuse for foreign buyers to further reduce purchases of U.S. goods based on the argument that they are becoming too expensive. The Chinese offer to buy more from America is an empty offer. There will be little to no follow through and when deficit numbers increase, markets will react negatively.The focus on the China/U.S. deficit also distracts from further strife in NAFTA trade dealings (of which Mnuchin has said there are "significant issues"), as well as trade with Europe. Ultimately, this is headed towards bilateral agreements between China and European nations further cutting out the dollar as world reserve. In fact, the Chinese state run media is suggesting just this strategy as a means to counter what they call 'U.S. trade unilateralism.' I do not expect the peace and love theater to last through the summer. The trade war will resume well before Fall.
North Korean Peace Summit farce
As I warned in my article Syria And Iran Prove There's No Chance For North Korean Peace, globalists only ever use peace agreements as a staging period for further war. In that article I also suggested that disruptions to the peace summit with North Korea would arise and that the U.S. would make demands North Korea cannot or will not fulfill. Already we are seeing cracks in the facade as North Korea complains about U.S. involvement in South Korean war games as well as potential de-nuclearization. Again, North Korea denuclearization will never happen; not without a war.The optimism building around the North Korean summit is rather bewildering to me. The idea that even in the liberty movement people are actually buying into this as viable while giddy over a possible Nobel Peace Price for Donald Trump is disconcerting, because shows a lack of awareness of the bigger picture.
What we have here, folks, is a carrot and stick approach for the American collective psyche. Tensions are ratcheted up around the world, economically and politically, and then we are given a short reprieve, a moment to take a breath. But, this generally does not last very long as these moments are usually based on false information and assumptions, and the tension is increased yet again. Eventually, something breaks.
Even if the North Korea summit actually takes place and concludes without incident (that's a BIG "if"), and even if the Trump administration declares "mission accomplished," there will be no follow through on the part of North Korea as far as disarmament. Count on it.
Iranian peace agreement merely a pause for war prep
The Iranian peace agreement is now in tatters with Israel on the war path in the region and the U.S. backing assertions of Iran nuclear development that are still backed by no evidence whatsoever. Many of us still remember the outright lies of WMD's in Iraq which led to the second Gulf War, and the Iranian situation smells of the same exact deception. In fact, some of the same neo-con players from those days are lurking in the White House now, including John Bolton.With the destabilization of Syria well on the way after western intelligence agencies funded, armed and trained insurgents who would later form ISIS and wreak havoc in the country, Iran's primary strategic partner is now on the verge of collapse. The direct targeting of the Assad regime is next as the war on ISIS con game has subsided. Russia is also conveniently pulling many of its troops out of Syria opening the door to invasion by other interests.
Any invasion of Syria with the intent to unseat Assad will likely cause an Iranian response, and perhaps this is the goal; to lure Iran into an aggressive posture thus justifying war.
The timing of growing conflict with Iran should not be overlooked. We have oil prices now rising despite a strong dollar index and continuing oversupply, which adds to the stress over stagflation concerns. We also have a potential geopolitical disaster which could provide perfect cover for central banks to continue their decoupling from stock markets without receiving any blame for the consequences. The Summer of 2018 continues to look like a staging period for considerable economic volatility to come, much like the summer of 2008 was 10 years ago.
To truth and knowledge,

In the last few weeks of school, our graduating Elkmont High School seniors are recognized and receive various awards. One of these is the Athens Rotary Club which honors students from each high school for their academic success, and participation in extracurricular activites and community service. Elkmont's two recognized students are Emma McNatt and Malena Butler.
Emma McNatt has been on the academic honor roll for the past four years and is an active member of several clubs, including Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Spanish Club and Future Farmers of America. She plays basketball and volleyball and was named to the all-county volleyball team. Emma also enjoys youth group activities and choir at her church.
Malena Butler is a member of the 30+ ACT Club and is in the gifted program. She is active in a number of extracurricular activities and clubs, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Farmers of America, Mu Alpha Theta and the math team. She serves as Beta Club president. She is an all-around athlete playing Volleyball, Basketball and Softball.
