Friday, August 12, 2011


Closet Conquerors

Hamper in closet
      Closet Clean-Out
      Each spring and fall, do CPR on your closet: Categorize, Purge, and Rearrange. Carefully consider each item. If it doesn't make you feel wonderful or look fabulous, it's a no. Put it in the "to donate" box, and put that box in your car.
    Declutter and Donate
    Keep a donation hamper in your closet. Every two weeks select an item of clothing you haven't worn in the past six months and throw it in. When the hamper is full, take it to a local charitable organization.

    Save Your Linen Closet
    Is your linen closet overflowing? Pare down your stock to three towels and washcloths per persons, two sets of sheets per bed, plus a set of each for guests. Source:  Better Homes and Gardens

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