In track and field, there are false starts. This happens when an athlete moves too quickly in a race hence "jumping the gun". The rule is you get one shot. You false start and you are disqualified. No protests....no parents coming to the track and asking for another shot...no applying pressure to officials to "come on...he's just being a kid", or "she has such a bad home life". The rule is, what the rule is. You move you're out. The athletes all know this before hand.
Whether you are the fastest or the first seed, the consequence is the same. Harsh? Maybe to some. But guess what? You rarely see it! Why? The athletes know it will be enforced! We are not doing anyone any favors by taking away consequences. Life isn't always fair and it sure isn't easy! Respect yourself and follow the rules! In the end, there is no easy way! There will be consequences! Have a good one!
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