You will give hugs to the little one with the dirty coat and the tangled hair..... Because you are a teacher
You will grade papers walking down the hall, in the grocery line, the bed,the kitchen, the shed, the ballgame, the MRI machine...well maybe not the MRI machine.... Because you are a teacher
You will quietly and professionally finish endless paperwork, implement new strategies and endure being judged on a test score... Because you are a teacher
You will wonder silently "who is getting to eat today ?" On the days school is canceled when you know Johnny sneaks food from the lunchroom and miraculously bananas and extra food get in his back pack daily because he is hungry.... Because you are a teacher
You will get so frustrated with a child and think you can't stand one more minute but know you would step in front of a bus for him or 30 others... Because you are a teacher
You will work hours over and spend your summers in workshops and put up with the public saying "I wish I had summers off" while knowing the truth ... Because you are a teacher
You will put up with irate parents and take a lot of heat and keep your cool ... Because you are a teacher
You will get down on your knees at night and pray for strength, pray they get it, pray that maybe..just maybe.. someone will realize the sacrifice and get on board in the learning process... And He will understand.... Because He was a teacher...
Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up. I am a teacher but my chosen discipline does not entail what a lot of these other teachers deal with daily. I see it every day! We have the best teachers around. Selfless and well intentioned! Take a minute next week to thank a teacher and pray for him or her. We all need it! Have a good one!
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