Recent Congressional Votes
Senate: FDA Commissioner – Nomination
House: Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement– Passage
House: Fraudulent Joinder Prevention – Passage
Recent Senate Votes:
FDA Commissioner – Nomination - Vote Confirmed (89-4, 7 Not Voting)
The Senate confirmed the nomination of Robert Califf to be commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.
Sen. Richard Shelby voted YES
Sen. Jeff Sessions voted YES
Recent House Votes:
Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement– Passage - Vote Passed (242-161, 30 Not Voting)
The chamber passed a bill which provides that Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service public lands are to be considered open for recreational hunting, fishing, shooting or similar activities; it allows individuals to carry firearms at Army Corps of Engineers recreational areas; it limits the authority of the EPA to regulate bullets, angling lures and other hunting equipment for toxic substances; and it increases federal funding for states to set up public shooting ranges on public lands.
Rep. Mo Brooks voted YES
Fraudulent Joinder Prevention – Passage - Vote Passed (229-189, 15 Not Voting)
The House passed legislation that establishes new standards in federal diversity jurisdiction proceedings for determining whether a defendant has been fraudulently joined to a lawsuit — which if determined to be the case would require that the lawsuit be heard in federal court rather than being returned to state court.
Rep. Mo Brooks voted YES
Upcoming Votes:
Opioid Abuse - S524
The measure would authorize the Attorney General and HHS to issue grants to states, organizations and local entities for opioid abuse prevention and treatment programs.
Ensuring Terminated Providers are Removed from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program - HR3716
The bill would require states to notify the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of health care providers who are terminated from the state's Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) program because of fraud or other "for cause" reasons, and for HHS to maintain a database of providers terminated from a state Medicaid or CHIP program or the federal Medicare program in order to prevent such providers from participating in another state's Medicaid program.
Regulatory Action and Kilns - HR4557
This measure would delay, until after all judicial reviews are completed, new EPA rules that set national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants for the manufacturing of brick and structural clay products or clay ceramics. This delay would apply only for those existing legal actions filed within 60 days of when EPA's rule was published in the Federal Register.
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