Registration has started for the Elkmont Beauty Walk. Looking forward to a great pageant this year. Elkmont Band Boosters will sponsor the 14th Annual Red Carpet Affair Beauty Walk on April 19th and 20th. Kindergarten through 5th grade (Elkmont High School District) will be on Friday night starting at 7:00pm in the new gym. Babies through pre-school age will be on Saturday afternoon (open to anyone) starting at 2:00pm and our 6th through 12th grade (Elkmont High School District) will start on Saturday night at 7:00 pm.
This year, once again, we will have "The Special Edition Senior Guys" division following the crowning of our Senior girls division. We have also are bringing back the "Ugly Walk". Door admission will be $5.00 and we will have a concessions available. Entry fees will be $35.00 and if interested in photogenic category, it will be $5.00 per photo to enter.
Registration forms will be available at the front office of the school and at the band room. Forms can be picked up at Keila's Hair Salon in Ardmore and from any of the band booster officers. All entry fees must be turned in to the bandroom, any band booster officer, Keila's Hair Salon or mailed to Keila Berzett 29200 Ragsdale Creek Rd, Elkmont Al. 35620.
Registration will continue through April 2nd. Everyone, not just the Elkmont school district, is invited to enter the babies through preschool division on Saturday afternoon. We are looking forward to another successful year with this fundraiser for our band program. We appreciate all support from our community.

Feel free to post any pics of dresses that you may want to re-sale, rent or donate to other contestants interested in finding the perfect dress.
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