You may have wondered if you should put a few things aside, just in
case. You don’t know exactly what the “just in case” situation might be
but you have a feeling things are just not right. Your gut instinct is
saying things are different. Perhaps this is a time to begin planning a
life of self-sufficiency.
Something to Think About
Today, as I was loading
some groceries into my car, I thought, I am only making fajitas and I
had to go to the store. What shape would you be in if you had to visit a
store for your next meal’s supplies and the store wasn’t there anymore?
It really made me think. We are preparing and living the life of
self-sufficiency to the best of our current ability but we are NOT 100%
there yet.

You may not have a lot of space or a lot of money. Believe me, you
are not alone, but it can be done. The biggest step is the one you are
thinking about. Just make a committed decision to begin. Once you start
you will add on to your plan on a consistent basis and you will begin to
gain a sense of security knowing you are better prepared than you were.
The whole process of being prepared is a mindset.

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