Friday, April 27, 2018


Kids..the most important part of public education. Our job is trying daily to shape them into productive adults who will better themselves and our world. I’ve been at it a long time....nearly 26 years. Today I saw worried faces on teachers who I genuinely care about. A direct result of the school board's work session. The mismanagement of our county's funds have caused our system to have to make some decisions. The “proposals” for a “fix” seems to fall on the backs of classroom teachers. Let that sink in; class sizes will increase. Anyone involved in schools knows the stress placed on classroom teachers and kids when the numbers increase. The accountability for test scores and classroom management becomes overbearing and unrealistic. We are going to lose great teachers through the system's plans and lose great teachers to other systems who have lower class sizes. I’ve been told personally we have to ask ourselves, “who is most important?” Classroom teachers of course. Not personnel who do not have a direct impact on kids daily, not the type of impact our classroom teachers have. is your call to action. Let your board members know that you value low class sizes and keeping ALL classroom teachers. The price for these mistakes can not rest on your children!! My take! Have a good one!

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