The United States was founded on the republican principles of federalism (states' rights) and representative government. Today's government is "constitutional" in name only.
National politicians and the federal judiciary have no fealty to the Constitution. They give it lip service. Some — Republicans, at least — claim to support it and run on it, but then when elected immediately vote to cede congress' lawmaking authority to the imperial president and the myriad alphabet soup agencies of government. Now we have the IRS, the FCC, the EPA, HHS, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the FDA, the USDA, etc., writing and enforcing laws under the guise of "regulatory authority." The result is a contemptible abuse of the people by agents of the federal government, rising taxes and fees, closed businesses, stifled innovation, and depressed economic growth.
But few are those in government who consider the Constitution at all. That's because politics and government attract psychopaths, liars and thieves. It attracts people who are parasitic in nature, greedy and without conscience. In short, these are people who have the born mentality to live off of other people. They are selfish and attracted to money and power. Therefore, they are easily swayed and even bought by the corporatists and banksters; and their every act is to increase their and their agency's power and sphere of influence.
The masses of people have been propagandized by the state-controlled media and the public (non)education system into believing that government is designed and tasked with looking out for the best interests of the people. But nothing could be further from the truth. They have little knowledge of the Constitution and little concept of limited government, and they believe government can and should be all things to all people… particularly if a check to them from the federal Treasury is involved.
The so-called regulatory agencies of government are typically staffed at the top by crony capitalists and lobbyists for the industries they supposedly regulate. As such, they write rules and regulations that benefit preferred large multinational corporations and government at the expense of the people.
As Benito Mussolini stated, "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power" and "The definition of fascism is the marriage of corporation and state." That exactly explains what our former constitutional republic has become. It is benevolent totalitarianism, tyranny under the guise of democracy. But the truth is democracy = socialism = fascism = communism. They are one in the same.
Mussolini also said of his fascism, "We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty," and that is likewise the goal of the American fascist politician and federal bureaucrat. Liberty necessarily perishes under collectivism, egalitarianism and government altruism.
Republican voters are well-versed in having the party's elite slap them around. Like a battered spouse who continues to return home, Republican voters believe tomorrow will be different. "He loves me, after all," they tell themselves.
Republican voters vote — or at least think they vote — for small government, fiscal responsibility and safety at home but get massive spending bills more government bureaucracy and more wars abroad.
True conservatives reject statism, embrace small government and abhor confiscatory taxes. Conservatives believe in a strong military for the Nation's defense (not military adventurism). Conservatives advocate liberty and personal responsibility. The Republican Party is now ruled by CINOs (conservatives in name only). I have been telling you this for a long time.
We must come to terms with the fact that voting for more Republicans to send to Washington will not change the status quo. Who remembers how big and how fast government grew under the "compassionate conservative" George W. Bush when he had a Republican Congress? In seven years under Bush, federal spending jumped from $1.86 trillion in 2001 to $2.98 trillion in 2008, a jump of 60 percent or a growth rate of 7 percent. Bush and Republicans gave us No Child Left Behind, the USA Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, perpetual war and bailouts. Those measures are certainly not conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
The current crop of Republicans are giving us massive spending bills that would make Barack Obama blush. His 8-year spending barrage pales in comparison to what the Republicans have unleashed on the American people. It is a bad day for America's economic house when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Communist-New York) cheers that America's "era of austerity" has "come to an end," as he did last March. The Republican spending barrage has continued into the fall.
So what is the good Republican voter to do — especially with the midterm elections looming?
Though it is certainly no guarantee for success, Republican voters should concentrate on finding candidates for state and local elections who will uphold the Constitution they swear to uphold and who are willing to take a bold stand for state's rights and against federal tyranny. It's at the state level that nullification of unconstitutional federal laws is to take place, as outlined by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1789.
If you feel you must take on national issues, push for term limits and the repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments which would end the unconstitutional income tax system and necessarily end the Federal Reserve, and restore selection of senators to the states where the Founders intended. A return to sound money and republicanism is what will save the nation.
Gradualism — the glacial move away from federalism led by national politicians who used and continue to use the Federal Treasury to buy votes and reward crony corporations and intrude into state issues, and used by an activist federal judiciary — has turned republicanism on its head and into a fascist system of tyranny and oppression. To peacefully restore constitutional governance will be a gradual and difficult process, and its probability of success remains in doubt.
But it starts with you. No national politicians will do this for you.
Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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