Local students recognized by Athens Rotary Club for Success in Education include Allie Sexton and Will Suggs of Athens Bible School, Kara McHalffey and Sean O’Connor of Athens High School, Hannah Gilliam and Jeriel Jammullamudy of Lindsay Lane, Katy Payne and Amber Walker of Ardmore High School; back row, Lily Miller and Anna Page of Clements High School, Emma Banks and Carlton Schmieder of East Limestone High School, Emma McNatt and Malena Butler (not pictured) of Elkmont High School, Angel Howland and Jake Powers (not pictured) of Tanner High School, Cody Daniel and Kelsey Hopkins of West Limestone High School.
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Photo by Down Home Portraits |
Emma McNatt has been on the academic honor roll for the past four years and is an active member of several clubs, including Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Spanish Club and Future Farmers of America. She plays basketball and volleyball and was named to the all-county volleyball team. Emma also enjoys youth group activities and choir at her church.
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photo by Down Home Portraits |
Malena Butler is a member of the 30+ ACT Club and is in the gifted program. She is active in a number of extracurricular activities and clubs, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Farmers of America, Mu Alpha Theta and the math team. She serves as Beta Club president. She is an all-around athlete playing Volleyball, Basketball and Softball.
Local students recognized by Athens Rotary Club for Success in Education include Allie Sexton and Will Suggs of Athens Bible School, Kara McHalffey and Sean O’Connor of Athens High School, Hannah Gilliam and Jeriel Jammullamudy of Lindsay Lane, Katy Payne and Amber Walker of Ardmore High School; back row, Lily Miller and Anna Page of Clements High School, Emma Banks and Carlton Schmieder of East Limestone High School, Emma McNatt and Malena Butler (not pictured) of Elkmont High School, Angel Howland and Jake Powers (not pictured) of Tanner High School, Cody Daniel and Kelsey Hopkins of West Limestone High School.
Stephanie Bates has been selected to represent Elkmont High School as the student
delegate to Girls State. The 2018 Alabama Girls State will be held at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, June 10 to June 15.
Selection Criteria
Girls are eligible to attend Alabama Girls State if they meet the following criteria:
One girl from each high school in the State of Alabama will be accepted as a citizen of Alabama Girls State. Schools with 1-300 students in their junior class may send one delegate to Girls Sate. Schools with 301 – 600 students in their junior class may send two delegates to Girls State. Schools where the junior class exceeds 601 may send three delegate to Girls State.
- They have completed their junior year in high school
- They are interested in government and current events
- They have high moral character
- They have strong leadership abilities
- They have an above average scholastic standing
One girl from each high school in the State of Alabama will be accepted as a citizen of Alabama Girls State. Schools with 1-300 students in their junior class may send one delegate to Girls Sate. Schools with 301 – 600 students in their junior class may send two delegates to Girls State. Schools where the junior class exceeds 601 may send three delegate to Girls State.
Selection of Girls State Citizens
Girls State is intended for the most outstanding girls, from the standpoint of leadership, character, and scholarship in the high schools. Only those girls who will enthusiastically devote their FULL TIME to increasing their knowledge, while at the same time advancing the whole Girls State Program, should be chosen.Limestone County Girls State delegates for 2018 are, front row, from left:
Mary Kait, West Limestone; Stephanie Bates, Elkmont High School; Tasia Laster, Ardmore High School; and Nya Little, Athens High School. Second row from left, Emma Jones, Athens High School; Sabrina Webb, Athens Bible School; Sophie Glover, Athens Bible School; Elizabeth Graves, Lindsay Lane Christian Academy. Not pictured are Darby Moore, Clements High School; Jenny Renfroe, East Limestone High School; and Marcia Castelle, Tanner High School.

The Lions Club will be looking to present a scholarship next May to another community minded senior. If you are in high school, you can start to qualify now by volunteering. You can help your community, school, church or other organizations. Keep a log of those hours so the number is easy to obtain for the Lions Club Scholarship in addition to other scholarship applications. We can help these awards to continue by supporting our Elkmont Lions Club's projects. The next Lion event is the Smokin' Railroad Street BBQ Cook-off, June 29-30.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Ok..so today I gained a new appreciation for salmon. If they can swim upstream, they deserve it! Getting kayaks and canoes to go against the current while occupied is not a fun thing! I am sure in the muddy, running faster than usual Flint river water today, I was accosted by turtles, snakes, fish and something that felt like an octopus. Oh and trees...oh, man the trees and limbs!
