Saturday, March 22, 2014


A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


That every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state." 

A hot topic in the nation is how much control does the federal government have through law or executive order to determine our right to have guns.

The “supremacy clause” is dealt with in Mack/Printz, in which the U.S. Supreme Court stated once and for all, that the only thing “supreme” is the Constitution itself. Where by the powers, the Sheriff reigns supreme above the president. ..the sheriff is the highest governmental authority in his county. Within that jurisdiction – inside his county – the sheriff has more power than any other federal or state officer. Link to article: Power of Sheriff

 In 2014, we will vote for who will be the Limestone County Sheriff. It is important that we understand how committed the candidates are to upholding the 2nd amendment and the Constitution as a whole.

Each of the candidates was sent inquires about the following questions. 

What is your stand on gun control issues and what your thoughts are concerning our 2nd amendment rights?

Will you stand with the other sheriffs around the country that have publicly stated that they will not enforce new restrictions??

Mike Blakely (D): Didn't respond - this post (Jan 15, 2013) was on the Limestone County Sheriff facebook page as his position on the subject.  
As an elected official and duly sworn constitutional officer of the State of Alabama, I took an oath 8 times as your Sheriff to uphold and defend the Constitution of the State of Alabama and the Constitution of the United States of America. Picking and choosing what laws I might enforce or not enforce is not optional. I am duty bound to carry out my oath of office which I take very seriously. If some elected officials feel that they have the option to do so, what is the purpose of the constitution? We are a government of laws and not of men. That is the only way that our Country has been able to weather all the rough times during its history. When we decide to ignore laws we don’t like, what’s to prevent someone in authority of making their own set of rules and laws to their particular liking.

I support and believe in the 2nd amendment rights given to each of us under the constitution of the United States. I know that there are some politicians and some organizations that would like to alarm the citizenry by making people believe we are in danger of losing those rights. Let me assure you, the Supreme Court has made it clear that this is a sacred right. No one from the Courthouse to the White House has any desire or power to take those rights away.

Brad Pullum (R)
Part 1:  My view of the 2nd amendment:
Thomas Jefferson once said, "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."

With each day's passing, it becomes more painfully obvious, that a majority of Americans do increasingly, fear their (our) own government and its true motives. In regard to this issue,
I do not believe these fears are in any way ridiculous or unfounded.

The Second Amendment of The United States Constitution speaks for itself. It speaks VOLUMES! The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is at very least, just as important to this nation's freedom as Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Unlawful Search and Seizure, and each and every other right preserved by our Constitution. It is at the very core of maintaining all of our other rights. 

In my own forty three years of life, I have seen many, "new laws" created for the purpose of protecting citizens. I have abided by, and worked to help enforce these. At the end of the day, the fact remains: 

You Cannot Legislate Morals, Common Decency, Respect for Human Life, Dignity, or Character.

These are attributes which should and Must Be Taught in the Home! Like I've always said and tried to impress upon my own children, "Someone who has neither regard nor respect for their own lives, certainly will never have regard or respect for yours."

Should there be serious discussions and open forums about how to deal with the increasing violence in our society, leading to so much senseless death and destruction? Absolutely.
Do I personally believe for one minute that creating more Federal Laws will stop (or even slow) the violent criminal behavior of those who have no regard for law abiding citizens and our laws? ...Nope. 

Technological advances have helped us in some ways, to identify and hopefully curtail some of the violence which would otherwise be committed by criminals and some mentally-ill individuals who lack the judgement and capacity for responsibility associated with gun ownership. However, anyone intent on getting any kind of weapon... Will eventually get it. There are even 3-D home printers available now, with the ability to "print/make" from plastics, ANY TYPE of weapon - working weapons that can be used.There realistically is no way to stop that. 

The problem is people, not guns, knives, sticks, or stones. As someone recently said, "Water is responsible for 100% of the drowning deaths in the world." I would never belittle the serious problem of mad-men with guns. I just don't believe The Government should try to fix the problem by imposing more restrictions. I do not believe that will work. I'm also positive that there are those who would strongly disagree with my position and I respect their right to do so. 

Bottom line, if a criminal breaks into my home, and any of us are there... They need to be ready to wait very quietly and perfectly still, while patrolmen respond to escort them to jail. Otherwise, they'll remain perfectly still... permanently. yh3

I truly don't care very much about "stuff"... I Do Care Very Much About My Family's Safety- Our Lives. I also care VERY MUCH ABOUT EVERY OTHER PERSON AND THEIR LIFE AND SAFETY.

I believe the vast majority of citizens in Limestone County, and across our great nation, still value life and safety with high, high regard. If we watch the horrible news stories closely, we'll see, it's not just police officers who are still willing to risk or even, knowingly lay-down their own lives to save another. 

Part 2:  My duty to protect the Consitution:

I will if elected sheriff, stand with the other sheriffs across our State and Country who believe that their oath to Protect and Serve the citizens includes Protecting and Preserving each of their Constitutional Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Eric Smith (R) :

I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Our right to keep and bear arms is one of absolute rights that should NOT be infringed upon. It was framed to insure that the citizens of this country would be armed to fight for a lawful cause. I do believe there needs to be controls over who is allowed to buy and carry. Those controls are already in place, forbidding felons, mentally ill, etc from possessing and carrying. We do not need any further laws or statutes in my opinion, only the ability to enforce the ones we already have set. I believe every law abiding citizen has the right to carry if they feel the need to do so. If I am elected Sheriff, I will take the oath of office and uphold the Constitution of Alabama and The United States. In that oath, it says nothing about upholding 'executive orders'. I will not stand for any federal agent to violate our constitutional rights.

Eric Redd (R):
I have been a 2nd Amendment Advocate, LONG before I EVER thought about running for Sheriff...the reason I CHOSE to run at all was because the other candidates...are POLITICIANS, I am not.....They give the answers they think people want to hear. I spoke on the court house steps at the Constitutional Rally, specifically about the 2nd amendment. I'm a veteran, Combat MOS...I was a gunner on the Abrams oath to this country goes to the very core of who I am. Integrity and honor are values I hold dear...I support the CSPOA. (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.....I'm a signer of the attached document stating I would arrest other law enforcement agencies for engaging in criminal activity regarding the infringement of our Constitutional Rights. I will.....and have publically said I would not and will not enforce restrictions on our 2nd Amendment specifically. 
Resolution of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association_Eric Redd.pdf 

What are Alabama's guns laws?  Click HERE to visit NRA-ILA, Institute for Legislative Action

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