Thursday, February 1, 2018


What are we doing to our kids? My business has been kids for the past 25 years. Some of the very things I am observing I also did with my own. We are raising them with no sense of "looking forward to" if you will, or "earning " the right of passage or whatever the term may be. 

When we were young we respected the "order" of age limits and we had excitement of looking forward to milestones in our lives. We didn't have official "teams" until you earned your spot on the school's team. We didn't have expensive equipment and the best shoes at young ages. 

We have young kids walking around with championship rings from a tournament that are bigger than their hands. We have "dating" pictures that look like marriage announcements. We have 5th grade dance proposals that look like marriage proposals. Some of our worries that my child may not "get" these things are starting earlier and earlier. 

If there is an understood "right of passage", think how much more our children will work to achieve those than just being given them. It actually meant something back in the day to make the team, or the band, or the squad. It was exciting to one day know that I may get that team uniform or that better equipment. 

Like I said, I am preaching to myself although those days are long gone for me. Maybe, just maybe, we are teaching them to look or pursue something else and God forbid that be something detrimental to them. We need to slow down, let them be kids, and instead of trying to champion "equal" let's champion "earning" and "discipline in waiting." 

I hear and agree with the fact that we are asking kids to do advanced math and reading at younger ages. I hear a lot of opposition. Think about it.....we are socially doing the same things! Slow down! We can teach discipline and patience through "waiting" to reach these milestones. We understand that a child can not process adult decisions, but we force our kids to make those decisions in social situations. I hear it all the time in class. 

Practice takes the place of family time and homework. Like I said ....I was guilty of I know. Let them be little. I am afraid there is going to be a price to pay. Just my take. Have a good one!

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