4. Install an alternate fuel source
You might be surprised by how little power you need to get by. Start with an inexpensive portable generator or a ventless gas heater. Also think about those items that must have power when the grid is down, such as a well, medical devices and refrigeration. Take care of providing power to those things and let the rest go for now. You might want to add a way to cook without electricity as well; lots of ways to do this besides a grill if you do a bit of research...• The Apple Box Oven — Covered with foil, the lid of a box that apples are shipped in is simple to make, inexpensive and portable. Notches should be cut in the bottom of the sides or put it on a rack to lift it from the ground. Use 10-14 coals to bake at 350 degrees for up to 45-55 minutes.
• The Paper Box Oven — Covered with foil, a box used to transport reams of paper is inexpensive, portable, and smaller than an apple box so it needs fewer coals, only 8-10.
Wooden dowels pushed through the top help with air circulation. A blanket cover will conserve energy and hold in heat.
• A Dutch Oven — is easy to use and store but must be used outside and they're heavy so they're not really portable.
Other fuel options include fuel gel that can be squeezed out to start fires, solid fuel cubes that burn very hotly for a very short time (to boil water) and MRE heaters that heat instantly.
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