Thursday, October 8, 2015


The Sport Nutrition class at Elkmont High School recently applied for a NutriBullet University grant. The students were required to create a video submission to apply. If the class is awarded the NutriBullet grant, starting in January 2016, the students will participate in a 90 day nutrition program. The grant supplies 5-6 NutriBullets, as well as all of the fruits and vegetables to make smoothies for the 90 days of the nutrition project. 

Teacher's Corner:
This is the video my Sport Nutrition class made for the Nutribullet University grant application...I thought they did a great job! It's all student created & edited!! 

NutriBullet's hands-on education and healthy eating experience for students, is providing selected groups with a grant to purchase fresh produce over a three-month period, NutriBullet nutrition extractors, and educational material - a total package valued at $15,000. 

NutriBullet University is a 90-day healthy eating program designed to help school-aged children improve their diets by increasing their daily intake of vegetables and fruits. Each weekday during the program, students use the NutriBullet to make healthy vegetable and fruit smoothies. Participants in the program get access to health screenings at the beginning and end of the 90-day period so they can not only feel the difference consuming more fresh vegetables and fruit makes in their lives, but see the results quantified in health indicators such as HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol. 

"Students can do so much better and have a much bigger opportunity in life when nutrition forms a major part of the education process," said Colin Sapire, CEO of NutriBullet. "Our goal is to spread NutriBullet University to schools and afterschool programs across the country, helping students to feel and perform their best by providing access to healthy food."

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