Thursday, February 16, 2012


I came across these thoughts when I was reading today and I wanted to share these with you for motivation.  Here are a few of the biggest advantages of gardening -- no matter if your garden is a simple 6-by-10 raised bed... or a large quarter-acre plot.

Benefit #1: Better Health
Gardening gets you outside and soaking up the sunshine, which is quite important to your health. Adequate sunshine helps your body produce vitamin D, which is a natural mood enhancer and helps prevents stomach bugs (like the flu).  Plus, gardening requires you to get up and move around. Want to lose some of that winter weight? Then start a garden! It's the perfect activity to help you burn a few calories and feel better about yourself.  Last but not least, the fruits and vegetables you harvest will be fresh and nutritious, loaded with the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Eating more fruits and vegetables from your garden will naturally improve your diet... and... your health!

Benefit #2: Save Money
By growing your own food, you'll get higher quality produce at a much lower cost. Where you may spend dollars per pound for store-bought organic food, you'll pay pennies per pound by growing your own.  It'll be fresher, tastier, and more nutritious too!
Some families find they are able to save more than a hundred dollars a month just by growing fresh food in their own backyard.

Benefit #3: Feel Better
Our lives are filled with enough hustle and bustle as it is. The more running around you have to do every day, the more stressed out you feel. And who needs more stress? Certainly not me!  That's why I like gardening so much. It forces you to stay put and enjoy God's creation. And there's nothing quite like getting your hands dirty, soaking up some sunshine, and reaping the benefit of all your hard work.

A friend of mine has an office job, but has discovered he LOVES to spend his weekends working in his garden. He says it's often hard to see his accomplishments in his job -- because his work is mostly intellectual, and therefore "invisible."
But with gardening, the fruits of his labor are very apparent -- because they're growing right there in his yard!

Benefit #4: Food Independence
Food shortages at some point in the near future seem all but inevitable.  Fortunately, you don't have to stay dependent on grocery stores and restaurants for the food you eat. You can grow your own!  Once you have an established garden, you won't have to worry as much about potential food shortages because you'll have your own independent "off-the-grid" source of food that won't be affected by a spike in the price of oil or a blight that wipes out half the corn crop for the year.

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