Tuna Can + Toilet Paper Stove
Here is how it works.
Open a can of tuna in oil. It would work with something else oily too.
Take 3 pieces of toilet paper and place them over the tuna. They will absorb the oil. The toilet paper should create an air-tight seal around the lid of the can.
Set the toilet paper on fire. It will burn for a LONG time (up to 25 minutes)! Not only does it cook the tuna, but you can put something over the flame to cook it too.
Remove the toilet paper and enjoy your tuna.
This also works as a great emergency light source and emergency heat source!!!
Tea Light Oven
More properly known as the Home Emergency Radiant Cooking oven, a tea light oven works on (you guessed it!) tea lights. You can buy one, or you can easily build one yourself out of an old toaster oven. Here are instructions.

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