My 22 inch legs will never look the same ! Luke Bryan might “catch himself a little catfish dinner” on that Flint River but all myself and a few others caught was a hard time!! Cell phones and keys somewhere on the bottom! But most importantly, the kids were safe and after the little snafu they had a great time ! Thankful for calm parents while we helped them out. This was the picture of the calm before the storm! I finished with no shoes ( someone caught them downstream) and an extra paddle!
It was a fun time and we all made it safely. Feel like I have been run over by a steam roller! A day a few 5th graders(and one tired coach) will definitely remember! Have a good one!
Friday, May 18, 2018
Martha Jean Sims, age of Elkmont, died Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville, Alabama. Born Monday, January 02, 1956 in Athens, AL, she was the daughter of Joel Furline and Robbie Mae Furline.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her son, Wayne (Angela) Sims, Hillsboro, AL, brothers, Charles Furline, Elkmont, AL and Johnny Furline, Cashpoint, TN, sisters, JoAnn Miller, Elkmont, AL, Barbara Patterson, Kelly Creek, TN, Wanda Harbin, Elkmont, AL, Kelly Jeffers, Soperton, GA, grand-children, Alexis Sims, Kaitlyn Sims, and Kimberly McDaniel, great granchild, Madilynn Gorham,
A Visitation will be held on Friday, May 18, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, Ardmore, Alabama from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, Ardmore, AL, at 2:00 PM with Bro. James Oliver officiating. Burial will be in Antioch Cemetery, Elkmont, AL.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her son, Wayne (Angela) Sims, Hillsboro, AL, brothers, Charles Furline, Elkmont, AL and Johnny Furline, Cashpoint, TN, sisters, JoAnn Miller, Elkmont, AL, Barbara Patterson, Kelly Creek, TN, Wanda Harbin, Elkmont, AL, Kelly Jeffers, Soperton, GA, grand-children, Alexis Sims, Kaitlyn Sims, and Kimberly McDaniel, great granchild, Madilynn Gorham,
A Visitation will be held on Friday, May 18, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, Ardmore, Alabama from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, Ardmore, AL, at 2:00 PM with Bro. James Oliver officiating. Burial will be in Antioch Cemetery, Elkmont, AL.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Cecil Walter Smith, age 75 of Elkmont, passed away Sunday, May 13, 2018
at Huntsville Hospital. Mr. Smith was born December 22, 1942 to Cecil
Walter Smith and Mary Zacharchuk Smith. Mr. Smith was a 32nd degree Mason,
and a Scottish Rite, Shriner. He loved car restoration, was a stock car
fan and enjoyed hunting.
Memorial services will be Thursday, May 17, 2018 7:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Lee Birchfield officiating. Visitation will be from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. prior to the service.
Preceded in death by his parents.
Survived by his wife of 52 years, Mary Sue Smith of Elkmont; one daughter, JoAnne Alvarez and husband, Ruben of Pembroke Pines, FL; two brothers, Wayne Smith and Dwight Smith; one sister, Frances Smith; several nieces and nephews.
Memorial services will be Thursday, May 17, 2018 7:00 p.m., at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Lee Birchfield officiating. Visitation will be from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. prior to the service.
Preceded in death by his parents.
Survived by his wife of 52 years, Mary Sue Smith of Elkmont; one daughter, JoAnne Alvarez and husband, Ruben of Pembroke Pines, FL; two brothers, Wayne Smith and Dwight Smith; one sister, Frances Smith; several nieces and nephews.
Janice Marie Groce, age 51 of Ardmore, AL died Sunday, May 13, 2018 at Hopice Family Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Born December 31, 1966 in Athens, AL, she was the daughter of the late Rabon Alvin Groce and Ellen Louise Craig Groce.
She is survived by one son, Christopher Lee Groce, Ardmore, AL, Brothers, Jimmie (Barbara) Groce, Athens, AL, Terry Groce, Ardmore, AL, and Rickey (Gyn) Groce, Ardmore, TN, Sisters, Brenda Groce, Ardmore, AL, and Shirley (Don) Hendrix, Elkmont, AL, 5 nieces and nephews, 11 great nieces and nephews, and 1 great great nephew.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at Ardmore Chapel Funeral Home, at 11:00 AM with Bro. Tim Keenum and Bro. Aaron Armstrong officiating. Burial will be in Gatlin Cemetery, Ardmore, AL.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still...
