Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted against a $1.02 trillion omnibus spending bill funded by borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars America does not have and cannot afford to pay back.

Congressman Brooks stated, “Washington has again failed the American people.  While there are NASA and national defense spending provisions in the omnibus I support, I decline to endorse with my vote a process that empowers a select few to draft a trillion-dollar spending bill that increases America’s already perilous $17.2 trillion debt by hundreds of billions of dollars, that weakens America’s long-term financial condition, that is filed at the last second, that is 1,500 pages long, that few if any have had time to read, much less understand, and which no one is allowed to try to amend on the House Floor.”

Congressman Brooks added, “America suffers from a $17 trillion debt and five years of deficits averaging more than $1 trillion/year. Interest on America’s debt exceeds $250 billion/year and is projected by the CBO to reach $800 billion/year within a decade, thus jeopardizing America’s long-term ability to pay for national security, NASA, Social Security, and every other federal program. This omnibus spending bill piles hundreds of billions of dollars onto an already bad debt situation while taking no consequential corrective action, making America’s finances worse, not better.  America’s Comptroller General Gene Dodaro warns that America’s deficit and debt path is ‘unsustainable’ and threatens America with financial ruin.  Prudence and common sense dictate that America heed his warning and act responsibly.  The omnibus spending deal does neither and undermines America’s future.”

Congressman Brooks concluded, “I cannot in good conscience support an omnibus spending bill that, long term, is financially irresponsible and funded by borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars America does not have and cannot afford to pay back.”

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