Saturday, October 20, 2018


Met some interesting and very successful people during my travels; a couple from London in their 20’s who were traveling the world; an anesthesiologist from Boston whose hospital pays for him and his family to come every year for a conference. 

Saw “big city”’people talking about cabins they owned in the mountains and college football season tickets and condos etc. I have to admit I began thinking I had gotten left out. 50 years and I was feeling like I missed a lot. I thought about the degrees and the hard work in college. What success did I have? What did I have to show for it? A mortgage, car payment, trying to make ends meet. 

Then today I was mowing. The neighbor kids kept waving every time I turned the lawn mower around while yelling “Hey Coach Pugh!” A great neighbor and former co- worker was waving from the drive way! Two of my runners stopped by on their bikes to say “hello.” At mom’s doctor’s appointment saw a former student and she hugged my neck. Another former student works where mom lives and she also hugged my neck and we had a good chat. Then at the grocery store here in Elkmont a former student hugged my neck and thanked me for always making her laugh. Missed out??? Wouldn’t have missed it for the world!!! Perspective....change within. Have a good one!

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