A straw box oven uses thermal power to cook your food. It is a lot like a Crock pot. The only big problem is that you’ve got to get the food hot before you put it in. If you have limited fuel, this might be a smart option.
To make a straw box oven, you get a big sturdy box. You can even use a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil, but a wood box will be better for retaining the heat. An old cooler also works great.
Then you put your food in a big pot and boil/bake the entire thing (it is important that the pot is hot). Line the bottom of the box with straw. Surround the pot with more straw. Now close it up.
You can also use other linings, such as sweaters or blankets. Cover the straw box with a lid. Come back about 8-12 hours later and you’ve got yourself a meal. Works great for stews. You can find instructions here.
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