In this MegaVote for Alabama's 5th Congressional District:
Editor's Note: The House is not in session this week.
Recent Senate Votes
Opioid Abuse – Anti-Kickback Penalties - Vote Rejected (46-50, 4 Not Voting)
The amendment would have increased anti-kickback penalties for doctors prescribing opioids and test a model for limiting Medicare opioid prescriptions. The amendment fell when a budgetary point of order, offered by Wyoming Republican Michael B. Enzi, was sustained. Sixty votes were needed to overcome the point of order.
Sen. Richard Shelby voted NO
Sen. Jeff Sessions voted NO
Opioid Abuse – Additional Funding - Vote Rejected (48-47, 5 Not Voting)
The amendment would have provided an additional $600 million for opioid abuse prevention and treatment programs. The amendment fell when a budgetary point of order, offered by Wyoming Republican Michael B. Enzi, was sustained. Sixty votes were needed to overcome the point of order.
Sen. Richard Shelby voted NO
Sen. Jeff Sessions voted NO
Recent House Votes
Ensuring Terminated Providers are Removed from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program – Passage - Vote Passed (406-0, 27 Not Voting)
The bill requires states to notify the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of health care providers who are terminated from the state's Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) program because of fraud or other "for cause" reasons, and for HHS to maintain a database of providers terminated from a state Medicaid or CHIP program or the federal Medicare program in order to prevent such providers from participating in another state's Medicaid program.
Rep. Mo Brooks voted YES
Regulatory Action and Kilns – Passage - Vote Passed (238-163, 32 Not Voting)
The measure delays, until after all judicial reviews are completed, new EPA rules that set national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants for the manufacturing of brick and structural clay products or clay ceramics. This delay applies only for those existing legal actions filed within 60 days of when EPA's rule was published in the Federal Register.
Rep. Mo Brooks voted YES
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