Sunday, April 27, 2014


Soda bottles in freezer can save your food

Take a couple of clean soda bottles, and fill them 2/3 full with water. Place them in your freezer. Soon enough, they’ll freeze solid – when a power failure occurs, these giant pieces of ice will keep the food in your freezer cold that much longer, and ultimately, you’ll be able to use them as fresh water after they melt. A bottle of ice that big also makes a great ice pack in case of sprains, breaks, or bruising.

I had a friend ask about a possible power outage and how to keep her food frozen in the freezer. If it is full and you don't open it, the food will stay frozen for up to a week, depending on the size of the freezer. If it isn't full, you can fill it up quickly by picking up enough ice to do the job. Ice is cheap. However, the time to do it is before the power outage, not before.

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