Wednesday, April 25, 2018


We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still... 

Modern medicine has one purpose — to make money for the pharmaceuticals, their army of "trained practitioners" and the insurance companies. If anybody in America wants serious health attention, they have to take responsibility, pursue alternatives and pay for it out of their own pocket. I will quickly give you a valid exception and that is if one needs trauma care. It is generally and quickly available and most of the time life-saving. But this is a very small part of medical practice in America.

In fact, there is a very high risk in going to the hospital. Organized medicine is the third-leading cause of death in America, and prescription drugs are the leading cause of death by overdose. Drug companies rush new money-making medications to market before they're fully tested for safety and/or ignore or cover up harmful side effects. Doctors recommend unnecessary (and possibly life-threatening) tests and surgeries. Hospitals administer the wrong medicine or the wrong doses or operate on the wrong patient. Doctors prescribe medicines that conflict with other medicines the patient is taking or that are not recommended for the ailment from which the patient suffers. Pharmacies commit dangerous errors in filling prescriptions. Besides the hundreds of thousands of drug-induced deaths (iatrogenic deaths), there are people who check into hospitals and unexpectedly die of viral pneumonia that antibiotics can't help. Tuberculosis has returned to America along with drug-resistant strains. Even what appears to be the old common cold is lasting for months.
We are the victims. It's our bodies they "practice" on. They're always practicing and rarely getting it right. This is partly because of the chemical agents of death created by the pharmaceutical companies — and endorsed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — which are always seeking a "cure" for the latest disease: seeking but never finding. Physicians are brainwashed by their pharmaceutical cartel-controlled medical schools and bought off by drug manufacturers. We are literally a prescription drug culture.

With this in mind, the medical establishment must be reeling over the findings of a survey that shows that even though people have medical insurance — either through the Obamacare exchanges, their employer or private purchase — more people than ever before a skipping doctor's visits even when they were very sick because of the high cost of care.

The survey from the West Health Institute and NORC at the University of Chicago found that almost half (49 percent) of people ages 45-59 didn't go to the doctor when they were sick or injured. Another 45 percent skipped recommended tests or treatments, 43 percent didn't go to the dentists when treatment was needed, 40 percent avoided a routine physical or other preventive care and 30 percent didn't fill a prescription or took less than the prescribed dose. In the 60-plus group, the number of those avoiding the doctor were less, but still almost one-third went without routine care, and one in four didn't fill a prescription, skipped a recommended treatment or test or didn't go to the doctor when sick or injured. Researchers believe the numbers in this category were better because of Medicare.
"We were surprised by the magnitude of the findings," said Dr. Zia Agha, chief medical officer at the West Health Institute, a nonprofit applied medical research organization based in San Diego. "And 80 percent of the people we surveyed had health insurance, so just having insurance does not make you immune to health care costs."
Despite promises from President Barack Obama and other Obamacare cheerleaders that the program would drive down medical costs, health insurance premiums have spiked and deductibles have increased to the point that having insurance is useless unless a catastrophic event occurs.

Conventional wisdom sees this as bad news. The mainstream media has run with a rash of articles of late lamenting the fact that Obamacare has separated people from their doctors. But it can be a blessing in disguise. How so? We can seek out alternative therapies and concentrate on reversing our own maladies caused by years of following established protocols and poor diet. We can regain our health and longevity. So take control of your health by changing your diet and, if you are on prescription medications, by working to ditch those prescriptions (but not all at once.) Find an alternative medicine or integrative medicine doctor to help you with that. Masking disease is the central premise of allopathic medicine. But getting to the root cause of your illness is a central premise of alternative medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Health is not drugs; health is food. Health is achieved through proper diet and exercise. A diet of natural — not processed — foods, particularly organically grown foods, is the road to good health and a happy life. Eliminate from your diet processed foods and foods containing high fructose corn syrup and chemical additives. Consume primarily fresh — preferably raw — vegetables. Supplement with small amounts of fish and free-range chicken and beef and natural supplements of vitamin D.
We can have our health if we avoid the system. Get off the sickness diet that is the standard American diet (SAD) and get on the Nutritarian Diet by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. (and no, I'm not paid to endorse this).

What you will be doing is getting rid of the SAD, which is very high calories and very low nutrition, in exchange for the tasty green diet, which is very low in calories and very high in nutrition.
If we take charge of our own health, we can restore the Constitution and human liberty in America. We will have:

  • Guaranteed better health.
  • A way to avoid cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
  • Increased exercise if we grow what we eat in a very small home garden.
  • A leg up on ending the oppression of the medical mafia. This is the subversive cartel that has deceived us into believing that drugs will take the place of food in healing and health.
  • An increase in our years on this Earth by reducing our calories.
  • Re-training of our taste for the right nutritious foods.
  • No more hunger. The Nutritarian Diet is completely satisfying and we can eat to fill our stomachs.
  • The death of Obamacare, which will be killed in its tracks by our becoming healthy.
  • The commercial food empire (junk food) will be cut in half. America has been deceived into bad health through bad diet. Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine."
Americans will no longer be dependent upon the medical mafia, and it will break its hold over politicians.
This will save your health and restore America.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

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