We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think?
People often question my claim of mass manipulation — the propagandists together with the politicians, the mass media and ecumenical religious leaders. What you may or may not know, however, is this simple fact: One-world government requires one-world propaganda. Control by a worldwide few over the many. For example, now that Bayer has bought Monsanto and ChemChina has bought Syngenta, you have:
- about a half-dozen mega-corporations including Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland that control everything that's grown.
- another half-dozen or so (like Mondelez, Nestle, General Mills) that control every food produced.
- six
or seven pharmaceuticals that control all the medicines you have to
take after you get sick from all the modified seeds, chemicals and foods.
- six
megacorporations that control 90 percent of all that you read, watch or
hear to make sure you keep eating and taking the medicines.
- an ever-growing bureaucracy called the U.S. government being begged to regulate everything in our lives, Constitution be damned.
Until you understand how few are the hands that hold power and how concentrated this power now is, you cannot read between the lines or otherwise decipher mass media reports and, thus, begin to make sense of the "global loonies" and their "globaloney."
The globalist mass media is a sham. It must be decoded on our terms — on the basis of our original politics, our original culture, our original beliefs and our original traditions. Unless we approach the mass media in this way, we will never have the tools to keep from being brainwashed by globalism, even if it is called "democratic" globalism.
The need to conceal evil is becoming less necessary as the American people themselves continue to become more perverted. We are far past the beginning stages of conditioning the public mind to accept the formulation of public policy.
In the beginning, it all has an aura of free expression and "free choice." That's what we think of "democracy." Freedom. But in reality, democracy is all about the transformation of human beings to the animal farm of mass mental brutalization, where they are conditioned to defend their worst betrayers.
How does it happen?
When anything becomes public policy, it is actually government sponsored. Public policy is a high-sounding term which implies that the people agree and desire certain action.
Change agents invented the concept "public policy" to disguise authoritarianism by making it seem palatable.
But before something becomes official and "public policy," it begins as unofficial public policy. In the beginning or unofficial stage, the government and its politicians appear to be silent or neutral on an issue.
All appears to be spontaneous, coming from grass-roots idealism. For example, taking away our ability to protect ourselves began under the altruistic sounding words "gun control."
As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm church-going Americans. Not one in 10,000, when they hear the words "assisted suicide" and "planned parenthood" think of them as murder. Nor do many more think of "gun control" as unreasonable or unconstitutional.
This is because propaganda is the science of persuasion and mind control. Its purpose is to forge allegiance to a political order or to ensure acceptance — and, therefore, consumption — of a particular product whether it is needed or beneficial or not.
Propaganda victimizes the public by changing and controlling its belief system to the benefit of the political establishment or for the monetary gain of corporate interests and the medical establishment.
I have learned the power of propaganda. I have watched as otherwise intelligent and thoughtful people have had their minds manipulated so that they acted against their own best interests as a result of propaganda. It seems that organized and sophisticated propaganda is able to operate above the threshold of intelligence.
In other words, without some imperative to trigger inquiry, very intelligent people buy into lies and myths the same as the general population. The lies and myths then become conventional wisdom. The human mind rarely accepts a challenge to conventional wisdom. When confronted with a challenge to the established belief system, the mind closes off.
When this happens, the individual employs avoidance behavior, writes off the new knowledge as conspiracy theory and labels it as kooky, insane or stupid.
The information is then dismissed, never to be considered again, even when the facts support the new knowledge.
The people who use propaganda to persuade the populace against their best interests create myths and sell them as benefits.
And how do they accomplish this right under our noses, you might ask? The answer to that question, dear reader, is the reason why the elites want to control the Internet and shut down alternative media...
The esoteric purpose of propaganda is to extract wealth and labor illegally as concealed involuntary servitude. This truth is in plain sight for those who seek it. And the truth is that while some people are mildly alarmed, few would ever suspect the progression pattern and how propaganda finally evolves into law.
By the time laws are enacted, the people will have been prepared to accept them as desirable and "for the good of the country" and the community by the politicians and the mass media.
The only escape from this tyranny is mental freedom — from the unconscious to the conscious mind.
The very first step toward mental freedom is to recognize that the politics of envy (class warfare) and self-sacrifice are subtly practiced on us by the elites and slowly made palatable to the people through their propagandist mouthpieces.
Only when you free your mind will psychological power and advantage be reversed from external authorities back to you, the individual.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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