It is time for deer hunting season in Alabama (October 15); an opportunity to fill those freezers and enjoy the outdoors. However, it is also time for those of us who are outdoors and hiking or running in rural areas to be aware of the situation.
Please wear bright colors; best way not to be mistaken for a deer. Girls may like pink but deer wouldn't be caught wearing it.
Limestone County is listed as zone C and here is the scheduled dates for the hunting season.

Hunting & Fishing
During the 2016 Legislative Session, Alabama lawmakers adopted a
rule allowing landowners to paint purple stripes on trees or fence
posts as an alternative to no-trespassing signs. Properly posted
no-trespassing signs remain lawful.Purple paint’s advantages include low cost, high visibility and difficult to remove. Alabama is one of several states recognizing purple paint as a valid no-trespassing marker.
According to the Code of Alabama, vertical stripes of purple paint must be longer than 8 inches, wider than 1 inch, 3–5 feet from the ground, readily visible to people approaching the property, 100 feet or less apart on forestland and less than 1,000 feet on non-forestland.
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