The battle for the mind is the most malicious type of warfare conducted upon us by unseen powers. We call it "psychological warfare" because we are programmed by the system, and our programmed beliefs go from generation to generation the same as genetics. Unless we break the pattern of programmed thought, we may hold erroneous beliefs for hundreds of years without question.
We build our lives or we self-destruct according to our ability and our inclination to break the programming code or preconditioning of the system. Not many do.
The philosophy of the system (government) must be evaluated in terms of human liberty. Human suppression is more psychological control than physical coercion. Those who control our minds control our physical and monetary assets including our physical bodies. The establishment creates and uses words and phrases to control our thoughts and actions. It's this subtle system of psychological warfare and programming that creates conformity.
Governments insist on conformity because governments want to control the people. Where there is conformity, there is control.
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, knew a thing or two about mass persuasion. He is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. In his book Propaganda, Bernays writes:
The art and science of mass mind control has reached its zenith. The fact that so few suspect it, attests to its perfection.
Totalitarianism by and of the elite has been refined into a "benevolency" that is embraced by the people. Indeed the people have been seduced to their enslavement through this mind control. Evil has been made to appear good and good has become evil.
Psychological warfare excludes objective reality. There are no options to choose that would benefit the individual. All options are funneled toward the benefit of government and the elite. All that's left is myth and counter-myth.
Here are some social, political, economic and health myths that are used to deceive the people:
Democracy — Democracy is a great pretension of open debate. Indeed it is open debate but only on spurious issues. It implies an open and free society in the public mind but is instead no less totalitarianism than socialism, communism and fascism.
Democrat vs. Republican — It's hard to believe the American people can imagine a difference when, regardless of whether the "D" Party is in charge or the "R" party, the federal leviathan grows, the direction of the country never changes and more liberties are lost.
The government promotes savings for retirement through IRAs and 401(k)s — Government uses these deceptions as one means to regulate consumption by taking vast sums of "dollars" out of circulation until they can inflate the purchasing power out of existence. It also serves to help prop up the stock market giving the illusion of prosperity and enriching the banksters.
There is a national debt — Impossible, according to Federal Reserve publication Keeping Our Money Healthy, published by the Federal Reserve of New York. The Federal Reserve System works only with credit. It is an imaginary system represented in the public mind as numbers or computer symbols. How can there be a deficit of numbers that can be created to infinity?
Terrorism/War on Terror — Governments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception. This time they created the "Patriot Act" — how appropriate — and the indefinite detention articles of the National Defense Authorization Act, and launched endless wars under the guise of "War on Terror." Yet 17 years of "War on Terror" has only made more "terror" in more places. There is such blatant oppression of the people and the economic system is on the verge of unraveling, more fear and more war is needed to manipulate the people against their own freedom. Oh, you know this. And yes, they have this time added a touch of religion to enlist fanatics.
The mainstream media are objective — The media have never been "objective" or fair as people believe. The media have always used innate biases in selecting the stories it covers and the way the stories are slanted and edited. The major media are little more than government mouthpieces which disseminate information fed them by the elites. Many of the major players in national media are either CIA operatives or members of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission.
Social Security is going broke — Social Security is not an accounting discipline but a Ponzi scheme. "They" can print the money so Social Security will not go broke but the "money" paid out will go broke in purchasing power.
We get all the vitamins and nutrition we need from our food — Impossible with the American diet. Eighty percent of Americans are malnourished.
There's no difference between synthetic and natural vitamins — False. Synthetic vitamins are chemicals. Natural vitamins are food.
The government, the medical establishment and the pharmaceuticals promote health — Nothing could be further from the truth. People don't need drugs or doctors. Sick people especially don't need drugs or doctors. They need nutrition.
Euthanasia is a quick and painless death — Euthanasia can happen over many years as drugs and immunizations usually kill slowly. The system can reduce the population without blame if they do it over time so as to separate cause and effect.
