Stephanie Bates has been selected to represent Elkmont High School as the student
delegate to Girls State. The 2018 Alabama Girls State will be held at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, June 10 to June 15.
Selection Criteria
Girls are eligible to attend Alabama Girls State if they meet the following criteria:
One girl from each high school in the State of Alabama will be accepted as a citizen of Alabama Girls State. Schools with 1-300 students in their junior class may send one delegate to Girls Sate. Schools with 301 – 600 students in their junior class may send two delegates to Girls State. Schools where the junior class exceeds 601 may send three delegate to Girls State.
- They have completed their junior year in high school
- They are interested in government and current events
- They have high moral character
- They have strong leadership abilities
- They have an above average scholastic standing
One girl from each high school in the State of Alabama will be accepted as a citizen of Alabama Girls State. Schools with 1-300 students in their junior class may send one delegate to Girls Sate. Schools with 301 – 600 students in their junior class may send two delegates to Girls State. Schools where the junior class exceeds 601 may send three delegate to Girls State.
Selection of Girls State Citizens
Girls State is intended for the most outstanding girls, from the standpoint of leadership, character, and scholarship in the high schools. Only those girls who will enthusiastically devote their FULL TIME to increasing their knowledge, while at the same time advancing the whole Girls State Program, should be chosen.Limestone County Girls State delegates for 2018 are, front row, from left:
Mary Kait, West Limestone; Stephanie Bates, Elkmont High School; Tasia Laster, Ardmore High School; and Nya Little, Athens High School. Second row from left, Emma Jones, Athens High School; Sabrina Webb, Athens Bible School; Sophie Glover, Athens Bible School; Elizabeth Graves, Lindsay Lane Christian Academy. Not pictured are Darby Moore, Clements High School; Jenny Renfroe, East Limestone High School; and Marcia Castelle, Tanner High School.
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