It is time to start the new year with a new group who needs our help. Full Tummy, is not funded by the school system but by individuals throughout Limestone County. Those students who may not get meals over the weekend are sent home with a bag meal for when they are not at school. These students receive food assistance anonymously. The bags are fixed with specific items to meet specific needs. Please see the list below and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Donations can be delivered to Phebe at Don Carter or Mandy at Springleaf. You can also message any of us to make other arrangements. Donations will be collected through January 30.
When we began to discuss this project two weeks ago we had no clue that so many children were getting the packages on Friday's, we have confirmed over 100 that are receiving this assistance.
Full Tummy Project Shopping Guidelines
**Items MUST be in single serve packaging, easy to open, and ready to eat without any preparation! We are unaware of conditions at home like microwave availability and/or adult supervision, so be sure they are pop top cans.
Drink Ideas:100% Juice boxes/pouches or shelf stable milk.
Breakfast ideas:
Individual boxes of cereal, Cereal/breakfast bars, Ready to eat oatmeal with fruit cups, Poptarts
Lunch/Dinner Ideas:
Vienna Sausages, Peanut butter/cheese crackers, Chef Boyardee Pop-Top meals such as ravioli, spaghetti, chicken and rice, Ready to eat soups (not condensed),
Beannee Weenees, Ready to eat rice cups
Snack Ideas:
Fruit cups/ applesauce cups, Raisins or any other individually packaged dried fruit, Trail mix or nuts, Granola bars, Fruit chews, Single serve packs of crackers (ie. Goldfish, wheat thins, teddy grahams, etc
You can contact Larry Pierce for more info or join the Coupon Patrol Facebook Group...thanks for any help
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