Unless and until we decipher these myths, we will never see liberty for ourselves or our progeny.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
The battle for the mind is the most malicious type of warfare conducted upon us by unseen powers. We call it "psychological warfare" because we are programmed by the system, and our programmed beliefs go from generation to generation the same as genetics. Unless we break the pattern of programmed thought, we may hold erroneous beliefs for hundreds of years without question.
We build our lives or we self-destruct according to our ability and our inclination to break the programming code or preconditioning of the system. Not many do.
The philosophy of the system (government) must be evaluated in terms of human liberty. Human suppression is more psychological control than physical coercion. Those who control our minds control our physical and monetary assets including our physical bodies. The establishment creates and uses words and phrases to control our thoughts and actions. It's this subtle system of psychological warfare and programming that creates conformity.
Governments insist on conformity because governments want to control the people. Where there is conformity, there is control.
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, knew a thing or two about mass persuasion. He is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. In his book Propaganda, Bernays writes:
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.So the words and phrases the establishment creates and uses against us can rightly be called control words or control phrases. My term for them is code words, and I have listed some of them here and here.
In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business or in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.
The art and science of mass mind control has reached its zenith. The fact that so few suspect it, attests to its perfection.
Totalitarianism by and of the elite has been refined into a "benevolency" that is embraced by the people. Indeed the people have been seduced to their enslavement through this mind control. Evil has been made to appear good and good has become evil.
Psychological warfare excludes objective reality. There are no options to choose that would benefit the individual. All options are funneled toward the benefit of government and the elite. All that's left is myth and counter-myth.
Here are some social, political, economic and health myths that are used to deceive the people:
Democracy — Democracy is a great pretension of open debate. Indeed it is open debate but only on spurious issues. It implies an open and free society in the public mind but is instead no less totalitarianism than socialism, communism and fascism.
Democrat vs. Republican — It's hard to believe the American people can imagine a difference when, regardless of whether the "D" Party is in charge or the "R" party, the federal leviathan grows, the direction of the country never changes and more liberties are lost.
The government promotes savings for retirement through IRAs and 401(k)s — Government uses these deceptions as one means to regulate consumption by taking vast sums of "dollars" out of circulation until they can inflate the purchasing power out of existence. It also serves to help prop up the stock market giving the illusion of prosperity and enriching the banksters.
There is a national debt — Impossible, according to Federal Reserve publication Keeping Our Money Healthy, published by the Federal Reserve of New York. The Federal Reserve System works only with credit. It is an imaginary system represented in the public mind as numbers or computer symbols. How can there be a deficit of numbers that can be created to infinity?
Terrorism/War on Terror — Governments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception. This time they created the "Patriot Act" — how appropriate — and the indefinite detention articles of the National Defense Authorization Act, and launched endless wars under the guise of "War on Terror." Yet 17 years of "War on Terror" has only made more "terror" in more places. There is such blatant oppression of the people and the economic system is on the verge of unraveling, more fear and more war is needed to manipulate the people against their own freedom. Oh, you know this. And yes, they have this time added a touch of religion to enlist fanatics.
The mainstream media are objective — The media have never been "objective" or fair as people believe. The media have always used innate biases in selecting the stories it covers and the way the stories are slanted and edited. The major media are little more than government mouthpieces which disseminate information fed them by the elites. Many of the major players in national media are either CIA operatives or members of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission.
Social Security is going broke — Social Security is not an accounting discipline but a Ponzi scheme. "They" can print the money so Social Security will not go broke but the "money" paid out will go broke in purchasing power.
We get all the vitamins and nutrition we need from our food — Impossible with the American diet. Eighty percent of Americans are malnourished.
There's no difference between synthetic and natural vitamins — False. Synthetic vitamins are chemicals. Natural vitamins are food.
The government, the medical establishment and the pharmaceuticals promote health — Nothing could be further from the truth. People don't need drugs or doctors. Sick people especially don't need drugs or doctors. They need nutrition.
Euthanasia is a quick and painless death — Euthanasia can happen over many years as drugs and immunizations usually kill slowly. The system can reduce the population without blame if they do it over time so as to separate cause and effect.
Unless and until we decipher these myths, we will never see liberty for ourselves or our progeny.
Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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