Monday, July 2, 2018


We have the left media, we have the right media but there are other points of views still ... what do you think? 


"Social justice."

Is there another kind?

"Equal rights."

True, everyone is equal under the law.

But not everyone is equal. There are hundreds of ways we are not equal. Everything from differences in eyesight, ambition, physical strength, competitiveness, mental focus, hand-eye coordination, allergies, musical talent and so on.

Is that unjust? 

It is if you are an elitist social engineer.

Constitutional-sounding words like "equality" and "justice" are used to give apparent weight and legitimacy to the completely false premises being espoused. They have as much substance as the breath behind the words. None. They are merely part of the elites' ploy to try to get people to equate things that are merely social constructs, or colloquial social mores, with actual law, the point of which is to have these phrases carry the weight of law and be used to keep us fighting each other.

Kurt Nimmo writes that according to the social engineers, the "application of the law is predicated on 'diversity.' … It is 'justice'—as one tweeter put it—[Sarah] Sanders was denied service" at the Red Hen restaurant recently. Not quite. Social engineers want diversity to become equated with law, and therefore become the de-facto law without anyone ever having voted on it. Thus, the justice of denying service to someone of another political ilk is accepted as being lawful — even if it is clearly against the law, as it is in Washington, D.C. 

What a triumph of propaganda we are witnessing should this come to pass! If the elites get their way, without a vote, without due process, without one person in our Republic having an official voice in the matter, "social justice" and "equal rights" as defined by the immoral few will have the force of law due to propaganda having succeeded in convincing people that there is no difference between constitutional law and unwritten social customs.  

So who are the enemies of the elites, and likely to find themselves on the receiving end of penalties imposed due to these non-laws? 

The criminal political class has made it quite clear it is not themselves or their government functionaries. It is not the parasitic "taker" class too distracted by bread and circus, Hollywood antics, amoral lifestyles, reality TV, and sporting events and too easily swayed by slick oratory, fancy suits and promises of government largess to recognize creeping totalitarianism enabled by the psychopaths in Congress.

No, it will be Americans who believe in the rule of the law, the Constitution and freedom. We are always the target, you and I, because we think for ourselves and act independently. The elites want to stamp us out because we refuse to be controlled, dumbed down, tread upon. We also refuse to be homogenized, and "equalized." The elites, so intent on their versions of "justice" and "equality" want you to think they're intent on making sure no one is left behind. In reality, they are ensuring that no one gets ahead. But isn't that the goal of totalitarian regimes?

In 1776, our founding fathers declared, "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

It is necessary for us as right-thinking members of the Republic to separate ourselves from the political parasites. I used to believe that the Bill of Rights was succumbing to tyranny at all levels of government. Now I believe that it is succumbing to self-imposed tyranny — imposed by the very people it is meant to protect and keep free. This is a part of the "benevolent totalitarianism" I have been writing to you about. It is the "you asked for this" form of tyranny by those in power — uninformed consent by the masses. You begged us for gun control even though it's unconstitutional. You asked us to allow "social justice" even though it's unlawful and arbitrary.

How do we repel this invasion from within?

People can be measured by their proclivity toward independent thought. This is the same as saying their disbelief in mass propaganda. The more we progress to alternative sources of information apart from the mainstream, the closer we come to reality. He who builds his fortune, his beliefs or his health upon a foundation of information from the mainstream builds his house upon the sand. This syndrome is no different from the drug addict who plans his existence upon acquiring the next fix.

Think about transferring your existence, from mass media and false phrases designed to deceive you, to life and reality above the "madness of the crowd" while you can. Encrypt everything, even your thinking. You're on the animal farm. Propaganda puts us in an altered state of consciousness, otherwise we would know that the supposed fight for equality and social justice is a war on us.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

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